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Deny it if you will, but you'll watch EPI in 3D


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I am not paying $15 + Food/Drinks to watch a movie in 3D. Sorry, that's just an ungodly amount of money to spend on a movie. The entrance itself costs more than my subscription for an entire month for SW:TOR, so I'll just play online and watch the movie at home if I want... 3D isn't that great anyway.
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you know, its fake 3D, if the footage wasnt recorded by a sterocopic camera-rig,


what they do is, they take every single image from the original movie, rebuild

it in CG, and use a program to calculate the second, off setted image from

the one source image and those CG replacments


it took 2 years and cots 100.000.000 dollars to do that ... thats MADness ^^

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Let me tell you a story:


If you would invente the pen and not copyright it.

And you show your friend how to make a pen and he makes and copyrights it.


Then by law he is the invetor of the pen.

Even if he screw you over.


And eagames is know to screw over custimers if i where you i would hit them where it hurt in there wallet and tell everyone to boycot eagames:D

Edited by internaty
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I watched it once in the theater when it first came out.


About a year or two later, after it had been out on DVD for several months, the wife and I got into a debate about Star Wars and she wanted to watch the whole series. We made the mistake of renting Ep 1. Despite our best efforts, we were unable to watch that movie for more than a few minutes before we started hitting the fast forward button. Overall, we fast forwarded through everything except the lightsaber battles.


I love how the OP assumes that everyone else out there shares his love of the series. For me, I loved Ep 4 and 5 and I'm looking forward to seeing those two in the theater when they come out. As for the rest, you might as well ask me to go see the latest Twilight movie or something (and no, I'm not a 12-year old girl, so I have no interest in seeing that either).

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I am a lifelong Star Wars fan. I am fairly financially-secure so cost is not an issue. I am NOT going to see any of the movies in 3D because I recognize it for what it is: a gimmick to make money that doesn't make movies any better, except for the rare few actually originally shot in 3D and properly using the advantages of 3D for immersion and not for 3D gags.


Lucas has gone to the well a few times too many already with the Star Wars movies, and I'm sure he'll go there a few times more. I can't wait for the "Han Shot First Special Edition", followed by the "Han Shot First 3D Edition". Followed by the "Jabba Was Actually a Human Edition". Followed by the "Anakin Only Became Evil Because the Emperor Gave him Drugs Edition".

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See, here's the thing...


I was 3 years old when EP1 came out (yes, mock my age). I never got to see any of the movies in the theaters, so here's my chance. I personally don't like EP1 as much as the others (like everone else apparently), but I can still see it on the big screen. I will watch all of the others as well when they are re-released.

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Actually, no I won't.


After reading what Lucas said regarding our feedback on how he's personally treated the saga, I personally won't ever give a damn if I never enjoy another product from anything other than licensees regarding the Star Wars IP. The live-action series can die in a fire. From now on the books no longer draw my attention and with this raving mad idea to 3D-ize the worst of all 6 movies he can go choke on every dollar he ever made off me.


Bioware's dalliance in the IP is one of my last sojourns into the IP, if not THE last. After this...well I just don't know for sure, but it won't be the same.

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Why the hell would you willingly pay money to see TPM again. You did see it the first time right? You know how horrible it is going to be? You know the version in the theatres on Friday isn't the Rifftrax version right?


Ha! They really did a good job with the Rifftrax on the prequels, but who doesn't like watching Star Wars on the big screen? Add in one of the best saber fights in all the movies + the podrace in 3D? Yeah i'm going to see it on the Ultrascreen!

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I don't think I will be. I have the complete saga on blu-ray and a 46" tv to watch it on so if I want to enjoy Ep1 (and I DID enjoy it) then I'll just watch it at home.


I've decided I'm at least going to see Ep4 when it comes out in a few years, only because I'm curious to see how a 38 year old movie will look in 3D. Still undecided on ESB or ROTJ.

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