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Would it be possible to...


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Is it possible for role-playing purposes to skip the class story line in order to have a character without their own ship, and can only get around other other player's space crafts? I don't know how much of the player storyline unlocks other quests on other planets, but there are plenty of other ways to get experience. I'm curious to how it might help develop a personal sense of being helpless in the galaxy, and more dependant on the help of others to get around the universe. Any thoughts?
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I can't see why one shouldn't be able to reach lvl 50 without ever doing any class quest. At least after you get your first companion (I think the game would be impossible without a companion in combat).


I think the idea sounds fun.


But I wonder if it won't become a bit too annoying in the long run. As it is, we don't spent much time in the spaceships anyway, and so maybe the fun of it would be too little to outweight the hazzle everytime you're stuck on a planet because no-one wants to give you a ride :)

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As far as I know, you would be very limited by which planets you could visit unless you huitch a ride with someone on their ship.

Leveling to 50 via PvP warzones, flashpoints, and space quests (granted you cannot do the space quests if you do not have your own ship) is certainly possible, but it sounds like you are looking for a sandbox game where you choose your own adventure path. That is not SWTOR, I am afraid :)

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It's an interesting idea. As the other fellow said, you'd have to play enough of you class missions to get a companion... and I think you'd have to play until they let you go to the fleet (so, like 10 levels worth of class missions), but after that, you're good.


I may be wrong, but I don't think your class missions unlock anything but more class missions. The planet series and side missions are all level dependent if I'm not mistaken.

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Is it possible for role-playing purposes to skip the class story line in order to have a character without their own ship, and can only get around other other player's space crafts? I don't know how much of the player storyline unlocks other quests on other planets, but there are plenty of other ways to get experience. I'm curious to how it might help develop a personal sense of being helpless in the galaxy, and more dependant on the help of others to get around the universe. Any thoughts?


Wow I'm actually surprised at the lack of imagination from the responses to the OP.


You don't need a companion at all if you are RPing with others. You can easily overwhelm anything with 2 or 3 other players with you. Is this what the OP was originally asking, no but it would solve the problem of ever having to ever do any story line quests. So if you really wanted to not have it, you could although you would have to group which would make RP much more enjoyable, running with the same group of RPers.


Another thing, you could do without a ship, but like my response above, at least one of the party members would have to have one. You can always join them when needing to travel to another planet. The thing is I don't think the game actually lets you board another players ship unless you actually have one yourself. I know before level 10 it wont let you board a grouped players ship but not sure after 10 if it would.

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Is it possible for role-playing purposes to skip the class story line in order to have a character without their own ship, and can only get around other other player's space crafts? I don't know how much of the player storyline unlocks other quests on other planets, but there are plenty of other ways to get experience. I'm curious to how it might help develop a personal sense of being helpless in the galaxy, and more dependant on the help of others to get around the universe. Any thoughts?

Unfortunately, until you have acquired your own ship through pursuing your class story, you are not able to board anyone else's.

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Unfortunately, until you have acquired your own ship through pursuing your class story, you are not able to board anyone else's.


Aww nuts! :(


So much for my jedi vagabond idea. Well, I suppose I can pretend I don't have one.

Edited by gauldar
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Is it possible for role-playing purposes to skip the class story line in order to have a character without their own ship, and can only get around other other player's space crafts? I don't know how much of the player storyline unlocks other quests on other planets, but there are plenty of other ways to get experience. I'm curious to how it might help develop a personal sense of being helpless in the galaxy, and more dependant on the help of others to get around the universe. Any thoughts?


You can't board another players ship until you have aquired your own ship. I had this problem with my level 10. We were RP'ing that I was just hired as a Navigator and the team was showing me the ship and I couldn't board because I hadn't reached the level where I could pilot. Why? I don't know. You'd have to ask BW about that. I'm not sure that once you reach the level where you can pilot if that means you can fly anyones ship as long as they are on board or not. I don't know, haven't tried it.

But since you've paid anywhere from $60 (for regular edition) to $150 (for the CE) and pay for a monthly sub, why would you limit yourself in gameplay by not participating in everything it has to offer?

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