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nuff said.. just play what you want, we'll play what we want! If you like WOW, then go play WOW.. We all have our own opinions and such., right now SwTor doesn't stand out much compared to Wow.. but let's give it a chance right?.. that's all.. :rolleyes:
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nuff said.. just play what you want, we'll play what we want! If you like WOW, then go play WOW.. We all have our own opinions and such., right now SwTor doesn't stand out much compared to Wow.. but let's give it a chance right?.. that's all.. :rolleyes:


just for future reference, when people compare tor with wow, they do it on a legitimate basis because they share an incredible amount of game mechanics and features. There isn't much deviation between the two games when you take off the bioware goggles and see whats beneath the glow sticks and blasters.

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it's just that,.. they are complaining about SWTOR even though it is just 2 months old.. right?.. I know..4 to 5 years in the making? I know all that..it's just that.. Give BioWare a chance to correct things..


Rift which spent at least a 1/4 less to make fixed more in the first week then swtor has in 6 weeks

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it's just that,.. they are complaining about SWTOR even though it is just 2 months old.. right?.. I know..4 to 5 years in the making? I know all that..it's just that.. Give BioWare a chance to correct things..


They can take whatever time they want to fix anything they want. That is their prerogative. That said, subscribers can a complaint whenever they want about whatever they want about a game they're paying for.


As a whole, there hasn't been enough communication between the developers and the players imo so bioware hasn't even been coming in here to defend themselves and say they'll be fixing X class and Y bug and adding Z down the road, or at least they're not reaching out as effectively as they could.


One thing to note is the frustration that you see isn't exclusive to the forums. Just putting that out there.

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it's just that,.. they are complaining about SWTOR even though it is just 2 months old.. right?.. I know..4 to 5 years in the making? I know all that..it's just that.. Give BioWare a chance to correct things..


I don't know how long do you expect people to wait? a year?

There are some serious new comers coming to the MMO scene this year (TERA,GW2) and if BW can't get their act together people will swap. Do not also forget the boys and girls at blizzard who are working on their new expansion aswell.


I want this game to succeed so badly but im starting to lose my faith here.

Edited by Traven
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Rift which spent at least a 1/4 less to make fixed more in the first week then swtor has in 6 weeks



Above the Surface troll is above the surface.



Go back underground troll!




We know that Rift was never a good game... so by default they "fixed" all they felt like in a week while swtor just had some poor patches...

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Above the Surface troll is above the surface.



Go back underground troll!




We know that Rift was never a good game... so by default they "fixed" all they felt like in a week while swtor just had some poor patches...



This is what fascinated me with the rift trolls. I played the game and it felt as klunky as it gets and played out like a carbon copy of wow. No one will ever explain how rift is any different in any meaningful way, yet they come in here and bash on tor, as if Rift isn't guilty of copying wow just as much if not more.


Ever wonder if they're not trolls, but they're really just like that?

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They can take whatever time they want to fix anything they want. That is their prerogative. That said, subscribers can a complaint whenever they want about whatever they want about a game they're paying for.


As a whole, there hasn't been enough communication between the developers and the players imo so bioware hasn't even been coming in here to defend themselves and say they'll be fixing X class and Y bug and adding Z down the road, or at least they're not reaching out as effectively as they could.


One thing to note is the frustration that you see isn't exclusive to the forums. Just putting that out there.


Yeah the only communication we get from BW is locked threads. I think they're hiding out of shame. I know I would be if I were responsible for this game.

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It's embarrassing really that hundreds of millions of dollars were spent and we're left with ...


EA doesn't spend resources wisely. Never has. Compare ATVI's and EA's profit margins. EA has so much waste it's ridiculous. That is why ATVI crushes them as far as financial performance.

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EA doesn't spend resources wisely. Never has. Compare ATVI's and EA's profit margins. EA has so much waste it's ridiculous. That is why ATVI crushes them as far as financial performance.


Thus resulting in the early release of TOR. This game was a profit injector but it was short sighted and it will cost them in the long run. That is literally the only reason I could think of when I heard this game was to be released in 2012 while still in close beta. The beta testers collectively went :eek: then :mad: .

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The thing i keep hearing reapeated is that SWTOR doens't have the same amount of content as WoW. WoW is 7 years older than SWTOR. When Wow came out it didnt have the same content as WoW. The first "Major" content expansion in world of warcraft was dire maul. that was about 6 months after it came out. so for everyone whos main concern is content. that takes time. same thing with the mod questions there were no mods when wow came out. development takes time, if you dont like the gameplay or the mechanics go play WoW, or wait a few months and see what happens. If it doesn't change easy fix /uninstall. But it takes time to tell a story and it takes time to properly impliment things in any game. WoW wasn't built in a day and anyone who expects any MMO to be will always be sadly dissapointed.
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nuff said.. just play what you want, we'll play what we want! If you like WOW, then go play WOW.. We all have our own opinions and such., right now SwTor doesn't stand out much compared to Wow.. but let's give it a chance right?.. that's all.. :rolleyes:


I was going to give it a chance now I'll have it flayed and put to the cross.

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The thing i keep hearing reapeated is that SWTOR doens't have the same amount of content as WoW. WoW is 7 years older than SWTOR. When Wow came out it didnt have the same content as WoW. The first "Major" content expansion in world of warcraft was dire maul. that was about 6 months after it came out. so for everyone whos main concern is content. that takes time. same thing with the mod questions there were no mods when wow came out. development takes time, if you dont like the gameplay or the mechanics go play WoW, or wait a few months and see what happens. If it doesn't change easy fix /uninstall. But it takes time to tell a story and it takes time to properly impliment things in any game. WoW wasn't built in a day and anyone who expects any MMO to be will always be sadly dissapointed.


When DM came out most people had not even finished what was in at launch. That's the issue here. Content has been ripped through in TOR. MC wasn't even cleared until 5 months after launch and when BWL came out the overwhelming majority of guilds hadn't even cleared MC yet. That is why you have some saying that there isn't enough content here. Content is only as expansive as the time it takes to clear it.

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