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"INC LEFT" That is not a good way to call INCs


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So who in here sits there and corrects people in ops chat for calling the wrong direction instead of just going to the other point? I know I do.


Public humiliation is the only way they will learn. The point is that PUGs will often call the wrong direction, resulting in the point being capped. Going up against good pre-mades, this will can and will decide the match right there.


It takes 8 seconds to cap a door. How long does it take to go to the wrong location, realize they made the wrong call and go to the proper location? Long enough to lose the game.


This is single player WoW mentality at its finest. If there was money on the line you sure as hell wouldn't be saying 'left' and 'right'.

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Left and right are subjective to the direction a person is facing. I know in BG's when somebody calles Lft or Right, my first thought is WHOS left or right, and then find out which direction they are facing.


When looking at a map, its East West North South.


Even easier if you have no idea what east and west are for civil war, Snow, Middle, Grass. I think everybody has seen snow and can easially identify it unless you need Advanced Snow color Classifications


For void star its best for east west, as map doesnt rotate.

Subjective -

1. existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought ( opposed to objective).

2. pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.

3. placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.

4. Philosophy . relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.

5. relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience.


Please use relative.

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I recently had a Civil war game where I pointed out that saying "inc left" doesn't really help, because it could be seen as left from your position in the imperial spawnpoint (which would be the right map point), or left on the map. Only west/east are completely clear ways to designate targets, because west/east ALWAYS refer to map positions.


Then the person who said "inc left" said "inc west"... and guess what? Reps took our eastern base. Such fail...


P.S. To those point out "left" always means the left side of the map: When starting as imperial, (at least on my server) someone most often says "1-2 left, rest middle" whereas left means left seen from our position, i.e. right on the map, i.e. the outer point that is faster to reach for imps than reps.


So right there from the start left means as seen from your perspective. Then suddenly when the game is on it MAY change to mean left on the map? That's just crappy description. West/East it non-ambiguous.


P.P.S. I could live with snow/middle/grass too, but nobody says that on my server.

Edited by AetherMcLoud
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Problem is, there's just as many posts saying that it's always based off where you spawn, and if you say a direction based on your map, that's silly.


And that's the issue the OP is talking about. Unless I know you and know what your view on it is, I don't know if you're basing your directions on where you're facing when you spawn or basing it by the map. Aside from being psychic, I have no way of knowing.


Me, I always use east/west. Always defined independently of orientation or position. 100% easy-peasy.


That is actually what he just said. Based on where you spawn is based on the map... He meant saying left based on the direction you were facing at the time and not based off of one universal left. IE you are facing the spawn at mid and see Left under attack. You call it out as Right instead of Left because you are facing the spawn and you are dumb and everyone goes to Right instead of Left. Basically, Left is always left of the spawn and Right is always right of the spawn. So if you are facing the spawn Left never changes position even though it is not on YOUR left. Likewise if you were in mid and facing Right and someone calls out Left you wouldn't call them an idiot for trying to defend the Sith spawn area. Like I mentioned before, I use Left/Right because I err on the side of caution that others in my WZ are dumb and need things dumbed down in case they aren't wearing their helmets.

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There's left/right of the spawn facing and there's left/right on the map. They're not always the same.


I keep telling my friends that.

When calling for help at turrets, that's what a firend of mine does: calls "inc side" or "inc mid". I know... what about if you got both sides and not the mid? In short terms: then you got screwed! :p

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Thats exactly my point, this whole thread proves how people suck at objective labeling. When they call for Omaha, you look at the map, you know where Omaha is, and you execute. Land nav is not even the issue here, its understanding what the objective is, which comes way before land nav.


Hate to tell you this but military orients map based on Cardinal directions. And bases its strata on them, not left right. Why because battlefields are not fixed. Enemy may try to rout, which would rotate the field 45 or even 90. Incomming troops are no longer comming in from the left as planned or unplanned, they are now comming in behind you?


Left and right are subjective, N,S,E,W are not

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Hate to tell you this but military orients map based on Cardinal directions. And bases its strata on them, not left right. Why because battlefields are not fixed. Enemy may try to rout, which would rotate the field 45 or even 90. Incomming troops are no longer comming in from the left as planned or unplanned, they are now comming in behind you?


Left and right are subjective, N,S,E,W are not


I know what you're saying, but the point is the OBJECTIVE is still the same thing. I'm not talking about the planning, I'm now into the movement phase, I'm saying if I call out building C, its on the individual to figure out how to get their from there current location. Be it east, west, north, etc.


The problem in these WZs are people are lost as to what the hell west is and what east is, but the objective everyone refers to as "LEFT" has not moves. Like I said, call it whatever you want, OBJ Big Dick, I'm getting at if you cant figure out what people refer to the objectives in this game, the fault is on you. I'm 99% sure people can agree on what an objective is usually referred to in a game they play.


Its easy to start the game and in /ops state "LEFT=west, RIGHT=east, got it" and again, the labels are meaningless, they could be gold/black.

Edited by Shumney
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you should be always be referencing the map at the top right in void star/civil war...


rotating minimap shouldnt be an excuse...









or.... bioware can just label the doors west/east, left/right and people would no longer get confused


look at wow... YES i said it... deal with it... in battlegrounds a node/door either had a specific name and/or color so that communication was always spot on and you'd almost never get misguided


and even for colorblind people, objectives usually had a specific name and/or other specific uniqueness along with color so you could tell the difference..



TL;DR: Use mini-map or top right WZ map for reference when giving or receiving INComings in a certain direction

Edited by SuperomegaOP
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you should be always be referencing the map at the top right in void star/civil war...


rotating minimap shouldnt be an excuse...









or.... bioware can just label the doors west/east, left/right and people would no longer get confused


look at wow... YES i said it... deal with it... in battlegrounds at node/door either had a specific name and/or color so that communication was always spot on and you'd almost ever get misguided

and even for colorblind people, objectives usually had a specific name and/or other specific uniqueness along with color so you could tell the difference..



TL;DR: Use mini-map or top right WZ map for reference when giving or receiving INComings in a certain direction


This is exactly what Ive been saying, if you know what the objective is labeled as, and you see it called out, there is ZERO room for confusion. Map orientation is only part of the issue, its people not comprehending what objective is that's being called out, its a break down in both the person calling out, and the person reacting. But if I say 'red door', there's not (or shouldn't be) any question as to what 'red door' is.

Edited by Shumney
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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning


It is not subjective if you open map and see wich turrets are yours and what needs to be defended. Just saying.

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It is not subjective if you open map and see wich turrets are yours and what needs to be defended. Just saying.


Another great point.


If you are at mid, the enemy is holding east, and someone calls out "3 inc left"...and you run east, who's fault would that be?

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It is not subjective if you open map and see wich turrets are yours and what needs to be defended. Just saying.


This is as poor an excuse as people saying "on me" "my turret" "my location" "other" "this", and expecting everyone to open their large map and find out which of the seven little purple dots is him.


If you think like this, you are getting carried in warzone's when you win, and you have no right to complain when you lose.

Edited by pherball
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Alderaan. 3 turrets on map. Left/Mid/Right.


Never changes not matter how you face. Where you spawn. They change colors.


Hence left mid right is preferred since east and west don't allow you to specific middle. I was not aware middle was a direction.


techically it would mean you'd need to give some sort of x,y. hence your way is stupid.


The same is the doors on voidstar.


The mini map showing you the block points and the doors. Are green or red. They tick down. So its either left or right door.


So again its not east or west.


Furthermore voidstar happens on a ship in space and therefore would technically require someone who wanted to be as correct as possible to use a frame of reference. Such as earth east. Or earth west



anyways its preferrable if you learn to read the mini-map and use that as the point of reference.


Signed fellow nerd.

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Notice below how the people supporting Right/Left cannot even agree on how it should work. Thus stems the basis for using East/West.



left is always relative to how you face when you spawn, always


Everyone knows left means left of spawn point unless they are completely new to the BF


I figured it was generally acknowledged LEFT and RIGHT are in relation to the map....how is that a hard concept?


Notice that people using L/R are in direct contradiction to each other. That side of the argument can't even agree on which version of L/R to use. People using E/W do not have this problem.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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You know when i get turned around in combat the fastest way for me to get my bearings is to looks at the dropships.


I can see at a glance which ship is which and immediately know which gun is which on the UI and all calls make sense if I am using the UI to relate to.


I can even tell which end of the ship is which.


so... Maybe saying "nose/***", "aft/stern" or "front/back". would work better than "left and right", "snow and grass", "east and west"


Then as soon as i see the drops ships i know which way to go.


Void star is a different beast.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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It's relative to what happens at the start of the WZ left/right is defined from your start point off the speeder... left right is used effectively on my server by randoms and pre-mades.

Anyone trying to upset the boat by introducing something different now really need to get in the frame of teamwork - if you aren't working with the team then you're working against them.


If people are using left and right then you should adapt, if the other then same... If you cant think on your feet then you should really leave my warzone :cool:

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Notice below how the people supporting Right/Left cannot even agree on how it should work. Thus stems the basis for using East/West.









Notice that people using L/R are in direct contradiction to each other. That side of the argument can't even agree on which version of L/R to use. People using E/W do not have this problem.


yes you do. Players who play both sides. I've seen this in east/west people. Whoops. forgot this aint my imperial.... lol.

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