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Buff resolve x12345 times.


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Current PvP is just a stunfest. There shouldn't be such thing as a stunlock at all. Crowd control removes the skill from PvP, since skill is about controlling your character -_-.


Wait until GW2.


Not trolling but this game is full of EZ-Mode Riders who want cheap kills and an very casual, non-skill based PvP experience.


Imagine COD but with lightsabres and Yoda :D

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totally agree, yesterday i got stunned one time after another, during the second stun my resolve bar was at max but as soon as the stun worse off my resolve bar dropped and i got stunned again right away.



I may be missing something but to me it seems the bar does nothing.

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Current PvP is just a stunfest. There shouldn't be such thing as a stunlock at all. Crowd control removes the skill from PvP, since skill is about controlling your character -_-.


Buffing resolve would result in CC immunity after only one stun, which is totally retarded.

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No, this is the way it should be. 1-2(MAX) stuns in a row.


It is already 2 max stuns in a row...


I'm such tired of people complaining about resolve while they don't understand how it works...

Edited by zqsd
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It is already 2 max stuns in a row...


I'm such tired of people complaining about resolve while they don't understand how it works...


However it works, it doesn't work good enough. 2 stuns in a row? It's more like perma stun. Not counting the roots, knockback, slow et cetera. All of this should count against that maximum. And the "in a row" thing doesn't just mean directly after 1st stun has wore off. More like "getting CCed 2 times in a fight max". Not 3 times stunned, knocked back, rooted, slowed for the whole fight.

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Current PvP is just a stunfest. There shouldn't be such thing as a stunlock at all. Crowd control removes the skill from PvP, since skill is about controlling your character -_-.


False on so many levels. Skill is about controlling your opponent and faking him out, and even removing his ability to use things. That is skill. What you describe the ever increasing dumbing down of the system for what amounts to herp a derp game play where people just stand there and trade blows and don't even try to perform any tactics or strategy.

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The problem is the fact that every class has stuns and some have multiple stuns. BW needs to take a peak at WOW and learn that each class needs to be unique and have things that the other doesn't. Then take it one more step and actually make the skill fun to use and look good. Same goes for knockbacks and roots/snares. You get stunned and or knocked-back and snared non-stop in WZ. Especially Huttball. This is not fun and leads to rage quits and game play that feels like you are in a swamp and or stun locked to death. The Ops(Nerf) simply made bad OPs worse and good OPs better. Ask any of them. There needs to be a debuff for all of these effects after you are hit with it one time.




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Wait until GW2.


Not trolling but this game is full of EZ-Mode Riders who want cheap kills and an very casual, non-skill based PvP experience.


Imagine COD but with lightsabres and Yoda :D

im waiting for it since they announced it.. damm.. so long time.. but is close.. this year, will be year of the Dragon !

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However it works, it doesn't work good enough. 2 stuns in a row? It's more like perma stun. Not counting the roots, knockback, slow et cetera. All of this should count against that maximum. And the "in a row" thing doesn't just mean directly after 1st stun has wore off. More like "getting CCed 2 times in a fight max". Not 3 times stunned, knocked back, rooted, slowed for the whole fight.


Most stuns last 3 seconds, tops, and those that last longer break as soon as you are hit. And any stun that hits for 3 seconds or more instantly caps off resolve. The stuns in this game don't even warrant that much of a worry, you want insane stuns there are games with much worse systems. And while people crow around about GW2, what I can already tell is going to be yet another Korean Grinder, I doubt you will ever find a game that there isn't a way to stunlock someone.

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cry more really and let me tell you that you are the one getting in the situation to be perma-stuned. When you go acting like a ninja between 5 enemies, then mate, hard to brake if for you, but it's your fault.


and yeah it takes about 5 seconds to die between 3 enemies , there's no need for perma-stun. Just 2 in a row.

Edited by ntyzor
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Lord of the Rings has a mechanic whereby if you are stunned the you have 10 second immunity from stunning again.

This works for Mobs as well.

However if you use a crowd control ability such as a burglars Riddle you can constantly re-apply it but it breaks as soon as you do damage and then imparts the 10 second immunity.


Something like that is needed here so that the CC abilities are still useful but not completely over-powered.

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Lord of the Rings has a mechanic whereby if you are stunned the you have 10 second immunity from stunning again.

This works for Mobs as well.

However if you use a crowd control ability such as a burglars Riddle you can constantly re-apply it but it breaks as soon as you do damage and then imparts the 10 second immunity.


Something like that is needed here so that the CC abilities are still useful but not completely over-powered.


Umm, with that I could indefinitely keep a healer out of the fight by constantly mind mazing them over and over. Again, 2 stuns is all it takes to get a full resolve bar and full 10 seconds of immunity. That's 4 seconds if you don't burn your mez breaker for it.

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resolve alone is a crap system, without diminish return.


If sombody CC you, you can die without even act, cos you cant take of the stun, and you can get two full cc. Just right now, a imperial agent killed me, and i couldn't even act. And it's not about player skill, cos if u already spent the ability to get free from cc you're deflenseless. So he get near you invisible stun and **** you, whant stun end, he knockback stunning and finish. This is dumb.


Only way resolve work is lowering the cooldown of abilities that frees you from CC to like 45 seconds.


With these system, stealthed have a huge advantage. They come and you cant notice till you CCed, plus he can use the warzone adrenal and **** you. When you notice you're already stuned and getting killed. There's no way this system works the way it is.


My idea: Slow Resolve System


and put diminish or lowering the cooldown of abilities that frees you from CC to like 45 seconds.

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Now really, is there actually someone who wants to survive more than 5 seconds between a sniper, assassin and sorcerer ? Please feel free to play Minesweeper, you won't get stunned in there.


I am casual and i won't ruin the game of the people who spend their whole day in WZ's and Ilum just because i feel that "i am getting owned" ( if that would be the case ). Please do the same unless you are 13 yo.


If you are 13yo, wait for your pubic hair to grow before posting in the forums.


Random Casual Player

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Most stuns last 3 seconds, tops, and those that last longer break as soon as you are hit. And any stun that hits for 3 seconds or more instantly caps off resolve.


Not exactly true. Many stuns are 4 seconds (such as Electrocute or Electro Dart) and they will not immediately fill the resolve bar.


Here's a good post that explains the resolve system in detail:



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Just right now, a imperial agent killed me, and i couldn't even act. And it's not about player skill, cos if u already spent the ability to get free from cc you're deflenseless. So he get near you invisible stun and **** you, whant stun end, he knockback stunning and finish. This is dumb.


That is result of nerf, so many kids where crying about. Now instead of 5 sec stund u have stun lock. Well Done QQ kids.

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Actually it doesn't.


Yes it does.


Stun = 200 resolve / seconds. Most stuns are 4s length so 1 stun = 800 resolve, which means any KB, mez or any other stun, even shorter, will make you immune for the next CCs


Like i said, so much ppl are complaining about RB but they don't even know how it works... Like you.

Edited by zqsd
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Yes it does.


Stun = 200 resolve / seconds. Most stuns are 4s length so 1 stun = 800 resolve, which means any KB, mez or any other stun, even shorter, will make you immune for the next CCs


Like i said, so much ppl are complaining about RB but they don't even know how it works... Like you.


Resolve generally works for Imperial players not Republic. I have been stunned with a full resolve bar where as attempting to stun an Imperial player with full resolve does not stun them.


I have tested this many times and been the victim of being stunned with a full resolve bar. Plus there are certain stuns which ignore resolve.

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Resolve generally works for Imperial players not Republic. I have been stunned with a full resolve bar where as attempting to stun an Imperial player with full resolve does not stun them.


I have tested this many times and been the victim of being stunned with a full resolve bar. Plus there are certain stuns which ignore resolve.


Do you really believe what you said?

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Do you really believe what you said?


From my PoV as a Republic player. I have seen it time and again. Resolve does not work as intended. Whether or not it is an across the board matter is another story.


There are a few rare times were it will work but the vast majority of the time it does not. It is to inconstant to be deemed working as intended.

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