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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Had enough- im quitting. Worst pvp ever


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Forget the balance, how about let start with the basics:


Make the animation and controls smooth and responsive.


Make it so people don't teleport 3 feet away randomly when hit.


Make it so when someone looks like they fell off a ledge they actually did


Make it where even though I am spamming a button nothing is happening because the target is no where near where he appears on my screen.


Make it when my toon throws a nade it doesn't look like he's trying to Jersey Shore fist pump b/c of the double jerk (that you supposedly fixed in 1.1.2)


The teleporting is incredibly annoying as well, but I remember they said that they were implementing 3 levels of fixes for the combat responsiveness solution, and they have only done 2 so far. Maybe (hopefully) the third fix will fix the double jerk, because it is very very annoying on my Juggernaut, especially when it happens with Smash, the ability his damage revolves around.

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The people that complain about this game are the people who didnt start playing wow until burning crusade, or most likely wrath. So they don't know what it's like to have a game with no BG system at all at the start. This game has provided plenty of opportunities to enjoy a wide variety of both pvp and pve scenarios. You just lack the patience and maturity to allow a game to grow.
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Oh dear lord, its Sammyboy. All you did was whine in SWG about your profession, now you come here and whine about BW. Go home, play Monopoly. Your opinion is never anything but negative.


You obviously have the wrong Sammy in mind.

Edited by Pistols
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I used to be one of the guys that would defend this game to the death when people say stuff like this... but the OP is right. End-game PvP is a total joke, and all BW can say about it is "Ilum is working as intended." If this is how they actually intended end-game PvP to be... then I'm not wasting any more of my money either.


Money talks. When they lose enough subs, maybe they'll pull their heads out of their asses. Until then, no dice.


This... and I just unsubbed as well. I just have to say that if this was another wizards and dragons game nobody would be playing and everyone would laugh at how short this game falls. The Star Wars theme and great sound will only keep people around for so long. These are the only two things this game has going for it and neither are really worth that much when you compare them to its liabilities.

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Sorry to hear you don't enjoy the game, OP :(


I log in and PvP every night with friends and we have so much fun... we also have fun leveling our alts and stuff.


I'm sorry this game isn't working out for ya - I hope you are able to find one that you enjoy.

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Oh dear lord, its Sammyboy. All you did was whine in SWG about your profession, now you come here and whine about BW. Go home, play Monopoly. Your opinion is never anything but negative.


LOL! :eek:


If anything I was an elitist in regards to my profession. If you knew me, you know that I argued for what was best for smuggler when our update was scheduled; against Tralita and affiliated ******* (cough) who knew next to nothing about our profession and it's needs.


Also, I'm merely making an opinion that SWG > SWTOR, and that BW fanboys will get there tighty-whiteys all tied in a knot over it. ;)

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I kinda agree with the OP (but not nearly as "ragey" :D ). I will try to log on and can't even muster the interest to complete dailies. Though to be fair, I knew this game lacked an end game and would only last me a month or two.


I wish Bioware all the best, and maybe in a year, there will be a fun end game to come back to play.

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Yes it is true i have had enough of this game and. The pve content, the stories AND MOST OF ALL THE PVP. IT COMPLETLY SUCKS AZZ.


This is srsly the worst and most imbalanced mmo pvp game I ever played! its so sad. I have never quit a game for these kind of reasons. Or thinking about quitting a game but in this game Im just asking myself why do i play or why should i stay in this mess.


I have had enough already and i wont come back. Almost 100% sure on that. Just waiting for my game time to run out.


Never heard of you, scrub.

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hate to be a hater but I am hating my game experience so far... I wanted this game to the be all end all and this isnt what I was expecting.


sub is cancelled but will keep checking the forums and when I can some progress I might come back for a look.


Problem is now I have to go back to World of Tanks and I am far behind my friends...ah well


Ill be back...just hope they fix this up before Guild Wars 2 :p

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I played wow and was there at launch, it was nowhere as bad as this game. This game just feels stale and and the PVP is just imbalanced, Its hillarious when you think how much time money they spend on this game and so many other mmos to learn from.


When i login in this game i just wanna logut just as fast after doing 2-3 warzones. Its just boring me to death. The animations and gameplay feels so STALE and lack so much. Im no expert in this area but I can absoltly feel this game is BROKEN in it current state.


For this reason, im leaving and I wont come back.


This game is a complete disaster from my pov.


If that were true, you'd remember WoW didn't even have battlegrounds at launch, they came a few months later. And when they did come, the only one we got at first was WSG which is just capture the flag - hardly the most imaginative BG since CTF's been around in every game ever. Also, there was no honor at launch - that got added after.


How many times did AV get changed before they finally got it to what they wanted? Matches used to take days or even a week to complete. For one match. 24/7, for 4 or 5 days. Personally, I loved it, but understandably 95% of the population hated it. Still, it went through... probably 5 or 6 completely different incarnations before we finally got what is there now. EoTS came way later than most the other BGs too.


There was no arena at launch either; that came MUCH later. I see people crying about Expertise, but it's basically just what WoW used. The Resolve bar suck - I'm not going to try and argue against that - but diminishing returns in WoW PvP weren't there at launch - at all. Anyone remember just being feared/dotted/feared/dotted/feared/dotted until dead when fighting a warlock? I sure do.


Point is, comparing a game that's had YEARS to patch, add content, and fix bugs to a game that's had a month to do the same is just stupid and unfair. If you aren't happy, just leave. Give it six months if you want, then come back and try again. Or don't - its your time, and your money. But many people are really enjoying this game - myself included. Seeing the constant whining about every single facet of this game is just getting old.

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Yes it is true i have had enough of this game and. The pve content, the stories AND MOST OF ALL THE PVP. IT COMPLETLY SUCKS AZZ.


This is srsly the worst and most imbalanced mmo pvp game I ever played! its so sad. I have never quit a game for these kind of reasons. Or thinking about quitting a game but in this game Im just asking myself why do i play or why should i stay in this mess.


I have had enough already and i wont come back. Almost 100% sure on that. Just waiting for my game time to run out.


So true, they really failed with this game

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If that were true, you'd remember WoW didn't even have battlegrounds at launch, they came a few months later. And when they did come, the only one we got at first was WSG which is just capture the flag - hardly the most imaginative BG since CTF's been around in every game ever. Also, there was no honor at launch - that got added after.


How many times did AV get changed before they finally got it to what they wanted? Matches used to take days or even a week to complete. For one match. 24/7, for 4 or 5 days. Personally, I loved it, but understandably 95% of the population hated it. Still, it went through... probably 5 or 6 completely different incarnations before we finally got what is there now. EoTS came way later than most the other BGs too.


There was no arena at launch either; that came MUCH later. I see people crying about Expertise, but it's basically just what WoW used. The Resolve bar suck - I'm not going to try and argue against that - but diminishing returns in WoW PvP weren't there at launch - at all. Anyone remember just being feared/dotted/feared/dotted/feared/dotted until dead when fighting a warlock? I sure do.


Point is, comparing a game that's had YEARS to patch, add content, and fix bugs to a game that's had a month to do the same is just stupid and unfair. If you aren't happy, just leave. Give it six months if you want, then come back and try again. Or don't - its your time, and your money. But many people are really enjoying this game - myself included. Seeing the constant whining about every single facet of this game is just getting old.


I agree with this guy.


THis game does have its share of bugs, there's no denying that. But really, the "gold standard" game that SWTOR is often compared to (which I shall not name), did not have battlegrounds at all at launch... nor did it have as many operations (raids) at start.


It also didn't have hard-mode level 50 dungeons.


This game has so much more to offer at endgame than any MMO i've ever seen. I think the reason it seems to not is because many peoples' first MMO was that "gold standard" game so it felt like the content lasted much longer... there was a steeper learning curve.

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