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Mara fail as a class, its ok only if you out gear oponents


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im sure youve seen this already but as a disclaimer



please be prepared for


*class is fine you just suck* response

Posts of random video's in PvP where they own people who backpeddle and generally suck at the game. (response to current video being thrown around as mock proof)


oh and dont forget the people who dont even play the class but know how to use wiki.

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Your proving the OP point in that video the sent has battlemaster/champ and majority of the people in the vid is undergeared.


The video I linked has him fighting many Battlemasters EVEN more than one at a time!


JT is really good, he knows how to play and you can see it, he shows fights with geared players.

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The video I linked has him fighting many Battlemasters EVEN more than one at a time!


JT is really good, he knows how to play and you can see it, he shows fights with geared players.


Alright than tell me please the situation with "tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile...didnt work bro".


He didnt interupt him and the rockets who hit him are doing very low dmg, I didnt see that he used his god mode shield which reduces his healt for 50% aswell.


So whats going on here.

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Alright than tell me please the situation with "tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile...didnt work bro".


He didnt interupt him and the rockets who hit him are doing very low dmg, I didnt see that he used his god mode shield which reduces his healt for 50% aswell.


So whats going on here.


I can answer this. At most the better of the two mercs had one piece of pvp gear and neither used consumables whatsoever. Mar is T2/T3 PvP gear and using stims, adrenals, relics and pots. Merc was hitting for 7-800 a TM with a poor crit % (geared mercs will have 50% crit base), while the Anni Mara popped zerker with his dots placed for 300ish x2 healing on each tick. If the merc had any brains he would've at least buffed after respawning (he had nothing up) and used cleanse to cut off the Mara's healing ticks. He still would've lost. They were pretty bad and really undergeared.


The video does demonstrate an important point: TM spam by itself will take a ridiculous amount of time to kill an equally geared opponent, and even longer against someone better geared. It's a lot like grabbing full rage on a Mara and doing nothing but vicious strike--except you don't have to VS to set up abilities. It often looks so potent on the receiving end because competent mercs layer delayed burst abilities with a TM+instant damage follow up. All you see is the missile(s), when in fact you're being hit with 2-3 abilities at once after a TM buffed set up.

Edited by SheepishOne
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Problem with Mara is that when your defensive cooldowns are down, you go down far too easy. That's the main problem with the class.


With cooldowns up, it is a monster of a class, if played well. With cooldowns down, it is a total pushover.

Agree but if you have descent gear this will be less of an issue. They are supposed to be dps not tanks.

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