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Force push accuracy


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So I just used force pushed an enemy near one of the fire traps and he went about 90+ degrees in the wrong direction. I was properly facing the direction I wanted him to go and he went flying in the opposite direct towards the huttball line. I basically helped him score. Has this happened to anyone else?
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the lag is generally related to where your push root/stunned them, when you do it, you charge to a, they look cc'd at b, but are actually at c (server lag gap for them and you), so when you push they go in the direction of a -> c ------>
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it means your not pro with its use yet


Could be, but I doubt there anything more then target aim click. I'll ask my good friend Stephen Hawking to run some equations just to be safe. Thanks for you constructive feedback...

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knockbacks in this game have so much delay and/or lag that its pretty random where the person is gonna go especially in pvp...



force push is not instant... it says its instant but there is delay because of the animation of the arm doing a push movement(lol havent seen this before)


the direction of the push starts from where you pressed the ability... not when the animation ends


animation delay(animations should never get in the way of combat) is there but the move acts as if there is no delay(which is confusing to the eye) consul/inquisitors have the same problem with there aoe KB


(also lets not forget about how bad server lag is for most abilities especially in pvp)


if external abilities must have a delay because of animations(again they should never) then they should at-least take effect when the animation ends, so that it is easy to position said abilities... especially against moving targets

Edited by SuperomegaOP
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was actually going to make a post stating the opposite.


I am an Operative and have ZERO push/Pulls, I am surprised how effective people are with push...all classes(knockbacks). They do trick shots from where ever I position myself...Bank shot, 45 degree angle, right into Fire pocket. W.T.H? BH standing 30m away, grapple and release to perfectly drop me stunned into Fire or acid pit



I was going to ask if Push has an Aim feature or something? Do you click person, then click destination or something?

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I believe that some of it has to do with the specs of the pc you are on. Higher framerates will = less input lag (since you don't have to prerender any frames to get smooth gameplay), which then can help server lag.


I also get this where someone is in range when I hit an attack, but it doesn't go off (Sundering Strike does this alot, and then throws a kink in my entire rotation) or worse, doesn't animate and doesn't hit the person and goes on cooldown.


Some of the issue is caused by the fact that most classes can run and gun (basically everyone but the Knight - since our animations get in the way -- ie, you can't change direction mid-leap). Also, anything we can cast while moving has a much higher (near 100%) chance of ability stutter (like Blade Storm - sometimes I have 3 or 4 pump-fakes).

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Could be, but I doubt there anything more then target aim click. I'll ask my good friend Stephen Hawking to run some equations just to be safe. Thanks for you constructive feedback...


How long have you known the HawkDOG?


(no really, happens to me too. I think it has to do with the players latency and their position being passed to your client)

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server lag bro


i think im safe froma knockback by judging where the person is but i end up going completely in a different direction


It's not lag. Force push cannot be used on a target that is behind you. The game needs fixing.


I've been in situations where the angle they are pushed would have required me to be physically located in a spot I was never in. I repeat - it is NOT lag. I reported it as a hack because it would always keep people from falling off ledges. Now I think Bioware's game is just screwed up.


Note that it isn't just force push. Commando's Concussive Blast has the same issue.

Edited by Dayshadow
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  • 3 weeks later...

That's why people in beta asked for Force Pull to be given back to JKs, but Georg Zoeller said that'd make them unkitable, except Vanguard can do all that... from RANGED.


Just one of the many DERP things he says. Did you know that he thinks that the current tank PVP stats is fine because it defends well against certain specs of only -2- ACs in the game? Awesome value, only good at defending against 2 ACs but can't hurt them hard while being utterly defensively and offensively ineffective against the remaining 6 ACs.

Edited by Obie_Wan
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I almost convinced Force Push direction is completely random.


I've pushed people a good few yards infront of me only to have the fly TOWARDS me. Knockbacks are the best example of SWTORs ability delay and terrible netcode.

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It's not lag. Force push cannot be used on a target that is behind you.


Direction you are facing is calculated by your client, trajectory of the enemy is calculated by the server based on last known information.


It was lag.

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Yeah this probably server latency which at times makes PvP unplayable for me.


My guild decided to go East Coast and being on the West Coast, there are abilities that just never fire off just right for me.


Overload (knockback) on my sorc NEVER sends the player in the direction I intend. Even if you time the stupid animation for it to end where you want to be, they always go somewhere else.


The knock-back distance being piss poor doesn't make things any better. :(

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That's why people in beta asked for Force Pull to be given back to JKs, but Georg Zoeller said that'd make them unkitable, except Vanguard can do all that... from RANGED.


Just one of the many DERP things he says. Did you know that he thinks that the current tank PVP stats is fine because it defends well against certain specs of only -2- ACs in the game? Awesome value, only good at defending against 2 ACs but can't hurt them hard while being utterly defensively and offensively ineffective against the remaining 6 ACs.


Wow this post is basically sums up the Juggernaut. Medium survivability with no killing power and some laggy skills.

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i see this alot

i figured it was because im playing from thailand and have between 350-500 ping at all times, so that the players i try to push are actually .35-.5 secs away from where i push the button

but if others are getting it too, i guess it could be server lag

i will say however that to me it seems like it is much better for other people, i never know what way people are going to fly when i hit the button

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