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The three skill trees


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So im mostly new the jedi Sentinel class, only lvl 20. I tried to look into the skills trees a bit in depth since i didnt know much about the skill it really didnt sink that far in. My main question is what are the main roles appointed to each skill tree. Im not asking on which one i should play if i wana be top dps or best pvp build. All i want is an overview of the skill trees with a few pros and cons of each one. Please try to keep it constructive with no flaming, thanks.
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Watchman: does damage through Damage over time effects, has some minor healing abilities, lower cool-downs on interrupts.


Combat: single target direct damage spec, extremely mobile (hard to kite), has lots of roots.


Focus: Smash area effect damage dealer. less single target damage than the other specs. (never really played focus so thats about all I got)

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To add some thoughts with regards to Focus:


I really wanted my toon to feel iconic, the use of force powers but also use the blade a lot- which is what I get with my Sent Focus spec. In the low 30's, the focus tree really starts to take off. There is a really good balance between slice and dicing with your sabers, versus Force based attacks and CC. At level 35, I can throw down some serious crits now with my sweeps as most are guaranteed crits with high damage output, if you stack properly.


At the mid 30's and above, I would not classify simply as an AOE Smash spec, although it is very powerful in that regard. You begin to be able to take on strong golds more and more, with silvers and below dropping like butter IF you gear well.


Play style considerations for me, I love being able to jump in the middle of a large crowd of baddies and slap on some Sent group death therapy. My best accomplishment to date was a battle that started with one silver and six trash, that then ended up two silvers and six trash (8 total). I had dropped all but one trash and one silver when a gold droid patrolled in. So I freeze him and finish up the rest, slap on a med pac and then take the gold droid on. When he is about 85% down another dang gold spawns with three trash- crap! LOL I lived through it all. Its weird, makes you feel very heroic. But again, understanding your CC's and how to properly control the battle, is very key with a focus spec.

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