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Stats to maximize for Anni?


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I love this class, Right now im full champion gear with green shard matrix cube, and BM ear/implants.


I'm working towards getting the BM gear, but im just wondering do i take the BM gear as is? Or are there certain champion mods i should stack or any Rakata PvE gear/mods to use?


I know some people are taking out the accuracy/power mods in place of surge/crit mods. But is there a limit to the crit/surge i need?


Pretty much im just curious if anyone has made a template of the optimal gear/mods to have to pump out the highest damage possible out of this class for pvp?

Edited by KilllerRock
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From what I see or notice from secondary stats are as follows: (FYI, I could be wrong so anyone feel free to correct me).


Surge Rating: Crit Dmg Multipler

Power: Increases overall dmg - (I believe this includes bleeds)

Crit Rating: crit %

Accuracy: How often you will hit.


with the feats in our skill trees, there's a free 3% (6% if you spec into carnage).


Depending on how you spec, there are a few ways to go about maximizing your gear.


For Power/Surge Rating combo - You should get an "advanced adept enhancement 2x". The max craft able one is 22. Gives Endurance, Power and Surge Rating.


For Crit Rating/Surge combo - You can get advanced battle enhancement i believe. (endurance, crit, surge).


Accuracy/power - check torhead


Accuracy/Crit - Advanced acute.


Personally, as a marauder I would use the logic that you most likely start receiving diminshing returns after 30% crit rate, so the best you can possibly do to get to 30% without sacrificing other stats is not too much. so going for around 27% or 28% (without BM gear).


I would just stack Power and Surge Rating (given that your accuracy is or around 100%+ (110% on special attacks). - So when you hit, you hit hard. When you crit, you hit like a truck.

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with the feats in our skill trees, there's a free 3% (6% if you spec into carnage).


Depending on how you spec, there are a few ways to go about maximizing your gear.


For Power/Surge Rating combo - You should get an "advanced adept enhancement 2x". The max craft able one is 22. Gives Endurance, Power and Surge Rating.


For Crit Rating/Surge combo - You can get advanced battle enhancement i believe. (endurance, crit, surge).


Accuracy/power - check torhead


Accuracy/Crit - Advanced acute.


Personally, as a marauder I would use the logic that you most likely start receiving diminshing returns after 30% crit rate, so the best you can possibly do to get to 30% without sacrificing other stats is not too much. so going for around 27% or 28% (without BM gear).


I would just stack Power and Surge Rating (given that your accuracy is or around 100%+ (110% on special attacks). - So when you hit, you hit hard. When you crit, you hit like a truck.


Okay, 3 things...


1) does Malice actually increase the crit chance of the DoTs? I have heard people say yes and no to this.


2) I agree with the stacking of power and surge, but what if accuracy is not 100%? is it worth letting accuracy fall to 90-92% for more power/surge? (again my focus is for pvp not pve)



3) until i get power/surge mods, do you think accuracy/power is greater than crit/surge or vice versa? Because the ones i have in current gear tie those 2 stats together.

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Without logs take this with a grain of salt, but based on all of the reading I have done as well as testing in game by adding/removing augments and such, I'd focus on stats in the following priority as Anni (thanks to many people at Sithwarrior.com and these forums for most of this info):


Soft Caps to Aim for:


Accuracy: 98% (108% specials)

Surge: 85%

Crit: 30%


Once you've hit these levels you focus on just Power and Str. This doesn't mean additional crit and surge are bad. They just start to hit DR and as such won't provide as large of a bonus, but due to the way enhancements work sometimes you don't really have a choice.


Right now I'm in a mix of Rakata and Columi with some Mastercrafted pieces for augment slots. I'm running at 99% accuracy, 29% crit, 89% surge with about 405 bonus damage.


Hopefully that gives you an idea of what to focus on.

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i appreciate the post. It is nice to see actual softcap numbers to shoot for.


But i'm still unsure about the importance of accuracy. As what im considering doing is replacing all my accuracy/power enhancements with crit/surge ones, and replacing all my crit modules with power ones. essentially it would keep my power levels about the same, increase my surge but i would sacrifice accuracy. Though with over 100% on special attacks and still a 90% on normal attacks i dont see this being too much of a downside right?

Edited by KilllerRock
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The "aim for 30% crit" is just some BS that some people spread with no mathematical backing.


Power is incredibly good. It's so good that it's almost as good as strength once you get around ~1600. With higher levels of strength there will be a point where power surpasses it.


Surge is very valuable. It's DR is steep past 85% but up until that point it's very efficient. Surge rating past 85% actually isn't bad at all it's just not as great as it was before that point.


I'll repeat it again because this is the important bit people miss because they have some weird affinity for some BS "30% crit 85% surge then power" priority. Stack power.


Power isn't just .23 damage per point. It's far more than that because your abilities all have power modifiers that increase the amount of damage power adds to that ability.


Strength > Power = Accuracy to 108% > Surge to 85% > Crit to 12.5% from crit rating > Surge to 87% > Crit to 13.5% from crit rating > Surge to 89% > Crit to 14.5% > Surge to 90% > Crit to 15%+


There is a point when crit/surge surpass power in usefulness but anyone in even tionese gear will have or at least SHOULD have ~300 crit and ~200 surge at minimum.


You can do the math out in your own gear setup with ease. Replace a +33 crit crystal with +33 power and see how much of a gain you get on each a ability. I promise you unless you're intentionally ripping our everything with crit on it you'll get more out of the power.

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The "aim for 30% crit" is just some BS that some people spread with no mathematical backing.


Power is incredibly good. It's so good that it's almost as good as strength once you get around ~1600. With higher levels of strength there will be a point where power surpasses it.


Surge is very valuable. It's DR is steep past 85% but up until that point it's very efficient. Surge rating past 85% actually isn't bad at all it's just not as great as it was before that point.


I'll repeat it again because this is the important bit people miss because they have some weird affinity for some BS "30% crit 85% surge then power" priority. Stack power.


Power isn't just .23 damage per point. It's far more than that because your abilities all have power modifiers that increase the amount of damage power adds to that ability.


Strength > Power = Accuracy to 108% > Surge to 85% > Crit to 12.5% from crit rating > Surge to 87% > Crit to 13.5% from crit rating > Surge to 89% > Crit to 14.5% > Surge to 90% > Crit to 15%+


There is a point when crit/surge surpass power in usefulness but anyone in even tionese gear will have or at least SHOULD have ~300 crit and ~200 surge at minimum.


You can do the math out in your own gear setup with ease. Replace a +33 crit crystal with +33 power and see how much of a gain you get on each a ability. I promise you unless you're intentionally ripping our everything with crit on it you'll get more out of the power.



As I understand it, Critical rating is important because our primary damage dealers (as Annihilation) get an extra 30% damage boost on criticals. To not make the most of that seems counterintuitive. Additionally, crits can more than double the effectiveness of your strength and power (when critical multiplier is >100% with surge and skills combined). Or am I mistaken?


Up to this point, I've considered the priorities as follows:


Strength > Accuracy to 98% > Crit to 30% (when DR gets bad) > Surge to 80% (When DR gets bad) > Power.


But, that might be because I misunderstand power... I thought it simply added .23 damage /point to your attack... which isn't all that great when compared to crit or surge.

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Honestly you can't just say "get X until Y then get Z." Mods and gear don't work that way.


Until extreme end game when you've farmed enough that you can get power/surge enhancements from Agent gear you basically have two options for secondary stats:


Crit/Surge and Accuracy/Power. Only use Acc/Power until you hit 98% on your char sheet. After that go all Crit/Surge. That's the easiest way to describe it.


All augment slots should be STR unless you've hit DR on crit and then you go all power in augments.


For mods use the Str/Power DPS mods.


Color crystals should be power. Best way is to farm Kaon for the +41 power crystals.


After that you don't really have much choices. It's just a matter of Rakata > Columi > Tionese quailty gear with the mods as described above.

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power is underestimated. you'll see a huge difference in your dots when you increase your power. i don't think you'll need the accuracy above 96% if you're doing dots. you just need the hit to land to get the stack (unless i'm mistaken and the dot itself actually has accuracy involved).


the Yellow numbers you see popping up from the enemy that's "-xxx" is the amount of dmg done by your force attack, any white number you see is str based (of course str increases force dmg too).

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Ok, i have seen a few posts now say Accuracy to 98% > crit/surge/power. My question is why?


If i can manage to lose 6% accuracy for 5% surge and keep crit/power the same. would it not be worth it to still have 92% for 85% surge over 98% accuracy 80% surge?

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Ok, i have seen a few posts now say Accuracy to 98% > crit/surge/power. My question is why?


If i can manage to lose 6% accuracy for 5% surge and keep crit/power the same. would it not be worth it to still have 92% for 85% surge over 98% accuracy 80% surge?


No, because in ops that leaves you with a chance of missing with rupture/Annihilate which would be a MASSIVE dps loss. Getting to 98% accuracy is extremely easy. You can talent for 3% as it is so you really only need 5% from gear which is basically 2 pieces of Rakata gear.


You don't ever want Rupture or Annihilate to miss. All the crit/surge in the world won't help you if you miss.

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Soft Caps to Aim for:


Accuracy: 98% (108% specials)

Surge: 85%

Crit: 30%

Right now I'm in a mix of Rakata and Columi with some Mastercrafted pieces for augment slots. I'm running at 99% accuracy, 29% crit, 89% surge with about 405 bonus damage.


Hopefully that gives you an idea of what to focus on.


Pretty much this, I have 102% accuracy and unless im fighting a tank i dont notice, being honest you could probably run with less, but without trying it i can't say for certain. I do get dodges/misses in PvE but they're so rare i barely notice. (tex is tiny too)

30% crit is about where crit stops being useful, you can push it higher, but i dont think you'll see a huge difference compared to those same stats in power.

Surge at 85% is a must for annihilation, your sustained damage is bleeds, if you are in any doubt as to how much damage your bleeds actually do, fight a gold elite (republic trooper capta in inbelsavis dailies) time how long it takes to kill it, feel how long it takes to kill it, then do the same with bleeds. Your bleeds will crit often, and with surge, pretty much double your DPS outside of using annihilate and slash.

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Sigh.. so many people repeating the "30% crit" mantra. You guys realize crit rating and strength are on two different DRs right? You also realize that crit from strength is different from crit from crit rating right?




No? Ok then..

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Sigh.. so many people repeating the "30% crit" mantra. You guys realize crit rating and strength are on two different DRs right? You also realize that crit from strength is different from crit from crit rating right?




No? Ok then..


Of course they don't :p


30% Crit Rating DR; Strength's is completely different and I'm pretty sure it doesn't have one.

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Strength has DR too it's just that since it gives about as much crit at .4 crit per point of strength you don't notice it as much. With high strength levels(tier 3-4 maybe?) we'll probably be hitting the point where Power > Strength due to that DR.


I get annoyed when people keep repeating the "30% crit" mantra because it's not even remotely useful to go after that much crit rating if you're lacking in weapon damage, surge, and power. The new 50s are the ones most effected by this misinformation since they'll be getting something like 10%(maybe even LESS) crit from strength and they'll be dumping literally everything into crit and gain almost nothing in terms of DPS because their power/weapon damage/surge are so low.


I think at some point someone misinterpreted the 30% hard cap for crit from crit rating and crit from strength and thought it was some DR cap you aim for instead of the absolute unreachable maximum for the crit rating and strength rating bell curves.

Edited by Tumri
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For PvP I wouldn't even bother with accuracy. Every single one of my enhancement mods are crit/surge. Might have to change it after next patch because of the surge nerf, but we'll see. I'm using some Rakata gear in place of BM gear to balance out the extra str/end with expertise, but also curious to see how much expertise full BM gear would give. I heard 15% is the max, but does it reach it? I want to find out.
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curious to see how much expertise full BM gear would give. I heard 15% is the max, but does it reach it? I want to find out.


It doesn't - for us it caps out at about 13% in full BM. Not that I'm full BM myself but I was watching Stmp's stream and he put on all 14 pieces and came to around that number :)

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