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When DM came out most people had not even finished what was in at launch. That's the issue here. Content has been ripped through in TOR. MC wasn't even cleared until 5 months after launch and when BWL came out the overwhelming majority of guilds hadn't even cleared MC yet. That is why you have some saying that there isn't enough content here. Content is only as expansive as the time it takes to clear it.


I hope this is a sign of things to come. This standard model of MMOs are tired and inefficient. Spend months creating some big dungeons, only to have it cleared within a week by the hard core players, and never completed by the casual players. Varying levels of difficulty within the same dungeon is just cheap.

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When DM came out most people had not even finished what was in at launch. That's the issue here. Content has been ripped through in TOR. MC wasn't even cleared until 5 months after launch and when BWL came out the overwhelming majority of guilds hadn't even cleared MC yet. That is why you have some saying that there isn't enough content here. Content is only as expansive as the time it takes to clear it.


I'd say that the mindset of the people who are clearing it has changed for the worse.


People are rushing.


And yes, playing 102 hrs in 10 days is rushing to the end. That is what several people said they did. >>;

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Correction: WoW is Warcraft the MMORPG, SWTOR is KOTOR 3 with online capabilities.


I dont compare the two because one is a game made to be an MMORPG, the other is a single player game with online capabilities pretending to be an MMORPG. This game is no more MMORPG than Quake which could also be played online with many people.


When it comes to MMORPGs This game, much like Guild Wars, (is what you would call a child that your wife gave birth to from another man) of MMOs...Take out the class storyline and what you have is next to nothing, very hallow and doesnt even have something that resembles a community.


7:40pm eastern, alt-tabbed out of game while typing and the entire 27 people in the Republic fleet as typed...5 things in chat. 3 asking for group and 2 saying the have items on the GTN.


We will see how long the blinders can stay on after you guys are done leveling at least 1 alt to 50 and realize the game is half done and judging by the devs responses, will never be a full tilt MMORPG as we know it.

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I'd say that the mindset of the people who are clearing it has changed for the worse.


People are rushing.


And yes, playing 102 hrs in 10 days is rushing to the end. That is what several people said they did. >>;


People did the same as well at WOW launch. Difference was it didn't matter due to larger time sinks. It took time to get attuned, to get geared, to level to max, etc. If BW had simply slowed down the game a bit, not turn it into a grind, just a bit, then some of this issue could have been avoided. You will always have some that play an inordinate amount of time. You cannot really help that gang. However, when people playing an average of 21-28 hours a week max out and finish most if not all content in 4-6 weeks you are going to have issues.


P.S. Rolling new characters, to me, is not content. A MMO has to be able to stand on 'Main Character' content if they are to avoid the 'content is lacking' issue. That may be some of the problem here as well. BW expects people to play multiple characters. Unfortunately, a lot of people who play the genre aren't going to be satisfied with that.

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People did the same as well at WOW launch. Difference was it didn't matter due to larger time sinks. It took time to get attuned, to get geared, to level to max, etc. If BW had simply slowed down the game a bit, not turn it into a grind, just a bit, then some of this issue could have been avoided. You will always have some that play an inordinate amount of time. You cannot really help that gang. However, when people playing an average of 21-28 hours a week max out and finish most if not all content in 4-6 weeks you are going to have issues.


P.S. Rolling new characters, to me, is not content. A MMO has to be able to stand on 'Main Character' content if they are to avoid the 'content is lacking' issue. That may be some of the problem here as well. BW expects people to play multiple characters. Unfortunately, a lot of people who play the genre aren't going to be satisfied with that.


You're telling me that Bioware should have had that many hours of content at launch?



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Wrong again, Wow = Wow. Swtor = Every mistake any mmo has ever made in the past 10 years repeated again because bw decided learning from others mistakes would have made too much sense.


That is honestly an accurate statement. I never thought of it like that. It seems SWTOR is taking everything that I hate in the other MMOs I play and combining them together.

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The thing i keep hearing reapeated is that SWTOR doens't have the same amount of content as WoW. WoW is 7 years older than SWTOR. When Wow came out it didnt have the same content as WoW. The first "Major" content expansion in world of warcraft was dire maul. that was about 6 months after it came out. so for everyone whos main concern is content. that takes time. same thing with the mod questions there were no mods when wow came out. development takes time, if you dont like the gameplay or the mechanics go play WoW, or wait a few months and see what happens. If it doesn't change easy fix /uninstall. But it takes time to tell a story and it takes time to properly impliment things in any game. WoW wasn't built in a day and anyone who expects any MMO to be will always be sadly dissapointed.


So, you're saying that we are supposed to wait 7 YEARS of development to get anywhere near to a polished finish like WoW has? I don't think so.


SWTOR is supposed to be competing against the MODERN DAY WoW, not something that was released back in 2004. No. WoW wasn't built in a day but players these days expect a certain amount of quality from an MMO. WoW set the standard for what a modern MMO should have. I guess EA/BW though that having simple voice overs and a well known IP, would make their game an instant hit. Well they thought wrong.

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WoW is WoW, yes.


SWTOR is WoW circa 2006 or 2007 (probably when the design docs for SWTOR were being written - that's why there are pretty much no features that other MMOs have developed since that time in SWTOR). The only real difference is lighstabers and blaster pistols.

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Yes I am. Why not? WOW in 2004 did. Is it a stretch to expect a game today to do so as well?


Let me ask this another way. Why release a game knowing that for a significant amount of the population there won't be enough content to keep them occupied for 60 DAYS? If you think launching a MMO today without enough content to keep a significant part of the player base occupied for 2 months isn't an issue then I really can't say anything else.

Edited by PjPablo
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When DM came out most people had not even finished what was in at launch. That's the issue here. Content has been ripped through in TOR. MC wasn't even cleared until 5 months after launch and when BWL came out the overwhelming majority of guilds hadn't even cleared MC yet. That is why you have some saying that there isn't enough content here. Content is only as expansive as the time it takes to clear it.


Those days are done. Raids are no longer raids. BioWare should have honestly used the BC WoW model for raids and opened with an epic 8 man raid and some 16 man raid bosses thrown in for the bigger guilds.


Instead the chose to use the current WoW model of ****** raids with multiple difficulties. The worst decision Blizzard made in terms of raiding in that game and BioWare copies it but makes it worse. At least people care about Deathwing.

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nuff said.. just play what you want, we'll play what we want! If you like WOW, then go play WOW.. We all have our own opinions and such., right now SwTor doesn't stand out much compared to Wow.. but let's give it a chance right?.. that's all.. :rolleyes:


we dont care about wow.;)

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Those days are done. Raids are no longer raids. BioWare should have honestly used the BC WoW model for raids and opened with an epic 8 man raid and some 16 man raid bosses thrown in for the bigger guilds.


Instead the chose to use the current WoW model of ****** raids with multiple difficulties. The worst decision Blizzard made in terms of raiding in that game and BioWare copies it but makes it worse. At least people care about Deathwing.


Could you imagine if FPs were like Heroic Shattered Halls from BC? OMG the crying!!!

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Yes I am. Why not? WOW in 2004 did. Is it a stretch to expect a game today to do so as well?


Let me ask this another way. Why release a game knowing that for a significant amount of the population there won't be enough content to keep them occupied for 60 DAYS? If you think launching a MMO today without enough content to keep a significant part of the player base occupied for 2 months isn't an issue then I really can't say anything else.


WoW didn't come out with any real story, either. It was just grind.

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Look don't bother pointing out that they're 2 different games using 2 different engines with 2 different companies behind them with varying experiences.


These people's brains can't comprehend that much complexity. To them all MMOs are based on the same engine and all glitches can be fixed in the exact same way.


BW is purposely taking their time with fixing issues because they secretly hate us...

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Swtor really isn't doing well. They currently sit at 1.7mill subs after selling over 2.5million copies of the game. So Swtor is down 800k subs in what, a month? Yea that looks real good for a game trying to combat something 6 times its size. Thats right, currently wow has 600% of the subscribers that Swtor has.
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it's just that,.. they are complaining about SWTOR even though it is just 2 months old.. right?.. I know..4 to 5 years in the making? I know all that..it's just that.. Give BioWare a chance to correct things..


Why? Why should they get time to correct things? Things shouldn't need to be corrected in the first place.

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Swtor really isn't doing well. They currently sit at 1.7mill subs after selling over 2.5million copies of the game. So Swtor is down 800k subs in what, a month? Yea that looks real good for a game trying to combat something 6 times its size. Thats right, currently wow has 600% of the subscribers that Swtor has.


be good if you compared apples with apples.


wow has around 4.5m western subs. the rest is asian pay per hour numbers.


star wars released 2 months ago and has nearly half that wedge.


2months ago.


2 months.


swtor has lots of stuff to fix and add. but has half the sub base of the most popular mmo for the last 7 years. in 2 months.


2 months.

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