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Would you play this if it wasn't Star Wars?


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The science fiction appeal would've drawn me to the game whether or not it had Star Wars attached to it. That said, the only thing that keeps me playing this game is the Star Wars name. If it weren't for being Star Wars, I'd have an easier time choking down the disappointment. Edited by Budizzle
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I played it moreso because it was Bioware, there hasn't been a Bioware game i haven't enjoyed and after playing WoW for years i was curious to see what my favourite games developer had in store for the MMO genre.


I'm not even a huge fan of Star Wars, even now, playing the game, its just an excellent game.

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I've played two mmo's, swg and now this...why? because all the other midevil/fantasy stuff holds no interest to me. I think star wars has the most to offer for an mmo in terms of variety of different gameplay styles. It has everything to offer from space combat, magic, rocket launchers, bounty hunters, monsters, and on and on. Just the definition of star wars = no end game ever.


But no....if this wasn't star wars i would not play it....because all I ever have seen hyped about this game is heroic single player fully voiced stories. That is awesome for a single player/co-op game. Not for an MMO. Actually now that I think about it, I'm playing because I know a single player kotor won't be made again ever or if not ever for at least 7+ years...

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There's a difference between a generic sci-fi setting and Star Wars (namely the presence of Jedi, lightsabers, the Force, certain alien species, the way droids function, etc.).


Like, imagine if the setting was in Star Trek, or Dr. Who, or something.


Or fantasy if that's what you would prefer to think about.


I've been playing another game, Entropia Universe, precisely because it was a generic sci-fi setting with mind implants and was a sandbox setup. Before that I played Neocron 2 because it offered the same thing.


Entropia costs about $2.00 USD on up (per hour) to play with any significant level of fun. It costs me $0.05 per shot in real money every time I fire the lasers on my Quad-wing spacecraft. And Neocron 2's creator, Reakktor went into bankruptcy and you couldn't get a password into the game due to payment processor problems.


Then there was STO, which was great fun the first time through, although the replayability and ground game sorely lacked any zing. I stopped playing STO when my leveling ended at 50 and no new content has shown up, although there's a featured episode series FINALLY appearing this weekend. But once those 5 episodes are done that'll be it for another couple of months.


So yes, if it was a generic sci-fi setting and had this kind of story setup and character breadth, alignment system and all, yeah, I'd still play it. $15 a month is a bargain. SWTOR is still superior to all of those other games in terms of story and lasting immersion and holding my interest.


It also doesn't have the in-your-face grind of Entropia or Neocron, and I can actually catch up (at some point) to the players in SWTOR unlike Entropia and Neocron, where I will never be able to match the top players because it's an open-ended skill system.


The ground game in SWTOR is superior to all of them IMHO. And after playing it as much as I have, I now believe the space game in SWTOR, even in its current state, is more fun than the space components of Entropia (full 3D rotational space combat, with REAL money in the loot) or STO. Maybe I'm just a sucker for arcade-style action, but I've played twitch combat in space and I LOVED X-Wing, but these days I don't have time for that kind of difficulty and I don't have a roommate like I did in college that can play co-pilot for me, lol.


And let's remember the most important aspect... this game just got started. Can you imagine how much more there'll be to this game in a year or three years if BioWare keeps at it and doesn't let it drop in the mud like Cryptic did with their game?

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