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Gunnery vs Assault PVP


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You want to give some examples of what attacks your using differently, rotations, cc's, why you feel you are lasting longer or doing more damage?


If you don't give your topic some sustance to discuss there doesn't seem to be much of a point, like debating if switching from Marlboro cigarettes to Camels is going to keep cancer from killing me a few more weeks.


Toss up some stats and examples.

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I agree with last post. I dont really feel assault being that strong. With gunnery Im one of top 3 damage, usually top in every match with massive aoe and the rakata +15% gravroundcrit setbonus (giving me 55% crit), easily hitting for 7k instantly on the spike.


I havent really gotten assault together. To me the fireround that gives the dot is way too ammointensive. and the damage you do isnt that sustainable, just hoping for the occasional HiB-proc.


Please give some info on the rotations you do, and what pointdistribution you have.

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You want to give some examples of what attacks your using differently, rotations, cc's, why you feel you are lasting longer or doing more damage?


If you don't give your topic some sustance to discuss there doesn't seem to be much of a point, like debating if switching from Marlboro cigarettes to Camels is going to keep cancer from killing me a few more weeks.


Toss up some stats and examples.


From my testing assault doesnt have a "rotation" other then IR->HS, provide some burstyness through AP and HIB etctera..


Personally i agree that Assault has alot more survivability in pvp, your not a "sitting duck", and if you get attacked 10 out of 10 they expect you to be a gunnery grav-spammer, which in assaults case will throw them offguard as you kite them around.


That all said and done, im a Gunnery 'Mando first and foremost :D

Nothing beats hitting Full Auto and watch the spray :)

Edited by JoxerNL
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From my testing assault doesnt have a "rotation" other then IR->HS, provide some burstyness through AP and HIB etctera..


Pretty much.


Also every 2mins theres the free/instant plasma nade you can use while moving.


When you're not being humped by an operative (getitoffme :eek:) etc you can AOE tasty packs or risk a slow plasma nade cast followed by HoB.


But generally it's all about being a massive and mobile pain in the ***.



Chasing down players is also good. You have a improved damage HS with a snare and you're doing almost full damage with skill rotation (such as it is) despite being maybe 10-20m behind someone and running.



In PVE there is kinda a rotation but timings get screwed when FA procs a HiB because that results in FA being available BEFORE a HiB next time (ideally you use HiB then FA to try and get a free one after). So you either idle with HS more or just spam whatever turns up as and when it comes off CD. Plus re-igniting IR if it burns out.

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In the Alderaan zone with the turrets I've found dealing out regular damage to large groups instead of being a sitting duck is more effective.


I'd almost go to say i deal out more damage and have moved up the leader board. Using assault plastic then Incendiary followed up with hammer concussion or full auto i will still deal plus 2.5k damage to get medals. Use those 3 on Sith Inquisitor and you will easily bring them down.


Plus with the mobility you can make more use of that big cannon whilst running instead of waiting on a skill loading.


Plus if you spread out the skill points more effectively in your tree your plasma round is more effective and you can buff up some of the skills with those left over in gunnery.



Edited by LordZym
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Plus if you spread out the skill points more effectively in your tree your plasma round is more effective and you can buff up some of the skills with those left over in gunnery.




Just a question for you, since you took the reactive shield talents, is it really that usefull?

I personally would put the Degauss points in Nightvision scope, +2% defense vs ranged & melee is pretty good and get stealth detect and stealth scan redux to boot.


Just not a big fan of the shield here i guess, ratehr use those points to make my dots bigger, if i get shot at or whatever i just run over behind a terrain piece to pop out again.


Solo i can easily go rightside on Alderaan and keep the enemy team from capping for quite awhile, simply due to the dots ticking.

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I took the shield talents in mind of hutball because if you have the ball and a mob are attacking you shield gives you that extra time to find a pass. Plus with the vision yes the range defense is handy but no one ever uses range in pvp it's all close quarters. With the reactive shield you remove all the impairing effects like reduced speed and burns so i can move out the way and deal more damage over time. Edited by LordZym
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I took the shield talents in mind of hutball because if you have the ball and a mob are attacking you shield gives you that extra time to find a pass. Plus with the vision yes the range defense is handy but no one ever uses range in pvp it's all close quarters. With the reactive shield you remove all the impairing effects like reduced speed and burns so i can move out the way and deal more damage over time.


You are aware you have an instant cleanse ability?

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dot spec can do more damage on the charts easily because they can spread their damage around much easier. if you ran in and hit tab + IR over and over again everytime you had the ammo to do it you'd end up with great overlal round damage, probably a good amount of kills but have had no real impact on the wz.


dmg numbers on the score board are pointless. If you use that as your measuring stick for how good you are at PVP you need to re-evaluate.

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See people that say "DOT build does more dmg because they dot more people but have less impact" bothers me. If you know ANYTHING about Assault at all, you realize that 2 of their major damaging abilities leave dots. But that does not mean Assault has NO burst.


I used to play Gunnery and I would get frustrated when I started firing Grav Rounds. Every enemy with half a brain sees a big blue beam and goes "EASY TARGET" then jumps you and focuses you down. Its easy to notice and hard to escape people.


As Assault you are not only mobile, but also able to kite people alot better with HS. Your damage feels less bursty, but I can promise you. When I want to burn their healer down, I can focus and burn. I use up ammo quicker, but I can burst more than a Grav round spec.


In the end I feel it goes like this.


Gunnery: High Sustained Dmg. Low Mobility. Great Turret for helping team.


Assault: High Burst or Low Sustained Dmg. Medium Mobilty. You arent just a single role. You can burst or sustain. And depending on Ammo usage depends on how much burst you do.


I feel that Assault has more ways to be played. It has great situational combos. You can DOT every enemy player and prevent a cap, while keeping pressure on the other team. Or you can burst down their healer when your team needs it. You have more options than just throwing out steady high damage.

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Gunnery is better then Assault for me.


I tried both multiple times but always go back to Gunnery.

Assault have nice DOT's and Plastique is awesome when it explodes, but it feels like it takes too long for the dmg to pop up.

But the best in pvp is medic. Loved it! But now it's time for some dps instead ;)

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god i really hate it when a AS players says he kills any healer without a prob. Let me clear some facts like how I see them (might be wrong but that's how I see it)


U always say "good player won't keep staying and let u burst as gunnery" so why aren't u going and expect a good healer as enemy aswell?

Let's take the sage:

Ur burst is almost always the same (require u to have full ammo)

Plasma Grenade -> IR -> Assault Plastique -> HiB -> Kyro when he starts to heal -> FA and (when u are lucky) HiB

IF THAT DOESN'T KILL HIM or gets him to 10% he will survive ! And with the right equip and his shield (which will be most likely up on him) the chance is very high that he will survive. Once u are in that situation u have almost 0 pressure anymore on him. Ur dots and HS won't kill him since the heals are to strong. That's it.


Ofc the AS CAN burst, but the burst requires a heavy crit luck (1) and another luck to get u HiB often (2). On the other side to get ur HiB's proc u need to use CAST skills. Which stops ur mobility.


AS onliest real instant dmg comes from AS and HiB. Those have a long cd. Rest are ur dots.

Dots are awesome but has 1 big disadvantage.... healers!

Like i said above the chance to kill the enemy healer is often not given. And Heal counters ur dots pretty hard.


As gunnery u have almost no mobility. Ofc u have HiB and DR, but u'll never use them on a target without having atleast fired 2times ur GR on that target (ideal 3times). So yeah u have no mobility, which makes us a easy target.On the move our dmg is almost not visible. And interupts stops u almost completly if timed right)

Gunnery has just 3 things he can usually do when he gets melee fighted (By a good one)

1. Trying to escape.

2. Concussion Charge in combination with FA slow and Cyro to kill him. Or to make him flee.

3. Kite him to ur team and burst him down with ur team.


But the gunnery has way more pressure.

Think u play a healer and u see a person drops rapidly in health. that puts way more pressure on him as dots. Also u can keep ur dmg output very high vs healers. So they have just 2 choices: Run LOS (u can't hit but he can't heal everyone and most likely not the one he wants to.) Trys to heal vs ur dmg (which doesn't work if u have enough ammo) so he will die or run away, again he can't heal.



I played both specs alot.

Right now i'm playing AS since in the bgs are currently way to much melees. Which makes it really hard as gunnery.

But gunnery is also very nice to play. Get on a good position and u can burst heavy dmg.


Both specs are really viable, and that's awesome. Otherwise we wouldn't discuss so much.


I still wonder that there isn't such a awesome pve set bonus for AS as for Gunnery.

Yeah we get 15% crit on CB but tbh... i almost never use it.


As gunnery ur main skill is GR so 15% crit there is way more usefull. ^^




PS: I know my english sucks (not my native language, forgive me ^^)

Edited by Sorotas
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Assault Specialist is great for pvp 1-49. I was always tops in damage, getting 5-7 medals each game.


Then I hit 50 and I think at this point the jig is up for AS in WZ. As Assault Specialist too many players have cleanse to negate the majority of your DoT damage. Also your only snare is Hammer Shot, and only 2 seconds at that. All other melee classes have slows and roots that pretty much make it impossible to kite, not to mention everyone has SO MUCH HP!


None of the gear sets, either pvp or pve offer any good set bonuses to troopers in Assault Spec which makes a big differance since you get no significant boost to damage. Plus gunnery offers another potential interrupt with the talented stock strike and increased distance concussive force. Currently I am trying a hybrid build of AS and Gunnery. I sacrificed Assault Plastique since we still have sticky grenade, and only built up to Burnout, then took those extra 3 points and got the improved stock strike and concussive force and FA crit damage in Gunnery. Only time will tell if it is worth it after I get some decent gear. But I am leaning towards Gunnery the more WZs I play.

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None of the gear sets, either pvp or pve offer any good set bonuses to troopers in Assault Spec which makes a big differance since you get no significant boost to damage. .


Sorry but i tend to disagree. Which set are you using i've tried eliminator on both and found it worked better for AS.


No i don't evaluate my success in pvp or pve by damage and kill scores. I'm on the one's who sits and defends the turrets and in data terminal wz i'm normally one of the one's who plant's the bombs. But you can't deny without damage you don't get medals and that means commendations and better valor points.

Edited by LordZym
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Gunnery: High Sustained Dmg. Low Mobility. Great Turret for helping team.


Assault: High Burst or Low Sustained Dmg. Medium Mobilty. You arent just a single role. You can burst or sustain. And depending on Ammo usage depends on how much burst you do.


This is correct, however... I've found more and more that I can't do crap in the 50's bracket as gunnery. Any Battlemaster with 1/2 a brain knows to - and DOES shut me down in gunnery spec.


More and more people are learning to use LoS, interrupt, and stunlock to burn a gunnery commando down. Heaven forbid you should get into a 1v1 fight with ANY class as gunnery... a smart player will pwn you.


Now, I'm not saying gunnery is bad at all, in fact the damage you can cause if you're left alone is mindblowingly epic... that, however, seems harder and harder to come by as the weeks go by and people are figuring out the gunnery counters.

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This is what I run. Im always top 3 DPS and usually first in kills. I dont use any stationary attacks besides MV/HoB, dont even have them on my bars. I DoT everything, I use Hammer Shot alot. Using your insta cast for Plasma nade is also very helpfull. My survivability is alot better compared to Gunnery. Im mobile, I can keep targets off of my by kiting with Hammer Shot. Adreniline Rush and Reflexive Shield is up more. With Plasma nade, IR, HoB costing alot of ammo you would think I run out quick but its actually not that bad. I do run out but Hammer Shot is great in between. I dont find it hard to get 300k every match 40-70 kills. Best game Ive had was 487k 64 kills 0 deaths in Voidstar, they just couldnt make it past the first doors. When your DoT is on them for 18 seconds there isnt much you can do. Ive had more kills but thats my highest DPS, kills seem to come easy, mainly from the DoT's, DPS just builds over time. I have my hand in every kill.

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dot spec can do more damage on the charts easily because they can spread their damage around much easier. if you ran in and hit tab + IR over and over again everytime you had the ammo to do it you'd end up with great overlal round damage, probably a good amount of kills but have had no real impact on the wz.


dmg numbers on the score board are pointless. If you use that as your measuring stick for how good you are at PVP you need to re-evaluate.


Totally disagree with no impact in WZ's, completely wrong there. I feel if not for me personally in alot of matches we would lose no question about it. You have an 18 second DoT thats an instant with no CD. Nobody caps anything with me around period and I dont die much. If you think Assault doesnt contribute much come on over to Infinite Empire Ill get your daily done in 3 matches. Unless Hutball is in there. Nothing really for me to stop on that one, its about who gets to the line first.

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Gunnery spec is perfectly fine under ideal conditions; however, the weaknesses become obvious once you are:

1) focused

2) dealing with smart LoS using players

3) dealing with any class that has an interrupt


There is no situation that immediately comes to mind where I would rather be gunnery spec over assault save one - and that is when I need a quick kill on a stupid player that doesn't know how to LoS or interrupt.


I've tried both specs. I do very well spec'ed either way. Sometimes while spec'ed gunnery I wish I were assault and vice versa. But, 9 times out of 10 I find myself happy with assault.


I could go into all the varying scenarios about which assault would win out over gunnery but I'd need to start another thread.

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Wrong Wrong.


Gunnery, is all about letting your melee go in and assist. Do you know how fast targets drop if you assist one player??


LIKE bloody fly. Learn to play gunnery in a support dps in pvp. That means you let the melee tank and assist.


That is what any good gunnery commando does. I normally take a good position, and blast away. I am usually in the top three dps with over six medal.


Gunnery Commandos role in Warzones.


Huttball- Escort ( stock strike and cc are great ways to move people into traps.)

Ranged support/ defence ( shooting from the second tier at chasers)


A gunnery commando should never ever have the ball. and if you do get it it needs to be passed to a class such as a shadow or carry it and pass to someone in a good position.


Alderann- Ranged support ( m,obile turret) blast those suckers away and assist team members. Remember focus fire is key.


Defense- I dont care what anyone says. We are great defenders. shield,stims adrenaline rush and heals. we can take a beating. Concussiv charge and aoes are great for smacking cappers as well.


Capper Support. We have concussive shot, cyro grnade, stockstrike, concussive blast and steath scan. Use them to CC, knock back and allow your team to cap the node.


The void- Escort/ slower. we stay back while the fast classes and stealthers CAP and Plant. we should never ever try to keep up with the jedi.

When the doors open we are ccing slowing the enemy so our force runners can get a lead.

then we harrass not kill. killing will send them back to their spawn, we dont want that. we want them to get mad and ignore the fact our shadows just planted the bomb in the second room.


Bomb planter interrupt- we have concussive charge, several aoes and can interrupt several planters at once.


All in all play smart and know your role. i play a shadow as well. i missed some tactics as well, guild secrets :). the posts i about losing 1 vs 1 I laughed, gunnery commanods have one of the best burst dps in the game, we have heals and great cc and defensive tools, learn to play.

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I am in a good mood ill share some tips.




Commandos make good baiters, why? we are ranged and can take a beating. in the void and alderann, run towards the sith and shoot a few. more times than not you will see the jugs forc leap and everyone else follow cc to slow and run away. watch your shadows and smugglers cap and do a quick /laugh or dance before you die.


your stuns and ccs can be used offensively. you see a healer healing. throw a cryo, or concussive shot. more often than not, that interrupt will be enough to mess the healer up.


support your healers. cc stock strike, cyro and fully auto can be enough to save a healer thats getting focused. yes you will notice them getting hit, you should be near them.


In huttball traps are your friend. clear the way for the carrier. stand in a manner which will throw th sith off the tier or into a trap. this can be a game changer.


Sometimes you have to die to prevent a cap. say your on the second tier in alderann and your team is dead. run in guns blazing and hit cappers. this more often than not gives your team enough time to come back and finish the sith off.


Save cryo and cc for others. Dont be greedy, the simple knockback or stun can help your friends live.


Save sotckstrike and cc for intrrupts. you can stock a sorcerer cold spamming cc cryo and stockstrike when thy cast


use adren rush, shield, combat stims.





Dont run in guns blazing unless prevnting a cap.


dont waste cryo gernade. use it when it will be usefull.


1vs1 spam all your abilites. 1 vs 1 we wear haeay armor and have high endurance and great burst dps. we have an advantage already. dont use cryo right off the bat. if your gtting interrupted, use it to get off a few grav rounds or to prevent a heal.


take your heals off the cast bar. you can still heal, sometimes we can assist the main healer which can help.



Im done, I should write a guide. Sorry for bad typing. I'm using a broken keyboard at work

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