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  1. Imma have to try it then, just to see if it works. Thanks!
  2. So I have a lvl 50 Commando, but recently I have started leveling an alt, a Jedi Guardian. I was wondering if there is any way to get Sith heavy armor that is just "heavy armor" over to a republic character. My Guardian is evil and I would prefer getting Sith headgear and black robes to my alt, preferably orange, somehow. Could I make a Sith alt on my server and then get him money over the Hutt network (buy something from him with my main for an outrageous price) and then get the imp stuff for my alt. So the question i guess is, would that work? If i got the Warlord's Headgear to my alt would he be able to wear it as long as it just says "Heavy Armor"? Has anyone tried?
  3. Easy Fix! They need to make it so that for each bag you get that gives you squat, the next bag gives you a slightly increased chance. Doesnt need to be big, so Bioware can still feel like they are keeping people for something. Just enough so that about every 10th bag you WILL get a piece of gear. Just my 2 cents. I love this game, just sucks playing for 3 weeks and getting 3 pieces of Champ gear (until this newest patch where I have now gotten 3 more. People who complain about newest patch are idiots. The Champ marks/Cent marks from Champ bags are perfectly fine fix for the Champ RNG rate.) and when I get to battlemaster I assume I wont get ****.
  4. See people that say "DOT build does more dmg because they dot more people but have less impact" bothers me. If you know ANYTHING about Assault at all, you realize that 2 of their major damaging abilities leave dots. But that does not mean Assault has NO burst. I used to play Gunnery and I would get frustrated when I started firing Grav Rounds. Every enemy with half a brain sees a big blue beam and goes "EASY TARGET" then jumps you and focuses you down. Its easy to notice and hard to escape people. As Assault you are not only mobile, but also able to kite people alot better with HS. Your damage feels less bursty, but I can promise you. When I want to burn their healer down, I can focus and burn. I use up ammo quicker, but I can burst more than a Grav round spec. In the end I feel it goes like this. Gunnery: High Sustained Dmg. Low Mobility. Great Turret for helping team. Assault: High Burst or Low Sustained Dmg. Medium Mobilty. You arent just a single role. You can burst or sustain. And depending on Ammo usage depends on how much burst you do. I feel that Assault has more ways to be played. It has great situational combos. You can DOT every enemy player and prevent a cap, while keeping pressure on the other team. Or you can burst down their healer when your team needs it. You have more options than just throwing out steady high damage.
  5. You get the title as soon as you finish the transition quest between Act I and Act II. The quest is just a "Vacation" for your character. As soon as you return to service and start ACTUALLY questing again as a Trooper main quest, you get the title. You just dont get it "exactly" when you are promoted.
  6. What the guy above said. And welcome to Havoc squad! Its alot of fun. Ran several troopers through beta, and since live I have leveled 3 to level 12 and my main is now a commando. Vanguard and Commando are both fun, and seeing troopers around is awesome because (in my opinion) they are the best class in the game. You can run a team of Vanguards and Commandos through anything. Lol. And there are already too many jedis running around anyway.
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