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Patch 1.1.3 Another Nerf


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So now they are lowering surge rating by 10% and making it harder to obtain. Sigh... is there a reason this is on your list of fixes Bioware.... before all the other problems. The reason surge is important to a Madness assassin is because critting is important to us. Two talents in our tree are only useful if crit, and since we need so much crit that makes surge that more important. And then our 4 piece set bonus for pve gives thrash 15% more crit, meaning more surge was even more important. What is the reason....
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So now they are lowering surge rating by 10% and making it harder to obtain. Sigh... is there a reason this is on your list of fixes Bioware.... before all the other problems. The reason surge is important to a Madness assassin is because critting is important to us. Two talents in our tree are only useful if crit, and since we need so much crit that makes surge that more important. And then our 4 piece set bonus for pve gives thrash 15% more crit, meaning more surge was even more important. What is the reason....


You do realize there are different groups that work on game balancing issues and bug fixes right?

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As long as BW is looking at the DPS Smugglers are doing as well as Jedi rock tossers then I dont mind a nerf. I hate when MMO companies nerf a specific class then it gets its *** handed to them. I dont think this will be the case but Sins are not OP so see how this goes.
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My main is a Sin plus a close second Sorc, and I have a hard time posting on Emp side without insulting all the cry babies over here that start whiner threads like this.


All this cry says to me is that the Emp side is highly filled with immature little brats that when told No, they just throw the biggest spaz and act like the world is ending.


For starters mr. OP, this has nothing to do with ''our" class as every class has a dps tree that focuses on crit.


Another is crit completely bypasses some mitigation like shields, but that is assuming you used a attack in the first place that is affected by them, which is not likely. So a little less crit would be better for tanks and life in general for all i am thinking.




This part makes me sad, as i kind of like the "slightly" better chance to live, this is prolly more than likey a buff.


Yes you heard right, a BUFF. If you cry babies could give it a minute and possibly debate it intelligently with the community you might find that everything is not as it appears, especially in mmo stat balance.


So you might have noticed in the balance notes the dev mentioning something about how it will now function like all the other simular stats to it. Why would he say that if it was working just like the others? I know, i know, when your blowing a spaz you are blinded by rage and hate so much that it skipped you by.


Surge right now is affected more by diminishing returns than the other stats, so making it work like the others is actually buffing it. Then the give it a 10% penalty so it isnt tooo amazing and it is still a buff until like 500 rating.


If you want some math to back it up, go to the pvp forums to look it up as i am not wasting my time to post the criers a link to it.


So it could break even, it could possibly still be a nerf but a very slight one at that, but at this moment it most definately looks like a buff.


So cry a river, then when it is proven to be a buff absolutely you will already have someting to be up chit creek without a paddle.

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