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You know, I remember reading a post (pre-launch) of the devs bragging a bit of this whole level 50 PvP planet.


I envisioned things like you start out in a heavily fortified base, then need to be air lifted/drop shipped to the forward base. Kind of those clone trooper ships to go through some enemy fire - get you pumped for what's ahead, from there you strategically capture enemy held territory investing into it's defense, stronger vehicles/turrets/guards which no single group can take very easily (giving you time to make it back and help defend, and actually have a chance to repel much larger enemy forces).


I also thought actual military support, can call in bombers, ground assault vehicles, even in time portable defensible positions that remain static until destroyed.


In time, maybe with expansion your guild earns valor which can be spent with additional upgrades, guild only transports/assault vehicles, planting of guild banners on guild claimed PvP bases.....


But no... some Hoth wanna-be planet king of the hill game where basically the biggest zerg wins.

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I won't be happy until devs figure out how to use code to force people to use strategy and make them play how I want. What's with zerg-fests? Why can't Bioware make them change tactics over time, adapt and fight better over time? Bioware is so bad at that, making people approach PvP as something other than kill-spam. Oh well, I guess we'll just keep running around in circles and blaming Bioware for our utter inanity.
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I won't be happy until devs figure out how to use code to force people to use strategy and make them play how I want. What's with zerg-fests? Why can't Bioware make them change tactics over time, adapt and fight better over time? Bioware is so bad at that, making people approach PvP as something other than kill-spam. Oh well, I guess we'll just keep running around in circles and blaming Bioware for our utter inanity.


You're missing the point completely. The overall design of Ilum, and it's performance flaws, leads to only one end: a horrible gameplay experience.

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