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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People are exaggerating the few problems SWTOR has.


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lol No one cares about your kiddie mmo (wow) or your crap game that most people have never heard of (gw) so feel free to get out and go play those god awful games.


Lol whatever, go look up footage of the 'GW2 Shatterer' fights on youtube. See for yourself... or continue fighting 'elite' mobs who are only elite because they have pretty yellow stars by their name like they do in SWTOR. You clearly have much to learn about MMO's.

SWTOR is far more 'kiddie' than WoW ever was, don't kid yourself. At least some of the gameplay and boss fights in WoW had depth. This game is so easymode, it makes Hello Kitty games look hardcore.

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Yea because a customer service department that can't even bother to give you a non copy-paste response would definitely read such a thread a take action...The only threads they seem to care about are the "NERF X HARD I'M SO 1337 LEET HAXOR AND I CAN'T BEAT IT herp-derp"

I actually get better responses on forum warnings than in game tickets.

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SWTOR is far more 'kiddie' than WoW ever was, don't kid yourself. At least some of the gameplay and boss fights in WoW had depth. This game is so easymode, it makes Hello Kitty games look hardcore.


Yeah, now if you will excuse me I'm going to go work on leveling my jedi cartoon pandabear.




Go play wow or GW (bump the playerbase up to 100 people lol) then....

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If you think SWTOR only has a "few" problems, then you obviously haven't played enough.




Last boss in the game is bugged. Every week they attempt to fix him it gets worse.

There is the whole latency issue. You would notice this if you did any real PvP or NM ops.



These are the two main bugs imo.


And to the guy that keeps bashing wow and called it a kiddie game I lol @ you, as you were probably a bad player there as well that has no idea what they are doing.


This game is a billion times easier than any WoW raid. The hardest difficulty in WoW dominates these ops by far, and there is much more work put into them. Granted that team has the experience, but to call WoW a "kiddie game" is kinda silly. By your replies you seem to me to be another baddy, that spews everything, but really knows nothing. You are a fool if you think any mmo had more bugs than this game on release.

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Yeah, now if you will excuse me I'm going to go work on leveling my jedi cartoon pandabear.




Go play wow or GW (bump the playerbase up to 100 people lol) then....



Umm there are a billion things you could say make this game a "kiddie" game. It's easier than any single player game I am playing atm. Go troll elsewhere.


I am sure you did all the harmode raids in WoW right? No, because if you did you would know you sound like an idiot.


This game does have some serious issues. People posting their complaints are not trying to deter gamers away, they are trying to have their game fixed.


This is an awesome game. If you can't deal with people's concerns maybe you should stop reading the forums.

Edited by Remidi
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It's easier than any single player game I am playing atm. Go troll elsewhere.


Let's compare apples to oranges while we're at it. Comparing single player to an mmo makes no sense....


I am sure you did all the harmode raids in WoW right? No, because if you did you would know you sound like an idiot.



I did all the hardmode raids in WoW. They were easy. They were boring. They were recycled. Did you have a point?

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Last boss in the game is bugged. Every week they attempt to fix him it gets worse.

There is the whole latency issue. You would notice this if you did any real PvP or NM ops.



These are the two main bugs imo.


And to the guy that keeps bashing wow and called it a kiddie game I lol @ you, as you were probably a bad player there as well that has no idea what they are doing.


This game is a billion times easier than any WoW raid. The hardest difficulty in WoW dominates these ops by far, and there is much more work put into them. Granted that team has the experience, but to call WoW a "kiddie game" is kinda silly. By your replies you seem to me to be another baddy, that spews everything, but really knows nothing. You are a fool if you think any mmo had more bugs than this game on release.


My whole reason of buying this game was PvP. NOT only do they lack any real open world PvP/RvR, but EVERY freaking time I decide to PvP in Ilum (crap) or Warzones everything slows to a crawl and latency shoots through the roof.

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Let's compare apples to oranges while we're at it. Comparing single player to an mmo makes no sense....




I did all the hardmode raids in WoW. They were easy. They were boring. They were recycled. Did you have a point?


WoW raids before any expansions were harder than anything SWTOR has to offer. I'd even say BC raids were more difficult than NM EV and NM KP. You're right though. The hardmode raids in WoW now are a joke, just like they are in this game.

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WoW raids before any expansions were harder than anything SWTOR has to offer. I'd even say BC raids were more difficult than NM EV and NM KP. You're right though. The hardmode raids in WoW now are a joke, just like they are in this game.


Molten Core was better than anything this crap game has to offer. They didn't even have the persistence to include Black Talon-like situations to all their other content.

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WoW raids before any expansions were harder than anything SWTOR has to offer. I'd even say BC raids were more difficult than NM EV and NM KP. You're right though. The hardmode raids in WoW now are a joke, just like they are in this game.


If you think about it, MC back in the day was 40 man - it was developed for 40 people, which was really hard to coordinate. I don't even think Vent was available back then. Teamspeak was terribad. Oh the horror yet fun organized chaos of those days. People complained that it was too hard to fill groups, and content was too hard, so.... they made things easier by cutting the group down to 25 and made fights easier. The majority of the community was pleased by this.


BW took a page from that book and gave us what we have today. If content was too hard at the start, people would cry about it and it would get nerfed. Heck, there are people who cry about not finding groups right now - hence the mass amounts crying for a LFG tool.


People are going to cry no matter what is done in a game - no matter the nerfs to appease the casuals or the buffs to appease the hardcore.... people will cry.

Edited by Vellvette
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It's boring to play.


That's a huge problem. =/

Then perhaps master ... a game with less thinking and less character plot involvement would better serve your MMO gaming desires? Maybe one more focused on blind loot grinding and ilevel epeening? Of course you would never come right out and say it, but it bares asking- whose payroll are you on? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Then perhaps master ... a game with less thinking and less character plot involvement would better serve your MMO gaming desires? Maybe one more focused on blind loot grinding and ilevel epeening? Of course you would never come right out and say it, but it bares asking- whose payroll are you on?


Oh BS. The whole point of the gameplay is loot grinding and epeen, whether you're PvP or PvE. Gimme a break.


Secondly, I am disappointed by the quality of the writing and the plot development of the stories. The class stories are about what I'd expect from any voiced rpg, and nothing more. The side-quest stories are also pedestrian, and I have yet to see one that compares with my favourite quests from, say, Fallout 3.


I'm not saying it fails on story; I'm saying it doesn't excel because of story.



Well said! If you want WoW, go back to WoW. Though I do miss a flying mount....:)

As an ex Hunter, Mako is cooler than my Wolf.


I had more epic moments with my timberwolf, DennisQuaid, than I have had in any aspect of TOR thus far. I have grown to hate most of my companions for griefing me so much. In any event, your "go back to WoW" attitude is probably more detrimental to this game than anything (as well as ironic, considering this game is so much like WoW in almost every way, aside from the size of the playerbase and the perceived quality of the game).

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Unfortunately for any of you posting, none of you (unless I know you) have a world first of vanilla raids. Fortunately for me, I do. You want to talk about balance? You want to talk about how people cheesed mechanics or encounters? Maybe even talk a little about how many guilds cheated their way to getting the AQ server-first mount? WoW was so bugged, cheated, malformed and so totally broken with their raids, that literally hundreds of people were banned without even knowing how they beat an encounter. My server, of course was the first to beat AQ40, NAX, and MC. However, those that came after us, although it wasn't even a week after we did it, Blizzard decided to ban them because they were awarded the mount. Who's fault was this?


We come here, and see what BioWare is doing, almost the opposite. Despite a few bugs, which sure can be annoying, aren't game breaking, aren't affecting the entire world as a competitive raid encounter, and definitely isn't doing so much wrong with the mechanics or encounters that entire servers are being banned.


People who claim this game is so buggy, and still claim to give the nod to other MMOs are immature in their assumptions. You have yet to experience content that the developers have even imagined could be beaten in such a time. Today, we consume content at such a fast rate that there is almost no possible way encounters could ever be bug free, no amount of testing could even touch the variety the general public does to them. You say they're buggy and un-playable, I tell you that you are trying to stretch the encounter beyond the means they were designed for, even if you were the one to see the bug.


Do common bugs exist in our Operations? Sure, they exist in every raid, you see it often when a guild gets banned for exploiting it. Why then, are you so overjoyed to find a bug? You would have normally been banned by any other developer. A common bug is just that, common, don't complain about how it's not fixed if you have no idea of the timeframe it takes to fix it. Some of you I see complain about bugs that existed since beta, but do you have any idea of how long it could possibly take to fix? Of course not, you'd rather complain and say the game was un-playable instead of trying to adapt.


I adapted, 39 of my fellow raiders adapted, and we adapted to a game you now claim is better than this one. You are wrong.

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Unfortunately for any of you posting, none of you (unless I know you) have a world first of vanilla raids. Fortunately for me, I do. You want to talk about balance? You want to talk about how people cheesed mechanics or encounters? Maybe even talk a little about how many guilds cheated their way to getting the AQ server-first mount? WoW was so bugged, cheated, malformed and so totally broken with their raids, that literally hundreds of people were banned without even knowing how they beat an encounter. My server, of course was the first to beat AQ40, NAX, and MC. However, those that came after us, although it wasn't even a week after we did it, Blizzard decided to ban them because they were awarded the mount. Who's fault was this?


We come here, and see what BioWare is doing, almost the opposite. Despite a few bugs, which sure can be annoying, aren't game breaking, aren't affecting the entire world as a competitive raid encounter, and definitely isn't doing so much wrong with the mechanics or encounters that entire servers are being banned.


People who claim this game is so buggy, and still claim to give the nod to other MMOs are immature in their assumptions. You have yet to experience content that the developers have even imagined could be beaten in such a time. Today, we consume content at such a fast rate that there is almost no possible way encounters could ever be bug free, no amount of testing could even touch the variety the general public does to them. You say they're buggy and un-playable, I tell you that you are trying to stretch the encounter beyond the means they were designed for, even if you were the one to see the bug.


Do common bugs exist in our Operations? Sure, they exist in every raid, you see it often when a guild gets banned for exploiting it. Why then, are you so overjoyed to find a bug? You would have normally been banned by any other developer. A common bug is just that, common, don't complain about how it's not fixed if you have no idea of the timeframe it takes to fix it. Some of you I see complain about bugs that existed since beta, but do you have any idea of how long it could possibly take to fix? Of course not, you'd rather complain and say the game was un-playable instead of trying to adapt.


I adapted, 39 of my fellow raiders adapted, and we adapted to a game you now claim is better than this one. You are wrong.


That's an awfully long way of saying because wow was buggy it's ok for swtor to be.


No it's not, that logic makes no sense this is 2012 many many years after wow's release.


You want a more accurate comparison, did you play rift at release? do you play rift now? weekly effective patches most released via rolling restarts.


That's how you release an mmo. And that this one had a far larger budget just makes the problems more embarrassing.


And that's just the bugs not the features we've come to expect from mmo's that are missing.

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