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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Had enough- im quitting. Worst pvp ever


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Yes it is true i have had enough of this game and. The pve content, the stories AND MOST OF ALL THE PVP. IT COMPLETLY SUCKS AZZ.


This is srsly the worst and most imbalanced mmo pvp game I ever played! its so sad. I have never quit a game for these kind of reasons. Or thinking about quitting a game but in this game Im just asking myself why do i play or why should i stay in this mess.


I have had enough already and i wont come back. Almost 100% sure on that. Just waiting for my game time to run out.

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lol you gave it a month... i think if you have that patience you should go check out something else..




dont know why all these people need to come and voice to everyone that they are leaving...


a month where every patch has created new problems instead of fixing the ones it was supposed to? I dont know why all these fanboys come here and slam their hard-ons for BW and star wars onto their keyboards in defense of this game as if it was their messiah. Outside of the story for the classes, it's a pretty terrible game considering the caliber of the developer. Maybe blizzard just has an amazingly talented staff, but if these patches are anything to go by I feel like BW/EA are content with their box sales

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lol you gave it a month... i think if you have that patience you should go check out something else..




dont know why all these people need to come and voice to everyone that they are leaving...


I played wow and was there at launch, it was nowhere as bad as this game. This game just feels stale and and the PVP is just imbalanced, Its hillarious when you think how much time money they spend on this game and so many other mmos to learn from.


When i login in this game i just wanna logut just as fast after doing 2-3 warzones. Its just boring me to death. The animations and gameplay feels so STALE and lack so much. Im no expert in this area but I can absoltly feel this game is BROKEN in it current state.


For this reason, im leaving and I wont come back.


This game is a complete disaster from my pov.

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a month where every patch has created new problems instead of fixing the ones it was supposed to? I dont know why all these fanboys come here and slam their hard-ons for bw and star wars onto their keyboards in defense of this game as if it was their messiah. Outside of the story for the classes, it's a pretty terrible game considering the caliber of the developer. Maybe blizzard just has an amazingly talented staff, but if these patches are anything to go by i feel like bw/ea are content with their box sales


^ bam ^

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I played wow and was there at launch, it was nowhere as bad as this game. This game just feels stale and and the PVP is just imbalanced, Its hillarious when you think how much time money they spend on this game and so many other mmos to learn from.


When i login in this game i just wanna logut just as fast after doing 2-3 warzones. Its just boring me to death. The animations and gameplay feels so STALE and lack so much. Im no expert in this area but I can absoltly feel this game is BROKEN in it current state.


For this reason, im leaving and I wont come back.


This game is a complete disaster from my pov.


Agree again...

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yeah cause the most successful mmo of all time would be a terrible thing to model your mmo after


I hated PvP in WoW. Classes being balanced around sandbox pillarhumping duels, ruining PvE and other areas of PvP alike. Necessity to participate in the abovementioned sandbox duels to maintain a respectable level of pvp gear (at least pre-Cata, but I quit in mid-WOtLK). FOTMs were much worse than they are here. In ToR, I feel like I have a fighting chance against everyone - even against a player knows what he's doing.


I also love playing a tank in PvP. Taunts, juggling Guard, generously applying CC, helping DPS finish off a wounded enemy, jumping back and forth between allies and enemies. It's very dynamic, very fun and requires strategy and a lot of situational awareness - never experienced anything like that in WoW, LA2, Ragnarok, or even WAR.





Bottomline, the sky is not falling. ToR has great potential. Though I agree that BW takes too long to fix things, they'll come around, if they know what's good for the game.

Edited by Helig
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I hated PvP in WoW. Classes being balanced around sandbox pillarhumping duels, ruining PvE and other areas of PvP alike. Necessity to participate in the abovementioned sandbox duels to maintain a respectable level of pvp gear (at least pre-Cata, but I quit in mid-WOtLK). FOTMs were much worse than they are here. In ToR, I feel like I have a fighting chance against everyone - even against a player knows what he's doing.


I also love playing a tank in PvP. Taunts, juggling Guard, generously applying CC, helping DPS finish off a wounded enemy, jumping back and forth between allies and enemies. It's very dynamic, very fun and requires strategy and a lot of situational awareness - never experienced anything like that in WoW, LA2, Ragnarok, or even WAR.





Bottomline, the sky is not falling. ToR has great potential. Though I agree that BW takes too long to fix things, they'll come around, if they know what's good for the game.




None of what you said is true because there are too many sorcerers.

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a month where every patch has created new problems instead of fixing the ones it was supposed to? I dont know why all these fanboys come here and slam their hard-ons for BW and star wars onto their keyboards in defense of this game as if it was their messiah. Outside of the story for the classes, it's a pretty terrible game considering the caliber of the developer. Maybe blizzard just has an amazingly talented staff, but if these patches are anything to go by I feel like BW/EA are content with their box sales


Couldn't agree more. SWG, for example, was a much smaller staffed game yet the NGE was more enjoyable then whats available in SWTOR.


Flame on, bioware fans. ;)

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yeah cause the most successful mmo of all time would be a terrible thing to model your mmo after


Uh yeah... Because if I really wanted to play a WoW clone, i'd be playing WoW. But seeing as I don't play WoW anymore, here's to hoping bioware will figure out how to do thier own thing successfully while I level up alts.

Edited by Calitri
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Forget the balance, how about let start with the basics:


Make the animation and controls smooth and responsive.


Make it so people don't teleport 3 feet away randomly when hit.


Make it so when someone looks like they fell off a ledge they actually did


Make it where even though I am spamming a button nothing is happening because the target is no where near where he appears on my screen.


Make it when my toon throws a nade it doesn't look like he's trying to Jersey Shore fist pump b/c of the double jerk (that you supposedly fixed in 1.1.2)


The fact this is the ONLY game I played I had to use /stuck at least once a day should be a red flag.

Edit: The fact that you actually HAVE a /stuck command on a short CD should be a red flag!

Edited by Jackintocrack
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None of what you said is true because there are too many sorcerers.


They die like the rest to my Guardian (when he's Vigilance), they die like the rest to my Sniper. They die like the rest to my Marauder and Scoundrel. They have too many baseline PvP tools, and that makes them easy to play, but they aren't overpowered. The only thing that was remotely overpowered was the ability to drop a tank from 19k to 2k in one short burst with no chance for retailation out of stealth. This has been addressed.


For a game that's been out 1 month, the balance isn't bad.

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I used to be one of the guys that would defend this game to the death when people say stuff like this... but the OP is right. End-game PvP is a total joke, and all BW can say about it is "Ilum is working as intended." If this is how they actually intended end-game PvP to be... then I'm not wasting any more of my money either.


Money talks. When they lose enough subs, maybe they'll pull their heads out of their asses. Until then, no dice.

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I played wow and was there at launch, it was nowhere as bad as this game. This game just feels stale and and the PVP is just imbalanced, Its hillarious when you think how much time money they spend on this game and so many other mmos to learn from.


When i login in this game i just wanna logut just as fast after doing 2-3 warzones. Its just boring me to death. The animations and gameplay feels so STALE and lack so much. Im no expert in this area but I can absoltly feel this game is BROKEN in it current state.


For this reason, im leaving and I wont come back.


This game is a complete disaster from my pov.


Hahaha, I feel "exactly" the same way as you... What a coincidence.

Wow on release was far more addicting than this game.

I don't know why, but it just was.


Another 11 more days until I dissapear.

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I used to be one of the guys that would defend this game to the death when people say stuff like this... but the OP is right. End-game PvP is a total joke, and all BW can say about it is "Ilum is working as intended." If this is how they actually intended end-game PvP to be... then I'm not wasting any more of my money either.


Money talks. When they lose enough subs, maybe they'll pull their heads out of their asses. Until then, no dice.


Noy likely the devs are too busy playing LARP starwars in the parking lot high on lsd. YOU ARE DEAD I SPAMMED LIGHTENING AT YOU YOU!!!!

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I played wow and was there at launch, it was nowhere as bad as this game. This game just feels stale and and the PVP is just imbalanced, Its hillarious when you think how much time money they spend on this game and so many other mmos to learn from.


When i login in this game i just wanna logut just as fast after doing 2-3 warzones. Its just boring me to death. The animations and gameplay feels so STALE and lack so much. Im no expert in this area but I can absoltly feel this game is BROKEN in it current state.


For this reason, im leaving and I wont come back.


This game is a complete disaster from my pov.


wait so you saying wow was perfect when it started nice i don't think so every mmo has it bad days :p. if you don't like the game leave

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