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1080 wishes


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im running an odd setup. dual monitors running at 1400x900. listening to all my friends brag about their 1080 monitors so i did some hunting and found a good price on this Acer23" 1080 monitor.


installed the monitor, installed the drivers, made sure Catalyst was up to date and running smoothly.


i run my 'main' monitor on the left its one of the original 19" monitors running at 1400x900, and the acer is on the right running at 1920x1080. still no problems with any other game. but i notice my resolution dropdown menu does not offer all the available resolutions that it should for a 1080 monitor. my wifes comp is sitting next to me and she is running 1080 and has double the amount of available resolutions in the menu.


i have it setup so the launcher opens on the left monitor but the actual game opens in windowed-fullscreen mode on the right. windowed-fullscreen is the mode required for dual monitors so the game is shown fullscreen but the mouse will float across both monitors.


so i do a little research and fool with my .ini files. still no problem if i want to run at 1400x900 but the game will still not offer me 1080 for the second monitor.



D3DFullScreen = false ----------this is the command for windowed-fullscreen

Height = 800 ----------this is reset to this value upon exiting swtor

NativeHeight = 1080 ---------this is the setting for the native monitor height.

NativeWidth = 1920 --------setting for native monitor width

TextureAnisotropy = 16

Width = 1280 --------reset to this value upon quitting swtor

WindowX = 1440 ---------this value tells the client to open on the right screen

WindowY = 0

MeshLODQuality = 1

PlantDensity = 100

FullScreen = true -------second half to the windowed-fullscreen setting

VerticalSyncState = false

EnableBloom = true

TextureQuality = 0

UseMinSpecShaders = false

doShadows = true

FarClipScale = 1.

AntiAliasingLevel = 1

Buckets = 2

GraphicsDeviceId = 26814

AllowDepthOfField = true

RefreshRate = 60




MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies

SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic


any suggestions on how to get the full use out of my 1080 monitor?

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fixed it. i remember now why i had the setup i did. one of my monitors was better for text and wow looked better on the other one. with the same resolution, i was only going of pure picture quality.


i switched my 'main' monitor in the catalyst program and swapped all my icons back to the left monitor. retained my original setup in looks and placement and now swtor recognizes my 1080 monitor and offers settings for it.


thanks for the very simple suggestion i had overlooked the whole time.

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