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The Third Faction: Mandalorians - An Idea


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Yes, I am well aware that


Bounty Hunters become mandalorians.



But here me out.


Here's an idea for an expansion pack.

Add a third faction, Mandalorians. Have classes that mirror the current ones (more on that below). Give each their own full storylines, actors, dialogue, ship, the whole deal.

Have the typical light/dark morality, but involve light side options with leaning towards the Republic, while dark options with the Sith.


Classes (only two as of right now):


Mandalorian Warrior

Combat: Melee-oriented (vibroblades)

Storyline: You soon learn that Mandalore the Vindicated is being well-paid by the Empire for their allegiance. You rise up and devise a plan to defeat him, the reasoning being either you want to work with the Republic instead (light side), you think the Mandalore is dishonorable by being paid for loyalty and want to unite the clans (follow in the path of Mandalore the Preserver) (neutral), or you just want to be the one being paid by the Empire instead of Mandalore the Vindicated (dark side).

Advanced Classes: Mandalorian Defender (tank) (get access to heavy armor), Mandalorian Gladiator (damage) (get access to electrostaves)


Mandalorian Soldier

Combat: Ranged (Trooper/Bounty Hunter)

Storyline: ________

Advanced Classes: Mandalorian Hunter (tank/damage), Mandalorian Medic (healing/tank or healing/damage)

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Good idea. Third faction is what all world pvp games need.


I thought about it too. And maybe not just Mandalorians as a faction. Let them have a class. But you could also put in other factions. Hutts (criminals) who seem to not be aligned to either imp or rep (correct me if I am wrong, not hardcore on SW factions).


Droids? Could make a droidclass. Tradefederation used lots of droids in the first movie. Not sure they exist in this early time.


Independent/outcast Jedi Sith to have lightsaber fighter class. Count dooku had left the Jedi and was recruited by darth sidious. But he must have been "independent" between that? Or am I wrong?


Jawas? Would be sooo cool! Ranged DPS/healer class. And why not a Jawa tank!!


Adding Jawas and a droid class would certainly lure many players to that faction. I'd play it!


Alot of work for BW but it could make this game top 2 in the mmorpg genre. Heck, do it smart and I don't see why it couldn't challenge the No 1!


One can dream atleast :)

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Yes, I am well aware that


Bounty Hunters become mandalorians.



But here me out.


Here's an idea for an expansion pack.

Add a third faction, Mandalorians. Have classes that mirror the current ones (more on that below). Give each their own full storylines, actors, dialogue, ship, the whole deal.

Have the typical light/dark morality, but involve light side options with leaning towards the Republic, while dark options with the Sith.


Classes (only two as of right now):


Mandalorian Warrior

Combat: Melee-oriented (vibroblades)

Storyline: You soon learn that Mandalore the Vindicated is being well-paid by the Empire for their allegiance. You rise up and devise a plan to defeat him, the reasoning being either you want to work with the Republic instead (light side), you think the Mandalore is dishonorable by being paid for loyalty and want to unite the clans (follow in the path of Mandalore the Preserver) (neutral), or you just want to be the one being paid by the Empire instead of Mandalore the Vindicated (dark side).

Advanced Classes: Mandalorian Defender (tank) (get access to heavy armor), Mandalorian Gladiator (damage) (get access to electrostaves)


Mandalorian Soldier

Combat: Ranged (Trooper/Bounty Hunter)

Storyline: ________

Advanced Classes: Mandalorian Hunter (tank/damage), Mandalorian Medic (healing/tank or healing/damage)


totally ignoring that bioware got in all the big ideas of what playing a mandalorian would be like into bounty hunters, there's a few problems with a suggestion like this:


1) It's adding a lot of story content but nothing else. tons of work for more leveling content as mirrors of the classes that already exist.


2) As endgame solidifies more, as I would expect it to have by the time bioware's thinking about an expansion, very few guilds will be willing to totally reroll to a new faction.


3) It's splitting the community into a third part, which just makes the server communities smaller.


4) In the end star wars' essence can be distilled down to Good vs Evil. Republic/Rebels vs Empire/Separatists (anyone catch how for empire dissidents are called rebels but republic dissidents are called separatists? I thought that was a nice touch). That's one of several reasons we'll never see smugglers or bounty hunters choosing a faction to align to as well.





But in the future (assuming there isn't anything like this yet, I'm still leveling imperial side), it'd be cool to get a few planets that are chiefly under the control of the Mandalorians for imp players.

Edited by Hyperionthethird
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FYI You dont need to be Mandolorian to be a BH ...

Also being a BH does not make you a Mandolorian..


In fact some Republic (hired) Bounty hunters were enlisted to assassinate key Mandolorians .



Mandolorians are not a Race/faction of bounty hunters. It just so happens most of them are good at it as Kaminos are good a cloning, but clones are not called Kaminos.

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FYI You dont need to be Mandolorian to be a BH ...

Also being a BH does not make you a Mandolorian..


In fact some Republic (hired) Bounty hunters were enlisted to assassinate key Mandolorians .



Mandolorians are not a Race/faction of bounty hunters. It just so happens most of them are good at it as Kaminos are good a cloning, but clones are not called Kaminos.

but when people imagine playing a mandalorian they're thinking of the fetts.

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but when people imagine playing a mandalorian they're thinking of the fetts.



You know whats funny about this statement is. Yes Bobba Fett is the most Iconic Bounty hunter ... But he was not Mandolorian ... he is a clone on someone who was not mandolorian . He just wore Modified Mandolorian light armor. using imperial stormtrooper armor for some of the modifications.

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You know whats funny about this statement is. Yes Bobba Fett is the most Iconic Bounty hunter ... But he was not Mandolorian ... he is a clone on someone who was not mandolorian . He just wore Modified Mandolorian light armor. using imperial stormtrooper armor for some of the modifications.


jango was mandalorian wasn't he? and so boba was raised to be one too? i'd think

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jango was mandalorian wasn't he? and so boba was raised to be one too? i'd think



Well Not really Jango is a Concordian so he is a human but he was adopted by a Mandolorian sect, During the mandolrian civil war. Jango would eventually be exiled from mandalor. It was not until his exile did Jango become a bounty hunter, eventually taking refuge on kamino where he was employed as a host to develop clone troopers.



Boba was never raised as a mandolorian.



Infact after Boba's incounter with his aunt Arla, The Mandolorians became just as much and enemy to Boba as the jedi.

Edited by Lostpharoah
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FYI You dont need to be Mandolorian to be a BH ...

Also being a BH does not make you a Mandolorian..


In fact some Republic (hired) Bounty hunters were enlisted to assassinate key Mandolorians .



Mandolorians are not a Race/faction of bounty hunters. It just so happens most of them are good at it as Kaminos are good a cloning, but clones are not called Kaminos.


I'm aware, but looking at it from the way it's designed it is pretty obvious BioWare intended it to be "The Mandalorian" class.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If there would ever be a 3rd faction, my guess it would be a Hutt ruled one. It makes sense lore-wise and would allow them to be against both of the current faction where the players are deserters from both sides and just want to make it on their own and answer to no one.


The madalorian faction is mostly sided with the empire as far as i know ... I might be wrong on this one; anyway it is just an opinion and a wish.

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OK what you seem to be saying is a third faction needs to be introduced with new classes/ story lines.... here's a better idea take smuggler and bounty hunter out of Republic/ Empire specific sides and set them in the Hutt/ Separatists faction. Then just add classes and story lines later on to all factions...


That way you can remain true to star wars books where bounty hunters were hired for bounties whether good or bad, it didn't matter only the credits mattered (show me a bounty hunter that cared about working for one side and I'll show you a soldier). Same goes for smugglers did they all pull a Han Solo and turn to the republic... NO! How long did it take Han to turn solely to the republic? (Two movies... over how many years?) I mean really Bioware... Really? You took how long to develop this game and no one stopped to think it might be a good idea to let someone play a republic sided bounty hunter or an empire sided smuggler? Or how about a bounty hunter that makes a light sided decision for more credits then a dark sided one? Now I can't buy light or dark sided tier 5 gear because I'm 5000/5000 (exaggerating a bit for all of you who are gonna throw a tantrum because God forbid anyone on the internet exaggerate) REALLY? I wanna meet the guy that decided this... ohhh wait it was probably the same guy who decided to bring Jar Jar Binks to 3-D!! Really Bioware if that's the case then just come out and say it... George isn't gonna strike you down with a bolt of lightning or tell you to take away the game (cause we all know how he gets about more money).. So come on Bioware... I mean Really! (this isn't a rant or hate mail if you haven't seen Seth and Amy then you won't get this post and in the event you still don't get this post it's called truth mixed with sarcasm)

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