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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"PTR didn't give us enough feedback"


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As much as I understand that you cannot really test something before patching it if you don't test it well enough, I think that you are doing it wrong.


Do you really expect me/us to spend extra hours on a game we are paying for to test stuff that are supposed to be working already? We can't even copy our 50s onto the PTR.

We were doing our best to make sure ToR is great before launch. I know that many beta testers were giving a ton of constructive feedback on what you should change to make the game better. I know I and many others were giving you tips on what you should avoid. You implemented things either way, you did not listen. And once again I can only say "I told you so"

At least that's how I feel. I am not supposed to have to play my game, then log off, log onto PTR and play there testing things for you while getting - (minus) income for it.


This is your job... honestly.


Make bots if you want to stress test some bugs, have people that actually know stuff about games test it. It's obvious that you didn't, otherwise you wouldn't put this new GCD feature in. It's obviously very uncomfortable to not be able to see the cooldowns properly.


You say you listen to us, yet I keep hearing that Reid posted some response about X thing on Twitter and I have not seen anything about it on these forums.

We already said we hate that. We do not want to have to use Twitter or any other website but this one to know what's going on.


Can we have some real communication going on here?

We really DO appreciate it if you keep us posted. I know it's hard to see which tips on the forums would actually hurt the game or help it, but you are a huge company for god's sake. You should stop being ruled by people that don't even like games, only shiny money. I am sure some of you have passion for making games and you probably very often think "why are we even implementing this? I know I should say something, but my boss will hate me for it".



That's why Lucas made prequels really bad, because no one challenged him and he was free to do whathever he wanted.

I don't know how you vote for features to be implemented, there is probably a meeting and people showing flow charts and statistics. If you want innovation, you should stop doing that. Still... I am guessing most of it.



I love you Bioware, I respect your hard work, you are the company that I always thought was the best. I like ToR (although it punishes me for it every day), and I believe you are onto something great, just don't get off the path, like you have been doing for some time now.


Wake your inner gamer!

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So, you hold Bioware to a different standard then every other MMO?


That is hilarious!


The only fault on Biowares part is not having character transfer to the PTS. They need to fix that, so that people have no valid excuses to demand fixes and then demand that they not participate in testing to see if they are getting what they are demanding.

Edited by Andryah
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Could not agree more. They seem to have no "Quality Assurance" team, no in-game support, and a paltry customer service team. But Moderators they got!


Sorry -- I have been told not to mention "those that cannot be mentioned".


Sigh....this post is soon removed...


It took them 3 weeks to answer my ingame ticket, yet it takes about 2.5 minutes to remove a post for mentioning "those that cannot be mentioned".


They do not exist -- They are not here.

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So, you hold Bioware to a different standard then every other MMO?


That is hilarious!


The only fault on Biowares part is not having character transfer to the PTS. They need to fix that, so that people have no valid excuses to demand fixes and then demand that they not participate in testing to see if they are getting what they are demanding.


I do actually. And I am not a fanboy, just a person that enjoyed every single game released by Bioware so far. I had games from other major companies that I couldn't stand after 30 minutes, yet Bioware seems to always entertain me. Until ToR which frustrated me greatly for many reasons. I am not supposed to have to try and like a game, I should just like it :(

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It's comical how they try to lay the blame on us, when they chose to ignore tons of feedback submitted since beta, like the warzones wins not counting and a myriad of other bugs.


We pay 15 bucks to play the game, not test crap for them. They don't even provide a friendly PTS environment, no character copy, no 50-premade. Do they really expect us to level a character everytime 1 - 50 in PTS just to get it wiped out, and all the feedback subsequently ignored?

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Could not agree more. They seem to have no "Quality Assurance" team, no in-game support, and a paltry customer service team. But Moderators they got!


Sorry -- I have been told not to mention "those that cannot be mentioned".


Sigh....this post is soon removed...


It took them 3 weeks to answer my ingame ticket, yet it takes about 2.5 minutes to remove a post for mentioning "those that cannot be mentioned".


They do not exist -- They are not here.


And in regards to you signature. I think there's some serious propaganda going on here myself. I have warnings for saying things I would never think insult anyone in any way ever, and weren't even aimed at anyone either.


Also, I am sure this thread will be closed, that's how they do it... It's best to close your eyes, right?

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Seriously before u have a heart attack, take a breath.

Its just a game. A bad one


There will be more games.

Its ok.


Aww all the class advantages aren't enough for the poor empire to win a warzone every now and again?


Better go back to BElf.


Republic are all enjoying this game sucks that you tried to roll with the bandwagon to free win. Don't worry you don't have to win any pvp games in WoW to get free epics.

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So, you hold Bioware to a different standard then every other MMO?


That is hilarious!


The only fault on Biowares part is not having character transfer to the PTS. They need to fix that, so that people have no valid excuses to demand fixes and then demand that they not participate in testing to see if they are getting what they are demanding.

I hold Bioware to the same standard as Blizzard. They chose to compete in the MMO genre. I choose to hold them to the same standard as other gaming companies. I don't participate in the PTR on WoW and I've never been told by their CMs that I didn't give them enough feedback.


The PTS is a secondary testing tool. It is most effective for testing stability and generating feedback on new features. The primary testing tool for bug fixes needs to be a quality QA department using substantial testing scripts to ensure changes are effective and don't create more issues.

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Aww all the class advantages aren't enough for the poor empire to win a warzone every now and again?


Better go back to BElf.


Republic are all enjoying this game sucks that you tried to roll with the bandwagon to free win. Don't worry you don't have to win any pvp games in WoW to get free epics.


Yeah its an extremely skilled game lol. You are great. Can i stroke it?

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It's comical how they try to lay the blame on us, when they chose to ignore tons of feedback submitted since beta, like the warzones wins not counting and a myriad of other bugs.


We pay 15 bucks to play the game, not test crap for them. They don't even provide a friendly PTS environment, no character copy, no 50-premade. Do they really expect us to level a character everytime 1 - 50 in PTS just to get it wiped out, and all the feedback subsequently ignored?


I REFUSE to test their game, anymore than I already am by playing it. Paying to play it I might add. I know Bioware is new to the MMO thing, but wouldn't you think they would have hired some people that knew the MMO market and business? It really seems they are clueless on so many areas. This coming from someone that really likes SWTOR.


Please note when I said above "They would have hired..." I was not speaking of "those that cannot be mentioned".


They do not exist -- They are not here.

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