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Took 41 bags to get a BM commedation


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Why are you recreating this thread? You already made a thread exactly like this called: "40 Battlemaster Bags and Still No Commidations"


You were also proven to by lying:


You had battle master on the 2nd of Jan and have done your PVP weekly and daily every day sense? (the requirement to get 40 BM bags)


WOW, that's pretty impressive.


Sucks about your luck though.


btw, the probability of this event is about 0.00000000000101134%, much lower then winning a 6/49 lottery.


If the game population was about 100 times what it is, then statistically this should happen to one person.


Look, we all know the RNG is bad, no need to go making stuff up.

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I finally got one after opening 40 bags with nothing.




That's a 1 in 132,626 player chance.(The other statistics are wrong. So technically if all 1.7 million subs were BMs, he could be one of the unlucky 12!)


That's not quite lottery lvl, but I'm sure you have some luck coming your way to balance this injustice out. Maybe try a big scratch-off or somethin;).

Edited by Varcan
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I'm currently 1/19. Sucks.


Blah in AOC it took me 3 months of raiding to get one piece of gear.... and I had to walk uphill in snow to get to the raid entrance....


These new MMO players don't realize how good they got it...

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Yep, it's obvious people are making up stats and crying to get attention.


What probably is happening is that someone opened 10 bags and only got 2 comms and they come here QQ'ing saying "OMG I OPENED 44 BAGS AND GOT 0 COMMS".


This just in, random is random and people lie to make it seem their situation is more dire than it really is in order to get attention and get BW to raise the drop rates.

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yep, it's obvious people are making up stats and crying to get attention.


What probably is happening is that someone opened 10 bags and only got 2 comms and they come here qq'ing saying "omg i opened 44 bags and got 0 comms".


This just in, random is random and people lie to make it seem their situation is more dire than it really is in order to get attention and get bw to raise the drop rates.


qft !!!!!



The only shaft the new 50's got was that the older 50's were on easy street with doing weekly and dailies on Illum with the flipping back and forth of spots... BUT those 50's now fully geared with BM are bored because there is nothing left to get because it was so easy for them to get fully geared up, so most have left which means less BM's to deal with..

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Real math doesn't really apply to computer-based RNG.


RNG sticks. Can't even count how many times in MMO's I've gotten something like 10-15 crits in a row, where statistically it was 1 out of a billion.


I was 0:30 on my last champion bags, before the patch that changed them. **** happens. People tend to be really lucky or really unlucky.

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Blah in AOC it took me 3 months of raiding to get one piece of gear.... and I had to walk uphill in snow to get to the raid entrance....


These new MMO players don't realize how good they got it...


LOL I had to walk over a mile to school every morning in -40c weather. Today if you made your kid do that you would be charged with child abuse.


Most people that complain about this stuff have no idea what it will take in the real world to succeed.

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It's a well-known fact that computer created RNGs are NOT random, it simply isn't possible. What they do is (best case) obtain a truly random seed (like heat generated, or noise...) and with an algorithm (that is, by its very definition, DETERMINISTIC), generate a series of numbers.


That said, the quality of the seed and the algorithm generation means a lot on the end results. From what I can see, the general feeling is that the RNG is very crappy. Possibly there are other factors influencing it.


Either that, or the drop rate on BM commendations is much lower than the officially stated 25%, because most people I know have a hard time finding commendations at all. I'm 1/15 myself. Sure, streaks happen even with true random number generators, but statistically the % should approach the stated probability. This does not seem to be true, even taking into account those guys with the lucky streaks.

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Why are you recreating this thread? You already made a thread exactly like this called: "40 Battlemaster Bags and Still No Commidations"


You were also proven to by lying:


Jan 2. No. Only teakes 3 weeks to get 42 bags from dailys alone. Now add another 6 to it. I don't know how he gets Jan 2. Maybe if I did only one daily, but there are two dailys giving you 14 per week. You can get 32 battlemaster bags in two weeks if you include the weeklys.

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Yep, it's obvious people are making up stats and crying to get attention.


What probably is happening is that someone opened 10 bags and only got 2 comms and they come here QQ'ing saying "OMG I OPENED 44 BAGS AND GOT 0 COMMS".


This just in, random is random and people lie to make it seem their situation is more dire than it really is in order to get attention and get BW to raise the drop rates.


Obvious trolls too. I'm not making it up. If it was only 12 bags I would be happy. As that's doable in my opinion, but I didn't get squat since they first patch the bm bags. I've been doing dailys, and weeklys with nothing.

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I know people won't believe it, but I can honestly say that I had 7 BM tokens in a row, then nothing in the next and then another in the one after. So 8/9 bags.


I thought I was bugged, but after getting nothing in my next 14 bags or so I realised I must have been really f'n lucky!

Edited by MickFett
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Why didn't they make the system the same as champ/cent? Why aren't they planning to change BM tokens over to the same system as champ/cent with 1.1.3?


The champ bags were changed to address the poor performance of new 50s vs geared 50s - to give them a leg-up and help them compete.


The reason BM stuff is the same is simple economics. The theory being, the longer it takes you, the longer you play, the more subs they get from you.

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who gives a **** anyway?

the item level differnce and stats are so small, that if its the BM thats keeping you from beeing competetive (i assume this is why you whine), then you have another issue than not getting bm commendations!


if its not beeing competetive, and simply the fact that you dont get the gear after the grind, then you are beyond reach.. proper pvp'ers dont care that much about stats, as long as they have a pretty fair playingground to play within, would say full champ gear is just enough!

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who gives a **** anyway?

the item level differnce and stats are so small, that if its the BM thats keeping you from beeing competetive (i assume this is why you whine), then you have another issue than not getting bm commendations!


if its not beeing competetive, and simply the fact that you dont get the gear after the grind, then you are beyond reach.. proper pvp'ers dont care that much about stats, as long as they have a pretty fair playingground to play within, would say full champ gear is just enough!


You're talking about being competitive, but at the same time claiming the extra stats aren't that big of a deal. Also, you think pvpers don't care? Most pvpers I know are more competitive and care way more about these kinda of items like self. Ya, it might be a few more stats on each gear, but that all adds up in a battle. Bioware is talking about coming out with a ranking system too, so you can compare yourself to others in your servers. Your telling me those extra stats aren't going to matter?

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The reason BM stuff is the same is simple economics. The theory being, the longer it takes you, the longer you play, the more subs they get from you.[/QUote]


Well their theory falls apart if Bioware is gambling on me NOT getting fcking sick and tired of this RNG bullsht. I will bail on this game. Patch notes for 1.1.3 are already up (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=287959), and there's no mention of battlemaster at all. If that doesn't change then I'm outta here.

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