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Should DOT damage prevent capping?


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Personally I think it shouldn't, but i also think it shouldnt stop your heal.


I mean you are concentrating on slicing a generator.. and some one hits you, yeah its gona inturupt you, but if your slicing a generator and your skin burns, you will probly just ignore it.

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I made a post about this, it's really annoying, if played properly a lone player can time their dots as they die and prevent anyone from capping giving them enough time to respawn and come back and do it again (alderaan is incredibly lame with this because they can fly directly to their nodes of all things). If dots are going to interrupt capping then there should be a compromise, namely dots are removed from player targets when the player that casts them dies.


Interrupting a player should require actual thought, i.e. using an attack on them, not just dotting up a few people and making it impossible for them to do anything.

Edited by Khayleth
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Personally I think it shouldn't, but i also think it shouldnt stop your heal.


I mean you are concentrating on slicing a generator.. and some one hits you, yeah its gona inturupt you, but if your slicing a generator and your skin burns, you will probly just ignore it.


don't mean to troll lol but if we follow that logic then the space levels should be silent and the sniper would win every fight with one shot

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Just seems too easy to suicide dot everyone come back and do it again. Well at least they didnt copy everything from WOW lol.


Does your team have no commandos/mercs or sages/sorcerers? Between them, dps-spec'd, they can cleanse EVERY DOT IN THE GAME. They can do this with insanely low costs and on insanely short cooldowns.


Why does no-one ever cleanse in this game? I put a Force DoT on a SORCERER and I watch them sit and start their cap over and over again MORE THAN 5 TIMES.




Do you all really need addons to cleanse? Can you not see your own debuffs? Can you not see the PULSING GREEN **** ANIMATION?



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Does your team have no commandos/mercs or sages/sorcerers? Between them, dps-spec'd, they can cleanse EVERY DOT IN THE GAME. They can do this with insanely low costs and on insanely short cooldowns.


Why does no-one ever cleanse in this game? I put a Force DoT on a SORCERER and I watch them sit and start their cap over and over again MORE THAN 5 TIMES.




Do you all really need addons to cleanse? Can you not see your own debuffs? Can you not see the PULSING GREEN **** ANIMATION?




So I guess killing a sorcerer isn't enough gotta make sure there is a cleanser with you too.

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So I guess killing a sorcerer isn't enough gotta make sure there is a cleanser with you too.


Since it's a team effort, and your team should be focusing on objectives, YES! They should respond to their dotted teammates who are trying to cap.


I've seen ONE agent keep a half-dozen people off a flag by staying in stealth, popping an AoE poison that puts an AoE dot on you, and LoSing and re-stealthing. THER WERE 2 COMMANDOS. :X

Edited by Grubfist
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DoT's have a counter.. If a guy is trying to take a door or node by himself then yes; a DoT will ruin his life.. Were he to go to the other door or node with his team, who'd be able to negate the DoT's if they have a watchful healer....


Who knows..

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Since it's a team effort, and your team should be focusing on objectives, YES! They should respond to their teammates who are trying to cap being dotted.


I understand that ideally you have someone who can cleanse. Problem is you may or may not, maybe you didnt bring one or maybe they were killed but now you killed all the enemies and it's just you and the objective you get to stare at as you see the enemy walking back up again because they placed a dot right before they died, doesn't seem right to me.

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it should only interupt Empire players, the republic can use all the help they can get now days.


You go to flip that. Empire spends all their time on huttball while pubs are getting experience at the other two. If you're not winning against guys that are seeing their first non-huttball match in 30 tries, you deserve to lose.

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Personally I think it shouldn't, but i also think it shouldnt stop your heal.


I mean you are concentrating on slicing a generator.. and some one hits you, yeah its gona inturupt you, but if your slicing a generator and your skin burns, you will probly just ignore it.


You take 5th degree burns over your entire body.... and five minutes later you can focus on high tech hacking and programming? :confused:


LOL you will "probly" scream for the next three days.

Edited by Smackjabber
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I personally think they should not interrupt beyond the first tic.


Not because of some philosophical debate over the nature of the damage or the accessibility of cleanse, but because preventing caps should be an active, awareness-based skill, not a passive fire-and-forget momentary distraction. Not every class has cleanse, and I've seen plenty of times when a DoT prevents what would otherwise be a clean cap, ie; a Marauder uses their brief stealth to break off from the east door in Voidstar and heads west, where a single defender is present. The defender is a Sage, who drops weaken mind on them in the moments before getting blown up. The marauder fails to cap because of the 21s DoT, in spite of having a full 8-10s alone at the door.


There are all kinds of arguments to be made. The marauder should call a Sorc into LoS to cleanse them. The marauder shouldn't have gone alone, etc. Nevetheless, he would have pulled it off if not for entirely passive damage from someone who is currently waiting behind the respawn shield.


Just my opinion, of course, but I do think interrupting caps as an awareness-based, active skill makes more sense.

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DoT's have a counter.. If a guy is trying to take a door or node by himself then yes; a DoT will ruin his life.. Were he to go to the other door or node with his team, who'd be able to negate the DoT's if they have a watchful healer....


Who knows..


Unless you're in alderaan where you have to split up. Myself (jugg), a second jugg, and an assassin take the left node where a lone scoundrel is there guarding it, he dots us all up as we kill him, none of us can cap. Before the dots wear he bikes right bike, literally locking us down. That is in no way balanced, at all.



Not because of some philosophical debate over the nature of the damage or the accessibility of cleanse, but because preventing caps should be an active, awareness-based skill, not a passive fire-and-forget momentary distraction


This deserves restating.

Edited by Khayleth
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I understand that ideally you have someone who can cleanse. Problem is you may or may not, maybe you didnt bring one or maybe they were killed but now you killed all the enemies and it's just you and the objective you get to stare at as you see the enemy walking back up again because they placed a dot right before they died, doesn't seem right to me.


What is so criminal in exploiting a team's weakness? If they can't or won't cleanse that is why they should lose nodes or have their doors blown open..

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I understand that ideally you have someone who can cleanse. Problem is you may or may not, maybe you didnt bring one or maybe they were killed but now you killed all the enemies and it's just you and the objective you get to stare at as you see the enemy walking back up again because they placed a dot right before they died, doesn't seem right to me.


If you don't, focus the Dotter. Their DoTs don't last forever and they cannot "Dot everyone" when stunned and harassed, especially if some of your team are LoSing them around the capture point or a pillar. Or are stealthed.


There's numerous ways you can deal with Dotters on Defense (especially since most of them are very squishy classes). Make sure you're making them dead and not spam-clicking and hoping for a ninja-cap before you've secured the zone. Tat works sometimes, but if someone is dotting you all up, they know what they're doing and you need to stop them first and worry about the cap second. Every second you delay is a second their teammate could be running up as a dot wears off.


Cleansing is just the easiest way. And is completely ignored.

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Unless you're in alderaan where you have to split up. Myself (jugg), a second jugg, and an assassin take the left node where a lone scoundrel is there guarding it, he dots us all up as we kill him, none of us can cap. Before the dots wear he bikes right bike, literally locking us down. That is in no way balanced, at all.


So, you know the problem, you know the solution, but, instead applying that solution you come to forums to QQ about it. Ha!


Scoundrel was smart and outplayed you. Shame on him!

Edited by GrandMike
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