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In my years of playing MMOs, I have never seen seen such a ridiculous forum pattern


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I have been playing MMO's since the beta of Anarchy Online (still my favorite MMO of all time) and I've always read the forums from time to time for any MMO I was currently playing but these forums stand out FAR beyond any other MMO forum I have ever read.

Yes, everyone on the forums for most games are there to post about something they are annoyed with. When you are upset about something, you want to post about it. When you are happy and enjoying a game, you don't typically come to the forums to post about how much fun you're having or how game mechanics are working the way you like so the majority of posts on ANY forum are going to typically be complaints of some sort. Not all topics will be negative, but on average, a majority of them will be negative to some degree.

My first, and less annoying observation here is that while all MMO forums are filled with a majority of negative posts, these forums are absolutely cluttered with about 95% negative posts most of which will have 2 or 3 threads on the same damn page complaining about the same exact problem. Yes I understand that some of these problems are valid and worth discussing while others are problems like whining about travel time and are aspects of almost every MMO out there. A lot of these ridiculous posts make me wonder if these people have ever even played an MMO before they come to these forums to complain about the smallest issues like the lack of end game content because you flew through to game in 2 weeks and have nothing to do.

Now my second and far more irritating observation is for all these whiny threads, whether they are valid gripes about the game or not, the responses from others players consist of nothing but ************ at the OP about how he/she is an idiot/selfish. I understand how overly stuffed these forums are with people ************ about constant server down times and yes it sucks, don't lie to me and tell me you are totally fine and content with it. Am I going to get on the forum and post about how angry I am about it? No because it doesn't change/help anyone. But when one of these posts do show up, what the **** drives hundreds of you people to post 58 pages of comments either complaining about the the OP or ************ amongst yourselves?! I saw a post the other day that complained about time it takes to go from planet to planet with 162 PAGES of replies almost all of which told the OP he was a moron and its part of every game and to quit playing the game because obviously he can't handle it. 162 PAGES?! are you people serious? Yes these threads are either redundant or a typical aspect of any mmo, but just because they are, does that warrant logging onto the forums so you could be the hundredth or even thousandth person to call some kid an idiot for posting about it?!

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I have been playing MMO's since the beta of Anarchy Online (still my favorite MMO of all time) and I've always read the forums from time to time for any MMO I was currently playing but these forums stand out FAR beyond any other MMO forum I have ever read.

Yes, everyone on the forums for most games are there to post about something they are annoyed with. When you are upset about something, you want to post about it. When you are happy and enjoying a game, you don't typically come to the forums to post about how much fun you're having or how game mechanics are working the way you like so the majority of posts on ANY forum are going to typically be complaints of some sort. Not all topics will be negative, but on average, a majority of them will be negative to some degree.

My first, and less annoying observation here is that while all MMO forums are filled with a majority of negative posts, these forums are absolutely cluttered with about 95% negative posts most of which will have 2 or 3 threads on the same damn page complaining about the same exact problem. Yes I understand that some of these problems are valid and worth discussing while others are problems like whining about travel time and are aspects of almost every MMO out there. A lot of these ridiculous posts make me wonder if these people have ever even played an MMO before they come to these forums to complain about the smallest issues like the lack of end game content because you flew through to game in 2 weeks and have nothing to do.

Now my second and far more irritating observation is for all these whiny threads, whether they are valid gripes about the game or not, the responses from others players consist of nothing but ************ at the OP about how he/she is an idiot/selfish. I understand how overly stuffed these forums are with people ************ about constant server down times and yes it sucks, don't lie to me and tell me you are totally fine and content with it. Am I going to get on the forum and post about how angry I am about it? No because it doesn't change/help anyone. But when one of these posts do show up, what the **** drives hundreds of you people to post 58 pages of comments either complaining about the the OP or ************ amongst yourselves?! I saw a post the other day that complained about time it takes to go from planet to planet with 162 PAGES of replies almost all of which told the OP he was a moron and its part of every game and to quit playing the game because obviously he can't handle it. 162 PAGES?! are you people serious? Yes these threads are either redundant or a typical aspect of any mmo, but just because they are, does that warrant logging onto the forums so you could be the hundredth or even thousandth person to call some kid an idiot for posting about it?!


The use of paragraphs works wonders :)

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I have been playing MMO's since the beta of Anarchy Online (still my favorite MMO of all time) and I've always read the forums from time to time for any MMO I was currently playing but these forums stand out FAR beyond any other MMO forum I have ever read.

Yes, everyone on the forums for most games are there to post about something they are annoyed with. When you are upset about something, you want to post about it. When you are happy and enjoying a game, you don't typically come to the forums to post about how much fun you're having or how game mechanics are working the way you like so the majority of posts on ANY forum are going to typically be complaints of some sort. Not all topics will be negative, but on average, a majority of them will be negative to some degree.

My first, and less annoying observation here is that while all MMO forums are filled with a majority of negative posts, these forums are absolutely cluttered with about 95% negative posts most of which will have 2 or 3 threads on the same damn page complaining about the same exact problem. Yes I understand that some of these problems are valid and worth discussing while others are problems like whining about travel time and are aspects of almost every MMO out there. A lot of these ridiculous posts make me wonder if these people have ever even played an MMO before they come to these forums to complain about the smallest issues like the lack of end game content because you flew through to game in 2 weeks and have nothing to do.

Now my second and far more irritating observation is for all these whiny threads, whether they are valid gripes about the game or not, the responses from others players consist of nothing but ************ at the OP about how he/she is an idiot/selfish. I understand how overly stuffed these forums are with people ************ about constant server down times and yes it sucks, don't lie to me and tell me you are totally fine and content with it. Am I going to get on the forum and post about how angry I am about it? No because it doesn't change/help anyone. But when one of these posts do show up, what the **** drives hundreds of you people to post 58 pages of comments either complaining about the the OP or ************ amongst yourselves?! I saw a post the other day that complained about time it takes to go from planet to planet with 162 PAGES of replies almost all of which told the OP he was a moron and its part of every game and to quit playing the game because obviously he can't handle it. 162 PAGES?! are you people serious? Yes these threads are either redundant or a typical aspect of any mmo, but just because they are, does that warrant logging onto the forums so you could be the hundredth or even thousandth person to call some kid an idiot for posting about it?!


I find it hard to believe you claim AO beta and have not seen this... What AO offical forums were YOU paying attention to during several of their MAJOR melt downs, server crashes, destructive CDs, Damaged CD's forums wipes?

I know the other place wiped the forums a few times and had a HUGE uproar over a few major issues that they constantly swept under the rug and prayed would go away...Guess what the same bugs then are still there now... They would fix one thing break five others and leave the broken crap broken.

I see this horrible cycle of fix one break another and leave it showing up in this game as well.

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So let me get this straight... you're whining about people whining about people whining?


Talk about meta.....




haha couldn't have misunderstood either of my issues any more than you did.




I find it hard to believe you claim AO beta and have not seen this... What AO offical forums were YOU paying attention to during several of their MAJOR melt downs, server crashes, destructive CDs, Damaged CD's forums wipes?

I know the other place wiped the forums a few times and had a HUGE uproar over a few major issues that they constantly swept under the rug and prayed would go away...Guess what the same bugs then are still there now... They would fix one thing break five others and leave the broken crap broken.

I see this horrible cycle of fix one break another and leave it showing up in this game as well.


Yes AO beta and a couple months post beta involved a lot of complaining about MAJOR issues involving crashes, character losses, account issues, and serious server crashes. This could just be my personal opinion so I'm not saying you or anyone else should agree but at least to me, the problems going on during the early stages of that game were FAR BEYOND the level seriousness as 2 hour server maintainance, UI complaints, and usefulness of my trade skills.

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Completely agree with the OP...


But man, that was a wall of letters, atleast u had paragraphs, THANK YOU! /sarcasm


Additionally, I have noticed anyone that responds to these 'whiney' threads (such as myself), get warned quickly whenever we comment how rediculous the person is being, however colorful we put it.


I know things are moderated as best as possible, however, the "Negative Nancy's" are quite annoying at best.


Me personally, yes I am slightly irritated with the bug's, but i know they aren't being taken lightly and plans are in effect to ensure all bug fixes in future patches are addressed. Alot of the times i wonder if people think this is a "Perfect World" and expected an off the shelf PERFECT game... ya good luck with that lol..

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I agree 100% OP. I've never read forums with such a degree of negativity, and people are so off the mark when it comes to this game, the game is amazing and people would have tons to do if they didn't treat MMOs like a race to the finish, which they are not designed to be. That is a player issue not a game issue.


In fact there still is plenty to do, but some people are not happy unless they can sit around in one place and endlessly queue for instances. or spend most of their time ogling numbers to make sure they can place players into tidy little ranks. All of which seems to me to have more to do with a bureaucratic mindset than playing an MMO, but...

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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that players can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this (even when made with good intentions) tend to result in flame wars and have little room for constructive discussion. In the future, we encourage you to create threads that foster constructive discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


We appreciate your understanding that we've closed this thread!

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