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Changes to Surge?


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Depends, it may cut Annihilators damage, then again it might cut down the damage of BH's rockets too... and other classes also will get reduced crits, it's too early too call just how much of an effect this may have... since if other classes are tossing out less damage that gives longer battles and thus more chances for annihilation bleeds to crit and thus self-heal. Edited by nonumbers
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How is the change in Surge for 1.1.3 going to effect things? Seems like its going to shaft Annihilation Marauders, who are so dependent on high crits for dps. Thoughts?


I doubt this will change anything, we still have to get power/surge or crit/surge enhancements to replace the accuracy stuff. It just means we will be doing less damage per crit....but it effects everyone. so basically everyones getting a slight damage nerf....

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I doubt this will change anything, we still have to get power/surge or crit/surge enhancements to replace the accuracy stuff. It just means we will be doing less damage per crit....but it effects everyone. so basically everyones getting a slight damage nerf....


I am kinda curious if they will nerf the hp of operation bosses. There already have been some damage nerfs to several ACs and now a general nerf.


Although it will still be easy enough, it will at least make it harder for new raids and progression.

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I actually think this is a slight indirect buff to anni marauders. We are a very squishy class that dies very fast when we are focused. Imagine not getting nuked to death by merc/powertech/sniper/jugg's smash crit/etc. Fights will last longer for our bleeds to have full effect. Basically we will be able to last longer in fights.
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I actually think this is a slight indirect buff to anni marauders. We are a very squishy class that dies very fast when we are focused. Imagine not getting nuked to death by merc/powertech/sniper/jugg's smash crit/etc. Fights will last longer for our bleeds to have full effect. Basically we will be able to last longer in fights.


we are not very squishy, we do not die very fast UNLESS we are focused (but then again so will anyone else, except maybe a tank ... being guarded by another tank ... and being healed)

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This isn't so bad. General reduction on critical damage. They've stated that it was high and that's understandable. I doubt we'll see much to complain about this. High dose classes already crit high enough when they're stacking and buffing. If anything this will increase the challenge slightly.


Now to do something about those tracer missiles...

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Hmm, so now whats the max surge % u can have until it reaches a diminishing returns? 80%?


There's no point where it "reaches" diminishing returns - it's always under diminishing returns, it's just that at around 85% or so it gets to the point of being really steep, so it's more efficient to use another stat.


But each 1 point of Surge is worth slightly less than the previous one.


Having said that, Power is also awesome, so I wouldn't worry too much about trying to "cap" Surge in this way.

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I think the nerf on surge is more aimed at castrating Operatives and Assassins since they rely more directly on crit damage.


If the nerf is too much, then population will just switch stacking power + primary stat. Beefy tanks will switch from shield/absorb to defense. I'm not really sure why BW is nerfinf crit damage, if not to further gimp endgame for stealth burst dps classes.

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If I understand it correctly, this nerf makes the Bleedout skill all the more powerful, since that 30% bonus is even harder to come by now.






Ironically Surge is already inefficient compared to other stats when you have decent gear. This will just make it suck hardcore. Since there are no Power+Crit enhancements, this will suck dick for itemization.


All your Crit/Surge enhancements will be "meh", and Pow/Acc is already "meh" because Acc is weak.


Of course, Acc is probably less weak than Surge will be. If this turns out to be the case, that means all dual wield classes will get slight scaling advantages -- where other classes get 0 DPS increase from Acc, Marauders will still get some DPS increase along with the power.

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