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No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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Mercs and Agents get sooo boned in huttball.


As a 50 Merc I am regulated to DPSing from the ramps and avoiding anything to do with the ball.


In that case, you're doing it wrong. Cause you can easily support the ball carrier or assault people from said ledges. And be quite vulnerable to your team still. Not to mention, you can pull people into fires and stuff, or out of the way of the ball carrier. Or just do what most do. Spam tracer missle into the group of people that attack the ball carrier. -shrugs-

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"Nerf specific class abilities so can I win more"


With this in mind they should let my OP cloak and hold the ball.




Wait... what do you mean that it isn't fair because there is no way to stop it?


Fair is fair.... let me cloak if you can force run with the ball while being immune to knockback with your bubble, or leaping out of the pit and bypassing ALL the hazards that I have to deal with.



If you can't see that it's imbalanced you need to stop licking windows.

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Does this mean your not allowed to pass the ball too? Since essentially thats the same thing.


Really? is this just a whine about losing to a team with people using their brains to score rather than just running with the ball trying to be a hero?

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  • Nerf holster, because it is too powerful.
  • Nerf Snipers because they kill you in few shots, and you never see them.
  • Nerf med packs, because it is too powerful.
  • Nerf shield pickups because it is far too powerful.


It's neat that these complaints about capture the flag cross entire genres. Same requests, different names & game. Deal with it people. It takes ... dun dun ... different strokes... dun dun ... to rule the wooorld. A game in which everyone has equal and same ability is one with no subscribers.

Edited by Blasphemerr
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Okay picture this: because it happens.



You are a guardian, alone, because you're that awesome and the rest of your team is snoozing. An enemy appears, he's ranged, he's slowed you, can't get to him because leap would reset, if you do get close he knocks and you..still cant used leap.



Essentially locking you out of fighting, defending yourself and/or keeping the ball.




You're now a vanguard, alone, because you're that awesome and the rest of your team is snoozing. An enemy appears, shoot him. Half a chance to fight back at least.



In short, do not give ranged another bonus, don't, just don't do it, please, no.

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Does this mean your not allowed to pass the ball too? Since essentially thats the same thing.


Really? is this just a whine about losing to a team with people using their brains to score rather than just running with the ball trying to be a hero?


Why does everyone blow this out of proportion? I want people to throw the ball more. The reason so many games are 6-0 is because you don't have to throw the ball and can just jump out of the pit to the end zone and score over and over again. Or while the ball carrier is getting CC'ed and knock backed by the defending team, a sorc force runs by and pulls the ball carrier into the goal line. Its a lame mechanic.

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No, no, no, no, no, no, no.


While you're at it why don't we take passing away? Passing is unfair too! Also why don't we make the ballcarrier explode instantly when he takes 1 damage? Mitigating damage is unfair too!


Sprint/Leap/Pull/etc. are what make Huttball fun.

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They removed the operatives/sorcs stealth skill while holding the ball. Obviously a lot more OP than movement effects but the point is simple. Sometimes you HAVE to restrict certain abilities on on certain classes in specific situation, such as being the ball carrier, for BALANCE.


that is so different it is laughable...someone goes stealth with the ball, thats instance score, other movement effects are stoppable...why am i even explaining this, it should be pretty obvious


and yes i understand you explained the OP of it...still man come on...you can not even compair the two.

Edited by longgrassgrows
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Why does everyone blow this out of proportion? I want people to throw the ball more. The reason so many games are 6-0 is because you don't have to throw the ball and can just jump out of the pit to the end zone and score over and over again. Or while the ball carrier is getting CC'ed and knock backed by the defending team, a sorc force runs by and pulls the ball carrier into the goal line. Its a lame mechanic.


How about not standing above the pit so the chargers don't have people to charge to? And if they're juggernauts/guardians using their defensive charge, you also failed for letting the enemy get into the score zone.


Everything you describe sounds like failings on your (team's) side.

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No, no, no, no, no, no, no.


While you're at it why don't we take passing away? Passing is unfair too! Also why don't we make the ballcarrier explode instantly when he takes 1 damage? Mitigating damage is unfair too!


Sprint/Leap/Pull/etc. are what make Huttball fun.


i could see you playing football or basketball...and its a funny picture

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Even when their magical resolve bar is full....


i.e. root that sorc when he force speeds and the whole thing is ruined.


bad positioning loses huttball games, if you are positioned badly its no ones fault but your own.


if you get hit by the same gimmick score twice in the same game its your bad not the opponents.


QQ some moar pls

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You know what, this was my fault. I made the terrible assumption that people would make logical arguments on here or even provide alternative points. However, like every post on every forum, it turned into "its ok as long as my class is the OP one" and not in the real interest of balance. I have a sorc and a BH and I still think its laughable that I'm allowed to skip all the hazards and mechanics of the WZ while other classes have to deal with them.
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All I got out of this was....WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH I'm bad..hand me wins because I refuse to L2P.


There are ways to counter sprint. I love wasting that poor shadow/consular/sorc/assassin's force speed ability with a swift YOINK! ....really gives them a lousy day.


Guess what they can do if I wasted my yoink to early? LOL FORCE SPEED!



Seriously, nothing needs to be changed here. If you don't got the abilities to stop this, one of your teammates will. The game isn't built around YOU PWNING EVERYONE..its built around teamwork. Go play CoD or some shooter if you want to be the solo hero.

Edited by Tharenisis
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You know what, this was my fault. I made the terrible assumption that people would make logical arguments on here or even provide alternative points. However, like every post on every forum, it turned into "its ok as long as my class is the OP one" and not in the real interest of balance. I have a sorc and a BH and I still think its laughable that I'm allowed to skip all the hazards and mechanics of the WZ while other classes have to deal with them.


Uh, you did not post a logical argument. You posted a suggestion. People did not like your suggestion, cope.


You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Allowing all these movement enchantments makes throwing the ball moot. Also having 8 sorcs will not win you the game anymore.

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I especially love how he mentions that enemies should still be allowed to pull you across the map in his post asking to remove any counter to the enemies pulls/pushes.


Don't stand on the ledge if you don't want to be charged.


Don't let the enemy get to what is basically the goal line where they can force speed in for a (slightly quicker) goal.


I realize u may be new to hutball, but by the level 50 bracket u should know better. The fact that you made this post indicates its starting to dawn on you that you should do something to stop these moves by your enemy, asking for the devs to help u is your slowest and least likely to occur solution, so give one of the above a try and see how u like them

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I especially love how he mentions that enemies should still be allowed to pull you across the map in his post asking to remove any counter to the enemies pulls/pushes.


Don't stand on the ledge if you don't want to be charged.


Don't let the enemy get to what is basically the goal line where they can force speed in for a (slightly quicker) goal.


I realize u may be new to hutball, but by the level 50 bracket u should know better. The fact that you made this post indicates its starting to dawn on you that you should do something to stop these moves by your enemy, asking for the devs to help u is your slowest and least likely to occur solution, so give one of the above a try and see how u like them


How can I stop them when Sorc's bubble makes them IMMUNE to knock back, can trinket out my stun and force run away from me?!?!?!


Holding the ball and using abilities that let you bypass hazards is retarded. Why should a merc or a agent even be in a huttball match when other classes have such a massive advantage over them?


You should be able to use your abilities to get into position so someone can THROW you the ball, but using them to negate defenses is really broken.


I have yet to see a logical or intelligent argument for allowing this game breaking mechanic.


Edited by Typheran
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Agent, stealth to the end zone and get passed to


Merc, tracer missile tracer missile tracer missile tracer missile.


As for the sorc, stop them before they get close to the end zone, not while they are already there


The Agent has to have SOMEONE ELSE bring him the ball past all the hazards. Not a valid argument.


Tracer missile does not win games. Capping the ball does. Touching the ball makes a merc fall dramatically in DPS and die a horrible CC filled death.


Bubble + Force run + Trinket if you get stunned = leaving EVERYONE in the dust as they are still in combat AND stuck behind fire hazards which you bubbled past.


Still waiting for a valid argument.

Edited by Typheran
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U mean the agent needs a team to help him? Weird. Their team member can drop down into the pit and pass up to your agent in the end zone or walk to the first tier of the path and pass to you at the center of the top tier.


Your merc, not every class makes a good ball carrier, I guess ur chose one. Ur a dps, so dps. If ur a healer, u heal. U can knock back people off the railing and yes u will have to use it wisely before the sorc does his end zone win sprint. U can also stun them if they just got done with their sprint early. Predicting when they are going to pop cool downs or knowing when they are gonna wear off is an essential part of pvp


In both those situations hopefully you have a team with u to pass to you or yank the sorc across the map before he gets to this "redzone" before the end zone.



You are on a hutball TEAM. So complaining about not being able to single handedly stop the ball carrier or single handedly carry the ball; no one can unless they are lucky and the opposing team is napping.

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