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Leaving WZ's early


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When you leave a wz because it's a lost cause, all you do is give up your coms, cash and valor. The next person that joins that lost wz does not have time to build up there stats to get anything at all out of that wz but a loss. Yes, you get to queue for a new wz faster but odds are you wont get into a fresh wz, you'll just replace some other quitter's place in a lost wz. Until, BW puts in a penalty for leaving early I'm asking you to consider these facts.
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When you leave a wz because it's a lost cause, all you do is give up your coms, cash and valor. The next person that joins that lost wz does not have time to build up there stats to get anything at all out of that wz but a loss. Yes, you get to queue for a new wz faster but odds are you wont get into a fresh wz, you'll just replace some other quitter's place in a lost wz. Until, BW puts in a penalty for leaving early I'm asking you to consider these facts.


I get your argument, and I used to feel the same way. But I quit warzones regularly now. Sorry, if my team is not communicating and just sitting around, I'm not going to wait out the 10 minutes it takes for it to finish. But if we're at least trying, and fighting, then yes, I will stick it out.


And I don't get why level 10s think it's a good idea to join warzones...

Edited by iheartnyc
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deserters need to have a deserter debuff that keeps them out of wzs for a good long while, at least an hour.


obviously, theyre so stressed out they had to rage quit in the first place. maybe they need to step back a while and breathe, and this would be the best way to do it.


what about people who dc during a wz? oh well, an hour isnt that punitive to me.

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I'm asking you to consider the fact that when I have 3 Warzones I need to win a day, I don't have the patience to deal with 7 other people that don't communicate/don't have the skill/gear required in a situation that is a clear loss. It's lost time sure, but when you weigh out the odds of getting into another warzone that might either be winning or starting fresh you start to not care about it.


PvP dailies take a lot of time as it is, and i'm fine with that, but factoring in more time by waiting out a losing game just isn't my style.


The easiest way to fix quitters is to change the winning warzone daily.

Edited by Norke
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deserters need to have a deserter debuff that keeps them out of wzs for a good long while, at least an hour.


obviously, theyre so stressed out they had to rage quit in the first place. maybe they need to step back a while and breathe, and this would be the best way to do it.


what about people who dc during a wz? oh well, an hour isnt that punitive to me.


That doesn't seem fair, though. An hour is really harsh, especially given that there's quite a few people that are only able to play for 2-3 hours per day. I'd say 10 minutes at least, 15 minutes at most. I think that's perfectly fair. It would also prevent them from re-queuing into the WZ they just got done leaving.

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I'm asking you to consider the fact that when I have 3 Warzones I need to win a day, I don't have the patience to deal with 7 other people that don't communicate/don't have the skill/gear required in a situation that is a clear loss. It's lost time sure, but when you weigh out the odds of getting into another warzone that might either be winning or starting fresh you start to not care about it.


PvP dailies take a lot of time as it is, and i'm fine with that, but factoring in more time by waiting out a losing game just isn't my style.


The easiest way to fix quitters is to change the winning warzone daily.


And how often do you join right into another lost wz? Granted there may be no penalty right now as there are some bugs that will boot you from a wz/

Edited by Killomend
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Debuff is a terrible idea. If I am the type to give up when it looks like the team is going to fail and there is a debuff that will make me wait longer than the end of the match, I would do whatever I could to make the current match as short as possible. Meaning wandering around. Not really helping and letting the other team win.


Allow people to leave. But let the person that replaces them get all the rewards that they would have recieved so the replacement has less of an incentive to leave.

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When you leave a wz because it's a lost cause, all you do is give up your coms, cash and valor. The next person that joins that lost wz does not have time to build up there stats to get anything at all out of that wz but a loss. Yes, you get to queue for a new wz faster but odds are you wont get into a fresh wz, you'll just replace some other quitter's place in a lost wz. Until, BW puts in a penalty for leaving early I'm asking you to consider these facts.


I can understand how do you feel but at the moment I think it's good like this. On my server (legions of lettow eu) republic loses 9 on 10 wzs.

Nearly always ganked at the spawn by Imps. So no, sorry. I feel bad for you but if they have to put a penalty they have to balance factions too or will be the FINAL DEATH of this """"pvp"""".

What I mean is...penalty if I left THE SAME ALWAYS LOSS? Well, no more wz for me, that's all.

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I am for this option , also we need a button to let us out of the warzone if we want . Just today I had a real life emergency to tend through but I could not get leave the group in the warzone and the only way out was task manager . ( I usually don't quit WZ but real life is real life . )

15 mins is a good time for a penalty anything thta takes you away from a wz usually takes around 15 mins or longer

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I am for this option , also we need a button to let us out of the warzone if we want . Just today I had a real life emergency to tend through but I could not get leave the group in the warzone and the only way out was task manager . ( I usually don't quit WZ but real life is real life . )


You will thank me. Right mouseclick the PvP que button. THere's an option to click exit :)

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And how often do you join right into another lost wz? Granted there may be no penalty right now as there are some bugs that will boot you from a wz/


I won't lie, i've joined plenty of other Warzones that either start out fresh and become clear losses, games that are already in the process of being lost, and even game I just quit. But, i've also joined plenty of games that were in the process of being won or became a victory. WZ commendations don't matter to me because it takes so long to farm them out even if you stay in all your games, and if I wanted to farm valor i'd go to ilum. So all WZs are good for are the wins for the first 3 wins of the day, every day.

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If I leave wz early, I usually take 5+ min break anyway just to cool myself a little bit. So 10min deserter debuff really doesn't matter. :D

What this game do need is a notice telling if you want to join a warzone that isn't fresh one.

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I get your argument, and I used to feel the same way. But I quit warzones regularly now. Sorry, if my team is not communicating and just sitting around, I'm not going to wait out the 10 minutes it takes for it to finish. But if we're at least trying, and fighting, then yes, I will stick it out.


And I don't get why level 10s think it's a good idea to join warzones...


Been on low level toons and been top in damage and healing. Not on the same toon, or at the same time of course. If it were just FFA then it would be bad but the player is what is important when there are goals. A level 10 can still prevent someone from taking a turret or putting a bomb on a door. Your level does not matter when you pass the ball or score a point in huttball.

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I think the bigger issue is population imbalance, which leads to gear imbalance, which leads to the weaker side always struggling to get their dailies done, which leads to an even greater gear imbalance.


The whole 'gear through bag through winning 3 WZ' system isn't friendly, fun, nor is it effective. It makes a grind even more noticeable for those that ended up rolling on the under-represented side, through no fault of their own.

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Allow people to leave. But let the person that replaces them get all the rewards that they would have recieved so the replacement has less of an incentive to leave.


Isn't that determined by stats built up over time in a match it's hard to do when you have 2 minutes left in a match. They could make the rewards level across the board but then you will have botters and afk'ers

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I want a deserter's shame debuff on every player that leaves early due to losing the match.


enough said, this debuff should be huge... like 30 minutes or something where you can't enter another. WoW was 15 minutes, but it should be twice that to teach the elitists a lesson.

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I think the bigger issue is population imbalance, which leads to gear imbalance, which leads to the weaker side always struggling to get their dailies done, which leads to an even greater gear imbalance.


The whole 'gear through bag through winning 3 WZ' system isn't friendly, fun, nor is it effective. It makes a grind even more noticeable for those that ended up rolling on the under-represented side, through no fault of their own.


That's what I'm exactly saying from the first day. The early days unbalanced numbers affects THE WHOLE GAME.

For example on Ilum...After I spent one entire month farming wz's to earn rank 60, imperials did in LESS THAN ONE DAY on Ilum. Just because they're TOTALLY overnumbered.

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That's what I'm exactly saying from the first day. The early days unbalanced numbers affects THE WHOLE GAME.

For example on Ilum...After I spent one entire month farming wz's to earn rank 60, imperials did in LESS THAN ONE DAY on Ilum. Just because they're TOTALLY overnumbered.


In my imp guild, most of the lvl50s have not yet reached rank 60 yet, and they've been 50s for weeks. Not everyone farms my friend.

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