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Mercenary - Very easy to solo


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...as a Bodyguard (Healer).


A healing Mercenary with a healing companion. That's right! I can solo just about any named Champion and Heroic 4+ quests.


We wear heavy armor and can definitely take some hits. Mako in healing stance usually keeps my health above 70% against Elites and Champions in combination with Kolto Shell and a few heals of my own when I drop below. With proper heat management, we can keep ourselves alive with infinite heals.


Soloing is very easy yet it can take a bit of time to complete Heroic 4+ quests or soloing a named Champion. Depending on what you're fighting, you may find yourself healing yourself more and DPS less but gradually the mob will die. Normal quest content is a walk in the park.


So for new players who are considering a healing Mercenary spec, you'll have a great time plowing through content considering you use your abilities properly. :cool:


- Baroness Aten'ra

- Ajunta Pall (RP-PVP)

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Unfortunately, Merc companion options kind of forces people to go either Arsenal+Mako or Arsenal+Torian. BG+Blizz takes forever, Gault is next to useless, Skadge is just another version of Blizz. I wanted to heal from 40-50 so I was familiar with it for HM FP and guild raids, but @43 I gave up from the slow pace of it and went back to Arsenal til 50. :(


Until they buff up tank companions, it seems we're locked into the combos above (efficiency-wise).

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Geared Gault + BG Merc = Pretty good combo, Gault will hit like a truck, but is very very squishy.


Geared Torian + BG Merc = I killed elites as fast as my Arsenal+Mako build.



I run with Torian as my companion since lvl 48 and he absolutely destroys elites and strongs. He is also pretty dang easy to keep alive. The only problem is you really do not get a decent weapon for him until the Belsavis dailies.

Edited by BlownSi
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