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No one deserves MVP. unlesss...


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I see alot of MVP going to highest damage, heals etc.


Personally I agree with other here, I try to look at who does what in the WZ and vote accordingly.


I have received a good number of MVPs on a couple of occassions but on the table I had almost the lowest damage, very low protection and no healing (I am a vanguard). This was because I did a couple of things:


1) In a Voidstar match I managed to annoy a few of the enemy, then I would get them to chase me away from the door we were attacking, thus takeing 2-3 people out of the fight at the door. I have successfully managed to pull people right back to our spawn point and hold them there haha, I get very few points or medals for it but its a useful tactic as it takes enemies out of the fight.


2) In Huttball, similar situation with damage etc, however I get to a ramp near the enemy hend with a few of them spanking me, hit all my defences and stand there long enough for a team member to run onto their end unchallenged, then pass to him and we score.

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While I tend to vote for healers, I agree with the OP. Several times I've had key knockbacks, pulls, or heals in a Huttball match, only to see top damage and heals get all the MVPs. II usually play an instrumental part in all of our goals, but rarely get recognized for it. Generally, if you're top damage in Huttball, you're not a great asset to your team as far as objectives go. It's about control and finesse, not sheer power.


Perhaps for huttball that may be true, but good luck holding objectives without a lot of raw damage, heals, and protection to help destroy the other team.

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wall of random text mixed togeter..


What... the.. eck was that? Do you actually know what a taunt do in pvp?!


The person debuff with that does 30% less damage to anyone except to the caster...


Why the hell would you not use it?! You are going to take normal damage if the target switch anyway and most people don't realise the taunt anyway which mean you are HELPING your group by reducing damage inc.


Do you realise now that people might be complaining about you in wzs because you don't know how most mechanics works? You might want to work on that.

Edited by Revanmug
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forgive me for a dumb question, but why would I as an assassin want to taunt anyone ? Ive got light armor for starters. I dont want that trooper turning and firing on me. Im hoping he stays focused on that nasty dps sorc while i slice him up from behind


I cant fit all the specials we have as it is on my toolbar. that taunt, if i recall was a stance i wouldnt use isnt on my toolbar


oh and how will I even know if I was voted MVP ? I asume I probably never have gotten it.


But Im never the top damage dealer, my force wave isnt used to push up my score. I actually use it to knock people off ramps, bridges, save a turret, etc. and that aoe spinning attack I have is only used when 4 players are all working to defuse my bomb. basically I dont have an aoe to spam nor do I care if doing so will increase my damage score


Im rarely in the top 3 for kills. And Ive had other players complain that I suck in general chat after because as an assassin I should be doing more destruction according to them.


I play wz to gasp WIN. so if that means sitting on a turret, guarding a door, letting 5 republics smack the crap out of me while I do everything I can to get them off the door, force wave a healer to the melee below knowing Im gonna get hammered by 3 troopers guarding him, etc then I will do it.


So if this silly taunt thing is just a means of getting more medals but does nothing (or hampers) my ability to win a wz, let me be frank....I WONT BE DOING IT.


Bioware really needs to just remove that scoreboard. Its nothing more than an epeen stick like recount was in wow, leads to bad behavior. No wonder I never win when a healer is spam healing / walking into acid just for medals


I forgive you for your dumb quesiton.


It's very difficult to see who's taunting who in PvP. It also doesn't automatically force the taunted players to attack the guy taunting them. So, if you're chasing someone around and AoE taunted while passing by a bunch of people, all your teammates in the vicininty would receive 30% less damage than before while nothing else changes. It's always useful to taunt someone not attacking you. Some guy beating on your teammates? Taunt him. Teammate now receives 30% less damage for six seconds while you resume whatever you were doing earlier.


I'm guessing you're using the one default toolbar. There are three additional toolbars you can enable from preferences. As for the hotkeys, be creative and use shift/alt modifiers to add additional ones. I just counted 39 hotkeyed spells on my bar. You can definitely fit that taunt in there. Also, taunting does not require tanking stance. Only guarding does.


On the game screen after a match, there's a column called MVP Votes or something close to that. If you don't know this, you've probably never even actually casted an MVP vote. You have to vote for someone to see how many votes each person received.


I'm gonna go ahead and guess your score isn't the only reason people were berating you in gen. chat.

Edited by poasiodss
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The mvp system is kinda useful but misleading. If I join with a group, I just mvp the one that needs valor the most. I'm bm, valor is useless to me. About voting the real mvp, this depends. The more involved guys are the ball carriers and healers. So healers will prolly vote the ball carriers and vice versa. The medal farmers will vote for either the highest medal count (usually tanks) or the highest healing even if they didnt got any healing. I usually dont vote highest healing unless they totally play the objective and let me explain.


I have improved predation, I rush to the ball, get it first 90% of the time and have to tank all the damage, deal with the pull to acid, find someone to charge cause passing is impossible.


Now lets say we have 2 healers on the group in a pug situation, the one is the sorc that will pull me up to a safe spot and knockback the potential threats from the catwalk, then go ahead past the flames to other wait to heal, pull me again or get a pass and score, and the one who will heal me and stay with the rest of the group that tries to protect me. Who is the more valuable player of the two?


I'm a class with a lot of defensive cooldowns and high survivability, but my mobility is dependant on my skill as a player (how fast I will respond to cc, how I will use my trinket, and how fast I can build fury for predation while keeping enemies that matter away from me) and the type of enemies I have to face. Cause against 5 classes with knockback, I'm totally helpless. So a healer who will just focus on healing me, most of the times, wont change a thing, cause if I need that much healing then I'll die regardless.


Yet the sorc that actually made scoring possible wont be the highest healing cause he is not in a position to actually heal. And thats the main difference between support and healing.


Same thing goes about healing done vs damage done. Someone that does 400k damage in huttball with a high kill/killing blow count is an extremely useful player, no matter if his class is easy mode, or he just attacks healers. Cause a healer cant outheal someone that can do SO much damage, especially in huttball. Effectively this player either has destroyed the enemy team, or has occupied the healers so much that they are almost a non factor and he deserves his mvp. Now if he has 500k dmg and 2 kills, he is goddamn useless. The point is to kill, cause kills create opportunities far more than just gaining ground. If I have the ball and we kill someone, I will go to the speedbuff enemy area and wait for this guy to respawn. I know the tricks and I WILL charge him, and I WILL score while he won't be able to do anything about it (protip, if you are a warrior, you can climb half the wall in the speedbuff area, which makes you able to charge anyone in range no matter how hard he tries to los you). A dps sorc that spams aoes and kills noone isnt a useful player.


So really it's a lot more than who has the highest healing or highest damage when mvps are concerned.

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Not that I'm biased (okay maybe a little), the protection people seem to contribute the most. Not only can they AoE taunt, which gives the HIGHEST DPS DEBUFF in the game from all I've seen, but when they do protect, it's not like the damage is being negated.


We are taking that damage ourselves. Meaning, we're giving what is the equivalent to "proactive healing" by "damaging ourselves". This is why healing numbers can easily get into the 400k to 500k range, but rarely do you see protection number over 100k. Hell, it's rare to see the 50k protect medal too. If there was a score on the scoreboard for "damage taken", it'd be pretty great.


But, as some mentioned, I'm *totally* for MVPing people that play awesome, especially in Huttball. I can't count how many times I've harpooned an enemy combatant RIGHT on the brink of scoring by jumping over the pit ledge and harpooning them at the apex, taking them with me on a really satisfactory curve :)


When I see others, like dps constantly on top of the enemy ball carrier (ie. not getting sucked into tempting "duels") or healers that aren't afraid to get into the fray to make those critical AoE heals, I vote for them in a heartbeat. Even people that bite the bullet and watch a turret that never gets attacked I seriously consider voting for -- If they can't get glory on the scoreboards, they should get it from something else :)

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Not that I'm biased (okay maybe a little), the protection people seem to contribute the most. Not only can they AoE taunt, which gives the HIGHEST DPS DEBUFF in the game from all I've seen, but when they do protect, it's not like the damage is being negated.


We are taking that damage ourselves. Meaning, we're giving what is the equivalent to "proactive healing" by "damaging ourselves". This is why healing numbers can easily get into the 400k to 500k range, but rarely do you see protection number over 100k. Hell, it's rare to see the 50k protect medal too. If there was a score on the scoreboard for "damage taken", it'd be pretty great.


But, as some mentioned, I'm *totally* for MVPing people that play awesome, especially in Huttball. I can't count how many times I've harpooned an enemy combatant RIGHT on the brink of scoring by jumping over the pit ledge and harpooning them at the apex, taking them with me on a really satisfactory curve :)


When I see others, like dps constantly on top of the enemy ball carrier (ie. not getting sucked into tempting "duels") or healers that aren't afraid to get into the fray to make those critical AoE heals, I vote for them in a heartbeat. Even people that bite the bullet and watch a turret that never gets attacked I seriously consider voting for -- If they can't get glory on the scoreboards, they should get it from something else :)


You may be right, but the current system really rewards tanks. And usually that's why people don't mvp them unless they are medal farmers themselves. I've mvped tanks a lot of times but they just don't need the mvp that much and players know it by now.

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Im rarely in the top 3 for kills. And Ive had other players complain that I suck in general chat after because as an assassin I should be doing more destruction according to them.


So if this silly taunt thing is just a means of getting more medals but does nothing (or hampers) my ability to win a wz, let me be frank....I WONT BE DOING IT.


It seems you have a lot to learn about your class and pvp in general.


Stick with it, youll improve.


It also seems you have a pretty closed minded approach to how you "should" be playing. You can learn alot here on the forums that can be applied in game, but only if you have a learn first attitude.


If people in /1 gen chat are saying you suck, many times its just them being lamers, but sometimes, its because you suck.

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You may be right, but the current system really rewards tanks. And usually that's why people don't mvp them unless they are medal farmers themselves. I've mvped tanks a lot of times but they just don't need the mvp that much and players know it by now.


I totally agree. But just like in real life sports, an MVP doesn't go to someone that "needs it", it usually goes to the same key position because it's a clutch one (QB, etc.) However, I am a HUGE FAN of what some said earlier -- Give MVP to the people that are in need of expertise gear upgrades.


I also agree that Heals totally gets boned (and not in the fun way) when it comes to medals. They have critical keep-alive and field control abilities that often make all the difference. If they cannot put up uber damage numbers or are unable to protect, all they get is a few heal bonuses and enemy kills (because most healers will spam an AoE for the sake of getting kill credits -- which they deserve).


They really do have too many medals for protection though, it's an almost guaranteed 3 medals right from the start for the 2k, 5k, and 10k prots. I'm going to shoot myself in the foot I put in my mouth if they change it, because I like lots of shinies. :jawa_angel:

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The best way to get protection is by guarding the person with the ball, please explain how that does not help the team. Unless you know an actual exploit that gives incorrect protection numbers, I call BS.


Its easy.


but why spread it about the forums ?


Of course. it takes 2 people to do. but hey.

ive seen it done, tried it *once*, works like a charm.

Never did it again.


Id rather not exploit.


It was pretty much..


5k protection

10k Protection

50k Protection.


or w/e the medal ranks are, they went fast :p

Edited by Spyde
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Its easy.


but why spread it about the forums ?


Of course. it takes 2 people to do. but hey.

ive seen it done, tried it *once*, works like a charm.

Never did it again.


Id rather not exploit.


It was pretty much..


5k protection

10k Protection

50k Protection.


or w/e the medal ranks are, they went fast :p


So if you see someone clearly exploiting the protection stats, then don't give them MVP. But you want to make other tanks suffer because you believe every one that can guard, will exploit? What kind of logic is that?


Now granted tanks can get medals more easily than healers, so I wouldn't give tanks mvps over healers anyway, but I don't get your logic on telling people not to give guarders mvp based on your "conclusions".

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Does anyone know how the healing actually is calculated? I constantly find myself getting the 2.5K heal medal without casting a single heal on myself or others, or using a medpac, then I will get a 2.5K heal off w/o yet having obtained that particular medal and it won't count.


At the end of the match too my healing numbers always seem way higher then they should. Last night I think I cast maybe 5 heals TOTAL during a match, and ended up with something like 72K healing. I get like 1% healing on crits and some healing from force in balance, but the numbers always seem way higher than they should.

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Because with said exploit.


It can accidently happen alot, and you dont neve notice it.


You know, why not.


How ive seen it exploited


Guard Healer..


Said healer stands in acid and gets healing points. you get protection points and take Zero damage.



How it accidently happens


Guard ball carrior.


He gets stunned on a vent, he has 18k HP.


He die from the fire, you instantly get 9k Protection and take Zero damage.


Guard somone and they get tossed in acid.. more free guard points with taking no damage.


annnnnd incoming forum warning for me posting it most likely.


Unless they fixed it in the last month, its been awhile since the 1 time i tried it to see.

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If we lose, no one gets a vote.


I vote fore top objective points first on Civil War, other 2 it's kind of a toss up since there's usually not a clear winner in objective points.


But it's usually moot anyways because people leave the game before i decide on what to vote so they can come on here complaining about not getting votes.


I'll usually just vote for the 1 person that's left for me to vote for.

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