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An interesting review of SWTOR lvls 1-50


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You really serious????


The most positive reactions this game receives are from people who are NOT yet 50 and have only experienced some of the lvl'ing.


The negative reactions are mostly from the people who HAVE leveled 1 - 50 and are complaining about the amount, or more like the lack of end game content..




Move along fanbody

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You really serious????


The most positive reactions this game receives are from people who are NOT yet 50 and have only experienced some of the lvl'ing.


The negative reactions are mostly from the people who HAVE leveled 1 - 50 and are complaining about the amount, or more like the lack of end game content..




Move along fanbody



Seriously. OP's deluded. 1-10 is probably the best experience in this game. 50 is where most of the problems are.

Edited by marshalleck
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You got it wrong in your title.


It is not interesting. The first words say it all : "i do not know much about MMOs"


Then dont review it.


Thats precisely where BW is missing the point, IMO. They are making this game as if no starwars fan had ever played a MMO before. Well guess what, we may have.


This game is perfect for a star wars fan to discover the mmo universe, but quite frustrating for others.


Hell, they had nearly 7 years of feedback on competitors to prepare for all this.

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....Move along fanbody


so....why are 'you' here then ??



kinda stupid lingering in a place that you feel is the worst place to ever be...



.... so buddy....you are the one looking like the complete and udder idiot for trying to keep hanging around with us so called....fanboys.






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You really serious????


The most positive reactions this game receives are from people who are NOT yet 50 and have only experienced some of the lvl'ing.


The negative reactions are mostly from the people who HAVE leveled 1 - 50 and are complaining about the amount, or more like the lack of end game content..




Move along fanbody


And again: you assume too much. I know a decent amount of 50s who still enjoy it alot.

The game has it's flaws, but people jump to conclusions way too fast. I see way too many reactions in the line of; "omg, he is positive, he is sooo wrong!1!" and "the guy is right, the game sucks" and yours fits in perfectly in these categories.


That being said: it's a fair review, in wich he makes clear why he doesn't lie it in a constructive way.

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Never said this was positive or negative or anything, I merely stated it was an interesting review from someone who at least took the time and played through 1 - 50.


They mention space combat sucks, they mention Illum sucks, they mention it feels like grinding to a halt when looking for groups for FP / OPS (in the comments section), but at least he played through the game to have have a decent point of view.


People complain about how the reviews are always only someone who played for a weekend, or 10 hours, or only lvls 1 - 20, etc... at least this guy took the time to play through everything.

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...I know a decent amount of 50s who still enjoy it alot......


That being said: it's a fair review, in wich he makes clear why he doesn't lie it in a constructive way.


you can add me to that list as well.


you dont have to try and convince the haters though...they just lurk here trying to spread thier misery before they blip out, but within a few posts...they 'always'....always go the same route as all the other people trying to make a rift for the sake of thier fifteen minutes of fame ( the inevitable 'banned' tag under thier name)..... no big whoop...they will dig thier own graves and be gone forgotten forever.



I am wearing the title "fanboy' proudly. !.... lol.... and I have that warm fuzzy feeling in my gut that I spent my sub money wisely, because in fact .....I did, and I'm having a blast with that entertainment investment. Post 50 here and still rollin.



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Just my few cents.


i have 2 lvl 50's (Tank and a DPS) and i STILL enjoy the game immensely.

If you think all content dissapears when you are 50.. think again. if you havent skipped everything, you'll still spend a decent ammount of time on finishing your class storyline.

After that you get "special missions" with whole seperate storylines.

And if you are still bored.. help out friends and Guildies with quests and fp's or start earning your wealth by pwning the GTN :D


Then there are the challenges of Hardmode FP's and ofcourse a fair number of operations with 3 difficuly modes if i'm not mistaken.


Then there is lvl 50 PVP. .. where you can battle to your hearts content and gear up (which is what most MMO's are basicly about).


Ofcourse it still misses some of the finer points (ranking leaderboards, achievements, some sort of arena-like system, better space missions etc..) but ffs, its only been released 2 months.. give it a rest already!


Great game imho and still very enjoyable after lvl 50.

Edited by Guarrand
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You really serious????


The most positive reactions this game receives are from people who are NOT yet 50 and have only experienced some of the lvl'ing.


The negative reactions are mostly from the people who HAVE leveled 1 - 50 and are complaining about the amount, or more like the lack of end game content..




Move along fanbody


And it's suppose to be Biowares fault that you and the other levels 50's blew thru the game content in a couple weeks? Seriously, get a job or go out and play in the sun. You and the other 50's who consistently complain that there isn't enough conetent had waaaaaay too mich time on their hands. Obviously that time is better well spent doing something else besides video games.

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Its a decent game that has the Star Wars license.



It wont be as big as WoW, but it will keep SW fans happy for some time.


The game is just over a month old, WoW had 7 years to develops their player base. How can you even predict that? Very poor assumption. I think this game will be just as big if not bigger. ;)

Edited by Zyanzor
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It's a good review from a person that admittedly prefers the Single Player RPG model. I'm not saying SW:TOR is a bad game, it's a hybrid that isn't going to satisfy some of the old school MMO players.


I agree with this.


It satisfies me, but I'm not into all the MMO content. I can play with my friend and experience quite a lot of content and be very happy. For people who want all that MMO funk, well I can see how SWTOR may be lacking.

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A great review that is right on the money.


Its not a review of his time in game but instead he read articles about the game and posted what he got from them. It has nothing to do with him actually playing the game but what Bioware says you can do in the game.


He makes it known early on that he avoids all interaction with other players and hates grouping. How exactly is he running operations and flashpoints if he himself said he plays it solo and not with other people.


There are alot more example that shows that he read about the game and then tried to act like it was his game experience.


Just a few quickly.


You cannot explore the universe untill you get your ship after the 2nd planet. You also cant explore the ships because you dont have a mount yet till level 25 and the planet mobs are based on levels. Yes a level 11 can get to ilum but there is no way you can say he is exploring the universe. His get of the starter planet and explore the universe is taken from articles not from actually playing the game.


Also you cannot get your AC until you finish your starter planet. You can be level 13(if you really wanted to stay there that long) and you can not have an AC untill you get to the fleet or capitol.


Again everything he wrote was not from experiece but from articles he read about the game. It has nothing to do with his gaming experience.


If you want to give a review about your gaming experiece dont start adding in what you heard about the game and not put in any actual acounts from your own ingame time.

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Have to agree. It's the best MMO ever!





100% agree I love this game, it never really felt grindy because of the main class story.


I'm 50 now and still having fun. Working on an operative alt, actually liking the story better than my BH.


Been to EV and KP and hit up warzones as well. There is plenty to do at level 50.


Mind you, I'm not playing 20+ hours a week, def not a hard core type.

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you can add me to that list as well.


you dont have to try and convince the haters though...they just lurk here trying to spread thier misery before they blip out, but within a few posts...they 'always'....always go the same route as all the other people trying to make a rift for the sake of thier fifteen minutes of fame ( the inevitable 'banned' tag under thier name)..... no big whoop...they will dig thier own graves and be gone forgotten forever.



I am wearing the title "fanboy' proudly. !.... lol.... and I have that warm fuzzy feeling in my gut that I spent my sub money wisely, because in fact .....I did, and I'm having a blast with that entertainment investment. Post 50 here and still rollin.




I enjoy the game very much aswell. I only get to play 2 hours a day though:( **** work

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