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Class advice


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I've played a Jugg, Sent and a Shadow up to the 30's. My only quirk about these classes is that I'm sitting having to meditate and restore health after every fight, or every other fight. I know, not a big deal, but doesn't give me the warm fuzzy's. Is there another class that solo's more efficiently than the ones I listed above?
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Ok cool, I wasn't sure. In MMO's I almost always play the best soloing class to max level first before actually tackling the class I want to concentrate on. I know, weird but that is always how I've played.


I'll mess around with a few others then before treking onto 50.

Edited by ElevenBfour
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Bounty Hunters are head and shoulders above all other classes Imp side when it comes to soloing. Heavy armor +ranged + healing companion at level 6... easymode.


Thanks for the suggestion, haven't tried one of those yet. Would you suggest a Merc or a PT for soloing? Or again, is it about the same?

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Healer sorcerer can go pretty much non-stop as well. Slap a bubble on Khem, send him in and start zapping things with lightning. Probably the case with most healers, actually. I fought pretty much non-stop as an healing operative as well.


A geared assassin tank (and I'd imagine Shadow one) can also just keep going, once you get the talent that adds the healing to chain lightning.


Also, if you go biochem and make yourself a reusable medkit, that can get rid of downtime as well. Every 90s, boom, chunk of your health back.

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