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To Khris Brown: Voice Director


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Hello, my name is James and I am collecting autographs from the voice actors who work on this game.


I was wondering if you could identify who voices these characters:






Qyzen Fess


Khem Val


I realize on the last two, its alien dialogue, but there had to be someone that did them. I want to get autographs for all my companions and would appreciate any help.

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Actually, no you didn't. But i just double checked to be sure. None of those characters are listed there, hence my question.


c2n2 is listed, and if you think 2vr8 sounds like robin williams and c2n2 doesn't, you need your hearing checked.

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If Robin Williams were in this game. First they wouldn't keep it a secret,,, It would be a huge selling point.


I've always been a fan of voice over work since Mel Blanc. Love seeing the faces behind the voices. There's some serious talent in SWTOR regardless. Pinhead is the friggen Emperor... That was just kick arse.


Even more interesting to me is seeing some of the voicce actors previous roles and putting 2 and 2 together. Grey Delise alone is probably in every modern cartoon you've watched.


I remember after playing KOTOR 1 many years ago. The first thing that entered my mind was- This would be the most epic movie ever... Maybe even rivaling the original Star Wars trilogy.

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Seriously, as much as I defer to wikipedia, I don't trust it 100%. Thats why I'm trying to get the voice director or someone from Bioware to confirm for us who voiced these characters, as I doubt it is some state secret. If they are still bringing voice actors in to voice stuff we won't see for a year or more, then they have an active list of everyone who voiced everything. All they would have to do, is glance at it and post here. it would be nice if some moderator would say "Hey, I'll pass this up the grapevine to Khris." or whomever.
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