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Stop patching the bloody game!


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Hmmm.. When the BioWare is consider to run some Real Test Server and hire someone to test their patches BEFORE patches going to apply?




At least emergency downtime days should be not count in subscription.

Edited by Missandei
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"The Old Republic’s early success has been the quality and reliability of the game’s service, with servers being available for more than 99.5% of the time outside of scheduled maintenance." ©




Perhaps that should have been:

The Old Republic’s early success has been the quality of story as well as unreliability and unavailability of the game’s service, with servers being available for less than 99.5% of the time outside of scheduled maintenance. Also a really bad customer services is available that makes it hard for players outside US, UK, France and Germany to get any help without paying huge phone bills.

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Flame on...


I have yet to see one showstopper in any of the patch notes.


Oh yeah the Sprint after revived was a real killer for me!


I have yet to play a MMO where you had to rebuff after death!


But hey, perhaps the dude that works during patching only has a per hour patched pay scheme.


As others, No care about the downtime really but it doesn't really give a serious feeling abou Bioware and there ability to really handle an MMO when they have to randomly patch every other day.


Management through chaos?


Still a good game, awesome game, just lacks the pro feeling from the management.



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Yeah because 3 wasn't enough. LOL


Good night Bioware employee #452, you are losing your player-base.


I dont work at Bioware and noone really cares if you quit. Millions of happy people around who are adults about things. I dont really mind losing needy customers who take up all my time.

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For many players, the Ilum bug is gamebreaking, and given the level of response from affected players, a patch 48 hours after it was discovered it appropriate.


I've noticed a lot of complaints about how the level of patching is far greater than other MMOs. I have to disagree with this - many MMOs I've played have nearly daily patches shortly after launch, and often take months to settle down. The ones that down tend to stay terribly buggy, and suffer a mass exodus shortly after.


While 4 hours for a small patch does seem rather long, there have been a few occasions where patches have been deployed in much shorter times that predicted, and at least they're not massively overrunning, like some MMOs I could mention!


While I'm not totally unsympathetic towards those who have limited playing windows, my personal opinion is that it's just one of the prices of playing an MMO. And I think it WILL settle down with time.


I for one welcome the speed of patching critical issues.

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So you are saying Jan 4th was actually 2 days? Because if not hows that relevant at all? Again like I said before some people just arent happy unless they are complaining.


Because the servers went down to apply a patch.


Then they came back up.


Then they went back down again about 12 hours later for another patch.



See, 2 patches. 1 day.



Still 4 times in one week.


You lose.

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He does have no reason to. They are fixing the game. You really think people at lvl 50 want to wait an entire week without being able to do anything? This is something that is a major game stopping bug for a ton of people. The servers go down at the SAME time all the time. I dont get what the issue is. So you cannot get on till midnight then oh well too bad for you. Most people can get on while the servers are up.


You sir only think about your self what about europe players that have 4 hours on a tueday they cant get on and then another 4 hours a couple of days after i myself work so i get tues day and thursdays off so i like some gaming time while kids are at school at moment thats not happening.


They need to ulternate the patch times so europe players and USA get same hour downtime a month

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Or, I'd prefer they patch a game-breaking issue they've discovered in a timely manner rather than letting it sit and continue to break the game for people.


You make it clear that you don't give a crap about the game experience of others, only yourself. So what if this hotfix might fix the game for a thousand people? Why should they get their game fixed if it's going to inconvenience you for a couple hours? So what if perhaps this issue is going to close an exploit that may effect the entire community negatively? It's going to inconvenience you for a few hours, so everyone else should just suck it, right?


Didn't your parents ever teach you that you're not the center of the universe? You're just another person in the (very large) crowd playing this game. Your convenience is not more important than the experience for the community in general.



Well I don't know if I'd call it a "game breaking issue" - it's a level 50 PVP issue - and if it is "game breaking" I bet it is game breaking for a LOT less people then however many cannot play the game at all during the patch. I'd also add that you wanting the patch to fix the game breaking issue (that has no effect on probably most players) is you putting your needs or the needs of those having that issue, above others who want to play. Why is one more selfish than the other? He's certainly not the only person that feels the way he does so it's ridiculous to act as though he is one person in the crowd - a whole lot of the "crowd" would agree with him. We've been playing this for how many weeks/months now without this patch... seems like this issue would have been okay until the next regular weekly update. I also think it sucks for those in a time zone where it is not the middle of the night (and I'm in the U.S.). In any case as paying customers we do have a right to complain about what we don't like about the game - someone complained about needed this patch and he can complain about when it was implemented - what's the problem with that?

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Could Amazon say we are going down for 4 hours? or Facebook or Google or Salesforce? Downtime apparently is very acceptable in the MMO world. But the rest of the world has moved on.


I work in the software industry and I keep systems up and running. Patches are quick and the goal is always to minimize downtime. So to patch 1 issue - PVP in Ilum, if it takes 4 hours then something is really wrong. People may defend it saying that is the way MMOs work. But it does not have to be like that, innovation only happens when people say "we can improve the way things work."


Questions Bioware must ask itself:


Why is every alternate patch a "game breaker"?

Why does it take 4 hours to patch regardless of the scope of the patch?

Edited by Zitori
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Why is it with this bloody game each week seems to have a update 24 or 48 hours later than the scheduled downtime? Can't the update wait to the next soddin scheduled downtime?


I can't help feeling I'm go to get a huge rebate soon :p


its okay we all are addicted to the game and your (troll) reaction is normal , just like any drug that is taken away from you for any given time ppl become aggressive , its just that i tend to control my urges and enjoy reading the trolololololol forums while maintenance is up, its quite fun.

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I dont work at Bioware and noone really cares if you quit. Millions of happy people around who are adults about things. I dont really mind losing needy customers who take up all my time.


Did I say I was? You'd better be worried, you won't have a game to defend champ.


You also are obviously void of any type of business sense. Don't quit your day job.


Done here, I'm sure you're glad. Keep your nose up Bioware's behind though, pretty soon you will see daylight.

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I have only had the game 2 weeks but this is the 6th maintenance I have had to wait through, two of which were on the weekend.

Here the patches happen peak time, tonights is 7pm to 1am. As I work this is the only time I have to play.

Even my girlfriend, who cares nothing for gaming but knows Im enjoying this one, is going "Wow, you guys cant play again for maintenance??!!".


I'm usually the guy telling people to stop whining over silly stuff, but this is happening far to often.


Consolidate your patches into once per week!!!!!!!

Or only have shorter downtimes if you must.


With my timetable this game seems only playable about 65% of the time. Annoying because I enjoy it so much.

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Current Patches since launch:


Feb 9th (Thursday hotfix)

Feb 7th (Tuesday patch)

Feb 2nd (Thursday hotfix)

Jan 31st (Tuesday patch)

Jan 28th (Saturday hotfix)

Jan 24th (Tuesday patch)

Jan 19th (Thursday hotfix)

Jan 18th (postponed Tuesday patch)

Jan 12th (postponed Tuesday patch)

Jan 6th (Friday hotfix)

Jan 5th (Thursday hotfix)

Jan 4th (Wednesday hotfix)

Jan 4th (Wednesday patch)

Dec 29th (Thursday hotfix)

Dec 27th (Tuesday patch)

Dec 22nd(Thursday hotfix)

Dec 22nd(Thursday hotfix)

Dec 20th (Tuesday launch)


Anything in red is an "emergency patch"

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Hmmm.. When the BioWare is consider to run some Real Test Server and hire someone to test their patches BEFORE patches going to apply?




At least emergency downtime days should be bot count in subscription.

Aw my gawd! Why did they not think of that! :eek:


Or perhaps they should have fixed the bloody game a bit more before release, though I assume that Bioware did not have full saying in release date and was in usual manner forced to release it in its obviously not finished state.


Hate being beta tester after game release......

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At least emergency downtime days should be not count in subscription.


I second this, no matter how much money you have spending it sucks.

SPending it on something which in turn irritates you, occasionally, is even worse.


However, if you don't pay for the downtime you're not loosing money on it, and maybe this will be another reason for patching to go over more smoothly (not loosing money is a big reason to make the game playable).

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Well I don't know if I'd call it a "game breaking issue" - it's a level 50 PVP issue - and if it is "game breaking" I bet it is game breaking for a LOT less people then however many cannot play the game at all during the patch. I'd also add that you wanting the patch to fix the game breaking issue (that has no effect on probably most players) is you putting your needs or the needs of those having that issue, above others who want to play. Why is one more selfish than the other? He's certainly not the only person that feels the way he does so it's ridiculous to act as though he is one person in the crowd - a whole lot of the "crowd" would agree with him. We've been playing this for how many weeks/months now without this patch... seems like this issue would have been okay until the next regular weekly update. I also think it sucks for those in a time zone where it is not the middle of the night (and I'm in the U.S.). In any case as paying customers we do have a right to complain about what we don't like about the game - someone complained about needed this patch and he can complain about when it was implemented - what's the problem with that?


i agree with what you said in the latter part about time zones BUT , seems none of us really read the EULA before we hit that accept button , its all there they can do maintenace every 2 hr , if you hit accept on that button complaining becomes really useless.

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Ok so when they do a patch and none of the Ops or HMs work and you piss and moan ill say IDC i dont do that id rather PvP NOW...you lost a day guess what so did all the PvPers lost a day too. BW is new to this holy ****. Tell you what. I want you to go out and start a job something you have never done before and im going to watch you the entire time. BTW i have less knowlage of what to do then you. Every time you mess up im going to call you retarded and tell you what a horriable job. And just so you know the issues they are fixing are


1.) Some daily quests are not acting as they should (you can do as many as you want)

THAT IS GAME BREAKING this did not only apply to 50s but anyone that did PvP dailies

(people able to get way more PvP bags then they should in 1 day)


2.)Valor and credit for daily quests not counting on Ilum.

(Not that big a deal for Imps since they can roll a zerg to mid and farm the few armaments there. for Reps if they didnt fix till next patch i would miss out on a weekly and at least 4-5 dailies)


if you PvE and missed out on a week of being able to do your raids would you **** your pants???? Yes you would so **** and stop crying cause i wont ***** when they patch the game for PvE.

Edited by HanSollo
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Aw my gawd! Why did they not think of that! :eek:


Or perhaps they should have fixed the bloody game a bit more before release, though I assume that Bioware did not have full saying in release date and was in usual manner forced to release it in its obviously not finished state.


Hate being beta tester after game release......


It had to release before Christmas... finished product or not...

BW/EA needs that Christmas buying frenzy for the income boost they have been anticipating.

Edited by DespicableMan
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In the past 2 weeks, I've gotten to play for a very limited few hours in 3 sessions. All other times I have had spare time to play, there has been maintenance.


I feel completely ripped off as I'm expecting just 1 day a week but instead I'm literally not playing the game.


If I knew it was going to be like this, I would have held off for a couple of months and saved myself a few bucks. I'm not one to usually complain, but I'm tired, I've been working really hard lately, and all I want to do is catch up on a little SWTOR and it's just not happening as BioWare told me it would when I decided to hand them over money.

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