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How do you play mouse vs keystroke


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Not to go off topic but you know who really nailed down using hand held controls on a MMO PC? Champions-Online. It never made it to Xbox but it's fully compatible with an xbox360 controller. micromanaging is just as heavy on there but it works like a charm. Use to play on it almost all the time. If SWTOR could somehow adopt the same method i'd use a controller in a heartbeat.


I know the ame is not much to look at or play now but just speaking from experience. It is the only game were you can use more than 12 powers on a xbox 360 controller at a fast rate.

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I move with WASD and turn the camera with the right mouse button. I click my abilities 90% of my abilities. With a sort of peripheral vision (like neither looking at the bar or enemy player) I can see the player, my abilities and the enemy cast bar. I've become very proficent at it and its more comfortable for me. I'm always top damage and kills in WZ's and 1v1 I hardly ever get beaten.


Is it faster to keybind if you are comfortable with it? Yes.

Is it faster to keybind if you are not comfortable with it? No.

Do all people become comfortable with it? No.

Can you succeed in PvP with clicking if its comfortable for you? Yes.


Notice the word comfort. Do whatever is comfortable for you and dont listen to anyone else. This and all games are about enjoyment, dont forget that. I keybinded for my arena team in WoW and I was never comfortable with it and it made me enjoy the game less. Don't do that to yourself, just play whichever way you like.

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I use the wasd keys. I hit the 1-= with my hand if I can. otherwise I use clicker. . .


2 thoughts 1 you can sit and mmorize a bunch of key binds, if it works for you then it works for you. but you don't really have to turn to face your oppenet. your attacks do that for you.


and 2 if you like clikie there's nothign wrong with it nor does it make you a badie as the saying goes. I was shot in the arm in Iraq and I have limited mobility in it since. I have been able to use the mouse and click since it works the best for me, I still face roll others who claim clickie is bad. . .hell in other games I don'teven use macros or adds that some players swear you have to have. I see them as a crutch in which you rely on shortcuts and not so much on skill. You might disagree but its my personal opinion. I have awoman and I aam pretty confident in myself so I don't need thier approval in how I choose to play a game I pay for. (I do like hearing them cry if they know I clickied)

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I move with WASD and turn the camera with the right mouse button. I click my abilities 90% of my abilities. With a sort of peripheral vision (like neither looking at the bar or enemy player) I can see the player, my abilities and the enemy cast bar. I've become very proficent at it and its more comfortable for me. I'm always top damage and kills in WZ's and 1v1 I hardly ever get beaten.


Is it faster to keybind if you are comfortable with it? Yes.

Is it faster to keybind if you are not comfortable with it? No.

Do all people become comfortable with it? No.

Can you succeed in PvP with clicking if its comfortable for you? Yes.


Notice the word comfort. Do whatever is comfortable for you and dont listen to anyone else. This and all games are about enjoyment, dont forget that. I keybinded for my arena team in WoW and I was never comfortable with it and it made me enjoy the game less. Don't do that to yourself, just play whichever way you like.


I agree with you, however I have most of my abilities binded, or tied to my Naga. I feel that you should just do whatever feels most comfortable to you. I used to be a clicker, but gradually got used to binding my abilities.

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