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Giving a grace period for STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Definitely not Bioware's fault; however, some of your distributors are letting the side down.


You are aware the postal service at Christmas time is generally over taxed? Is there a better work around? I.e letting people subscribe (i.e. pay to play) but extending the grace period within which to register a product code for free game time?

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Thank you!! I think this is a great thing for BW to do. I pre-ordered the CE from Best Buy so without a grace period I wouldn't be able to play from when EGA ended on the 19th until I get to the store and pick it up when BB opens on the 20th. Not a huge loss but I think it's great that they are listening to our concerns and responding to them. Great customer service!!
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I'd like to thank all the fanboys in these forums. You guys make reading this stuff entertaining, all the while taking sucking up to newer heights...


To BW and EA, thanks. I guess, for at least attempting to compromise on the "Grace Period" issue, I mean it not like you could have actually thought about all this ahead of time, like your supposed to and make sure the retailers emailed or mailed our activation codes and then all it would take would be us providing you with Subscription info on launch day or even prior like every other game has done...


But I guess deleting posts and threads that are critical of BW and EA is more important.

Edited by Ambrogino
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I dunno who did what and who talked to who but right now I'm pretty darn grateful. I came to this thread because I had concerns I would be locked out on the 20th, and then I run into this good news. However, the news was even better when I was checking my email today and found out gamestop had already shipped my collector's edition and it'll be delivered later today lol. Gotta say BW and EA are my two favorite companies right now.
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I ordered the Standard edition,and I only recieved a pre order key that I remember,although my husband just got his key although I pre ordered before him,he bought the deluxe edition and I ill be upgrading,should I be worried that I havent recieved one yet? :(
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