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People are exaggerating the few problems SWTOR has.


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This game is a piece of garbage. They spent 200 million dollars and did a piss poor job with it. That's it.


This. I'm sorry, I played WoW at launch, there were things about it that sucked, but the subpar state this game is in is ridiculous. The game plays like a beta. Stop defending EA for pushing BW to release a game that was far from ready. The launch of a game in 2011 should not be significantly behind the launch of a game released almost a decade ago.

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The game is fun your first time through, if you aren't playing one of the classes with severely bugged quests. My experience is almost everyone who's at 50 and absolutely everyone who has a 2nd 50 realizes the bad state the game is in. It's those on their first play through who haven't seen through it yet.
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With the budget avaliable this game should have been amazing, truly amazing, and it's just a decent MMO with excellent voice acting and a story.


Do I like it?, Sure, but if it wasn't for Bioware, story and it being Star Wars I would have quit after a week. Not because it is a bad game, but simply because without those three things it is just plain average in everything.


The issue is that people doesn't want to play average....they want great, and are disappointed with silly mistakes that shouldn't happen from a developer of this quality.

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This game is a piece of garbage. They spent 200 million dollars and did a piss poor job with it. That's it.


This. I'm sorry, I played WoW at launch, there were things about it that sucked, but the subpar state this game is in is ridiculous. The game plays like a beta. Stop defending EA for pushing BW to release a game that was far from ready. The launch of a game in 2011 should not be significantly behind the launch of a game released almost a decade ago.

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This game is a piece of garbage. They spent 200 million dollars and did a piss poor job with it. That's it.


You've obviously got plenty of money, to pay a sub just to troll here.

Edited by Urko
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The game is fun your first time through, if you aren't playing one of the classes with severely bugged quests. My experience is almost everyone who's at 50 and absolutely everyone who has a 2nd 50 realizes the bad state the game is in. It's those on their first play through who haven't seen through it yet.


just thought I would add this in since we are just using random opinion as fact now


50 merc [geared]

50 sorc [newly 50]

32 sentinel

14 scoundral

10 shadow

11 vanguard


on 3 diffrent servers


I play every day [would be playing right now but not at home] and love it just as much as when I started just to let you see the perspective of someone on the other side of the fence


like I said I run into very few buggs or performance problems. the worst being my merc got stuck on the spirit of vengence and I had 17 hours left on my fleet pass cooldown with no responce from C.S. so I did not get to play her that day oh well thats what alts are for.


is this the best mmo or game ever? not even close, it lacks in alot of departments


is this game more fun to play than any other mmo? in my opinon yes

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as for fps issues I have a old computer with a i3 and gtx 550 and the game plays fine for me on high settings without shadows, i lag occasionally in warzones but it is far from unplayable and has improved considerably since beta and launch. I am not saying people dont have problems but it seems every fps problem is unique and I agree 100% people are over exagerating when it comes to bugs and fps issues


I don't believe you. High settings on an i3 with a gtx550 and you "lag occasionally in warzones"? I don't believe you.


I think some people are underexaggerating when it comes to bugs and fps issues.

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When will people learn that comparing this game to WoW's launch is not a valid argument.


If you're trying to draw customers to your product, you need to make something comparable or better than what is allready out there.


Would you buy an MP3 player that had less functionality than the current Ipod, but it had more features than when Ipod was first released? Unless you had a fetish for buying poor-quality products you wouldn't.


Everyone has the right to, and should, complain that TOR offers less than WoW does in it's current incarnation.

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not getting credit for warzone wins twords their daily in no way makes it so a player cannot play the game so yes it is minor


So for you anything that you can do while logged in is a minor bug. I guess that only not being able to log in you would consider a major bug. O wait some people have been having that problem also.


Not being able to move (stuck with no way to move or do anything)? Got that

Not being able to log in or stay connected? Got that



So what would you consider a major bug?

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I have not encountered any bugs, that have caused the game to be unplayable, annoying bug or two yes, and the stablilty of the game is awesome, I have been through many mmo launches, some really bad ones like AOC, some pretty smooth like lotro and rift, but all of them had bugs at launch, no mmo ever launched has been bug free and perfect, and I doubt there ever will be one..
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Game is not broken at all, but is lacking features that a modern MMO is suppose to ship with. TERA delayed their game so they could put in LFG and other rings and bells in. I heard a lot about their political system too. Might be interesting. SWTOR on the other hand hasn't done anything revolutionary. Just another generic mmo with the brand Star Wars on it and added voice overs. Voice overs alone is not gonna make this game win in the long run. Edited by Volksworgen
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I don't believe you. High settings on an i3 with a gtx550 and you "lag occasionally in warzones"? I don't believe you.


I think some people are underexaggerating when it comes to bugs and fps issues.


absolutly true


like i said there is lag but it is just not so much as to make it unplayable, sometimes my knockbacks dont fire on time is the biggest problems and it is really hard to run the ball or pass in huttball because as soon as I get the ball my fps takes a huge dive


I know people with better comps than mine who have worse issues thats why I said it seem every case is unique when it comes to the fps and performance issues


now if we are talking illum in a big battle then yes it is barely playable but you do learn to work around it and just dont let it get to you if you die because of lag


the way I see it [through my rose cloored glasses as so many like to put it, which is a stupid dated saying]


is this a problem? yes, is bioware working on it? yes, has here been improvements? yes [that I have seen on my computer]


is the game broken? no. are they ignoring the issues? no. are the working with the comunity? yes. are they addressing missing features? Yes

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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So for you anything that you can do while logged in is a minor bug. I guess that only not being able to log in you would consider a major bug. O wait some people have been having that problem also.


Not being able to move (stuck with no way to move or do anything)? Got that

Not being able to log in or stay connected? Got that



So what would you consider a major bug?


*this is just my opinon and the base for me agreeing that people over exaggerate the problems that are in game. and with everything there are alot of issues that are unique and situational that do not fit in to this opinon


not being able to move = not being able to play = major bug

not being able to log in or stay connected = not being able to play = major bug


not reciving credit for daily = minor

not being able to finish side quest = minor

not being able to click on random object = minor [as long as it doesnt hinder your advancing your story or character]


happens everytime with no work around = major

happens somtimes with workaround = minor

not being able to play or advance your character/story = major


there are major bugs in the game, I am not trying to say there is not. but most of what people complain about are a minor inconveinence but the try to make it sound like the game is broken. that is what I thought this thread was about and what I responded too

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like i said there is lag it is just not so much as to make it unplayable, sometimes my knockbacks dont fire on time is the biggest problems and it is really hard to run the ball or pass in huttball because as soon as I get the ball my fps takes a huge dive


Ok, maybe not "unplayable" by definition... how about "broken". Sounds like issues that cause you to die, but you can just rez and re-die again and again. So technically I guess that's "playing".

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Is swtor missing almost every decent feature modern mmo's have and that people take for granted? (server transfers/forums/cross server bg's, instances/in game, out of game re-customization) Sure, does it have more bugs then my ant farm? sure. Isn't it missing more graphical configuration then it has? sure.


But guys come on...can't we all just accept what we're given without complaint?


Wont sticking our heads in the sand be far better then trying to get problems addressed?


Oh hey a twelve year old who played Wow when Cataclysm came out acting like he knows everything.

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*this is just my opinon and the base for me agreeing that people over exaggerate the problems that are in game. and with everything there are alot of issues that are unique and situational that do not fit in to this opinon...


not reciving credit for daily = minor


This one, in my opinion, is major, no exaggerating. Winning a warzone, not getting credit, and then having to spend another hour of my time trying to do what I already did... that's major.

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Ok, maybe not "unplayable" by definition... how about "broken". Sounds like issues that cause you to die, but you can just rez and re-die again and again. So technically I guess that's "playing".


yeah thats how I play pvp what of it :D


no seriously though someone [oh it was you :D sorry] doesnt believe that with my computer I dont get lag so I was just clearifying my situation in warzones. but no I dont consider it broken at all, needs improvement yes but not broken in anyway. I love pvp and love the warzones its one of my favorite parts about the game and is extreamly fun to play even with some of the performance problems.

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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