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Sages and Sorcerors, an intelligent discussion.


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BTW the sage story also sucked. Worst storyline in the game. The companions sucked up till Nadia as well. What more do you want to know about the class...


I for one adored it on my shadow and then again on my sage, one light side one dark side.


That's not really a fact you can state. Qyzen is still one of my favorite companions across all classes, and Lt. Iresso has grown on me during my second playthrough.

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Easier solution that won't affect pve balance in anyway.


Move no cooldown lightning spam to the 31 point talent in balance. Switch with 31 point talent.


Accomplishes two things.


1) the hybrid spec is OP as hell and we told them this in beta. You are fooling yourself if you think this class is balanced around a hybrid spec. All the classes in this game are balanced around going 31 points deep and specs that avoided this have already been nerfed. Hell even marauders/sentinels that were taking speed buffs over dmg (for group utility) were nerfed and you are now FORCED to spec into dmg.


2) Won't see everyone and their brother rerolling this class because it would be a late bloomer (like many classes already are).


There is nothing wrong with the balance/madness spec or lightning/tele spec. One is pvp, one is pve. Getting the "money talents" in both is broken. No balance/madness does not need a buff.


Full balance/madness is actually a balanced spec.


For those that say this would make leveling harder? Lightning/tele is a better leveling spec anyways. It just sucks in pvp until the 40's (so do other classes so boohoo). Lightning is underrated to be honest, people are just so used to herp derping they are convinced it is broken.


I can easily lead dmg in any warzone as lighting or balance as can anyone who was decent on a shadow priest or a frost mage in WoW. The hybrid spec? I have to TRY to die...


Please die in a fire. The utter destruction of hybrid specs was what caused me to quit WoW and declare it dead to me. Forcing everyone into cookie cutter specs negates the whole reason to have skill trees at all.


Your change leaves healing/hybrid specs with no damage options and makes PvE levelling significantly more painful. I'm already giving up my AoE heal just to have one spammable ranged attack worth something. (We don't get a ranged auto-attack like other ranged classes.)


Sages/sorcs are plenty squishy when people know how to interrupt heals and focus down one target. A lot of people are bad at this. Sometimes the sage/sorc is being guarded/healed by someone else and there's nothing you can do, but that's not a class feature, that's the other side playing as a team. Multiple healers backing eachother up are always going to be hard to take down.


Now, I haven't played my sniper past 21, but if anything felt OP it was me 3-4 shotting people from long-range without really any skill. Granted some of that is the wierdness of PvP damage scaling when you're level 12 wearing all blue gear.

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first off, why would you encourage people to join the already stagnant bandwagon and roll a sorc/sage? isn't there enough as it is?


alright, i'm sick of everyone defending the sorc/sage and telling people to play it before they judge it etc...how about you go play another class and see how well u don't do. it's not one thing that makes the sorc/sage overpowered. its the combination of the tools its allowed to use. no other class can do what it can. most classes are restricted to one role. Your class can dish out more damage than most dps classes if not all depending on the match meanwhile your throwing out heals. to say a marauder can hurt you is a joke. an ungeared sorc/sage vs. a geared melee yes. but with finally pvp gear its a joke. your able to knock them back, stun them, raise your shield, then just DPS them to death. and if for someone reason u can't kill them, you can just simply heal yourself until a team mate comes over and kills them quickly...


i don't agree that your class needs nerfed. it would ruin PvE. however, in hutt ball your class is to well rounded to be fair. the team that wins is the team with the most sorc/sages. your abilities to sprint, heal, shield, range dps, cc's, knockbacks are ridiculous. before you say your not OP'd, compare your abilities to another class. i'm not gonna go into detail like the op did, u can do your own research, however you will notice that nothing compares to it.


:p And no one needs to post numbers about how many people are playing a sorc/sage. join a warzone and you will get your answer.

Edited by Knightfire
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first off, why would you encourage people to join the already stagnant bandwagon and roll a sorc/sage? isn't there enough as it is?


alright, i'm sick of everyone defending the sorc/sage and telling people to play it before they judge it etc...how about you go play another class and see how well u don't do. it's not one thing that makes the sorc/sage overpowered. its the combination of the tools its allowed to use. no other class can do what it can. most classes are restricted to one role. Your class can dish out more damage than most dps classes if not all depending on the match meanwhile your throwing out heals. to say a marauder can hurt you is a joke. an ungeared sorc/sage vs. a geared melee yes. but with finally pvp gear its a joke. your able to knock them back, stun them, raise your shield, then just DPS them to death. and if for someone reason u can't kill them, you can just simply heal yourself until a team mate comes over and kills them quickly...


i don't agree that your class needs nerfed. it would ruin PvE. however, in hutt ball your class is to well rounded to be fair. the team that wins is the team with the most sorc/sages. your abilities to sprint, heal, shield, range dps, cc's, knockbacks are ridiculous. before you say your not OP'd, compare your abilities to another class. i'm not gonna go into detail like the op did, u can do your own research, however you will notice that nothing compares to it.


:p And no one needs to post numbers about how many people are playing a sorc/sage. join a warzone and you will get your answer.


I got all other classes includiong imperial side on about level 20 already and slowly rising utilizing the rested bonus as much as possible.

Is that enough for you?

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alright, i'm sick of everyone defending the sorc/sage and telling people to play it before they judge it etc...how about you go play another class and see how well u don't do. it's not one thing that makes the sorc/sage overpowered. its the combination of the tools its allowed to use. no other class can do what it can. most classes are restricted to one role. Your class can dish out more damage than most dps classes if not all depending on the match meanwhile your throwing out heals. to say a marauder can hurt you is a joke. an ungeared sorc/sage vs. a geared melee yes. but with finally pvp gear its a joke. your able to knock them back, stun them, raise your shield, then just DPS them to death. and if for someone reason u can't kill them, you can just simply heal yourself until a team mate comes over and kills them quickly...


That marauder should probably map his interrupt buttons to his hotbars stop the heals. It's not super hard, especially against someone that's DPS spec and doesn't have the tiny instant HoT. Don't get me wrong, it's easy to interrupt the wrong thing and let people to heal to full, but eventually you learn not to.

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first off, why would you encourage people to join the already stagnant bandwagon and roll a sorc/sage? isn't there enough as it is?


alright, i'm sick of everyone defending the sorc/sage and telling people to play it before they judge it etc...how about you go play another class and see how well u don't do. it's not one thing that makes the sorc/sage overpowered. its the combination of the tools its allowed to use. no other class can do what it can. most classes are restricted to one role. Your class can dish out more damage than most dps classes if not all depending on the match meanwhile your throwing out heals. to say a marauder can hurt you is a joke. an ungeared sorc/sage vs. a geared melee yes. but with finally pvp gear its a joke. your able to knock them back, stun them, raise your shield, then just DPS them to death. and if for someone reason u can't kill them, you can just simply heal yourself until a team mate comes over and kills them quickly...


i don't agree that your class needs nerfed. it would ruin PvE. however, in hutt ball your class is to well rounded to be fair. the team that wins is the team with the most sorc/sages. your abilities to sprint, heal, shield, range dps, cc's, knockbacks are ridiculous. before you say your not OP'd, compare your abilities to another class. i'm not gonna go into detail like the op did, u can do your own research, however you will notice that nothing compares to it.


:p And no one needs to post numbers about how many people are playing a sorc/sage. join a warzone and you will get your answer.


I'm in full Battlemaster gear. Equal geared Melee eat me alive as hybrid because I lack control. Sent/Mar can crit white damage at 3k, plus specials hitting for even harder. If I blow cooldowns, bubbles, and stuns, I'll be lucky to drop the marauder/sent from 100-35-40 before they are back on me. Push back on a 3 second cast? Awful. Juke casting is a must, and even then I have to wait 3 seconds to get a decent heal off, hope it crits, and hope I'm not being attacked in the mean time. Even if the stars align, and I get perfect procs, perfect crits, it's still going to be an incredibly tough fight. The only easy fight, is against a bad player.

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first off, why would you encourage people to join the already stagnant bandwagon and roll a sorc/sage? isn't there enough as it is?


alright, i'm sick of everyone defending the sorc/sage and telling people to play it before they judge it etc...how about you go play another class and see how well u don't do. it's not one thing that makes the sorc/sage overpowered. its the combination of the tools its allowed to use. no other class can do what it can. most classes are restricted to one role. Your class can dish out more damage than most dps classes if not all depending on the match meanwhile your throwing out heals. to say a marauder can hurt you is a joke. an ungeared sorc/sage vs. a geared melee yes. but with finally pvp gear its a joke. your able to knock them back, stun them, raise your shield, then just DPS them to death. and if for someone reason u can't kill them, you can just simply heal yourself until a team mate comes over and kills them quickly...


i don't agree that your class needs nerfed. it would ruin PvE. however, in hutt ball your class is to well rounded to be fair. the team that wins is the team with the most sorc/sages. your abilities to sprint, heal, shield, range dps, cc's, knockbacks are ridiculous. before you say your not OP'd, compare your abilities to another class. i'm not gonna go into detail like the op did, u can do your own research, however you will notice that nothing compares to it.


:p And no one needs to post numbers about how many people are playing a sorc/sage. join a warzone and you will get your answer.


so i dont even understand this then, you feel sorc/sages doesn't need nerfs, ok. you think there are too many sorc/sages, ok. you think in huttball sorc/sages are well rounded, but ridiculous? what is the point then other than you feel there are too many sorc/sages?


i think a mercenary healer compares fairly well with a hybrid sorc/sages. their heals are incredible, their dmg output as a healer is incredible, their survivability is incredible. the only thing that's different between merc healers and hybrid sorc is sorc has mobility as where merc healers has high survivability.

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you forgot to add some other abilities sorcerers have like


stealth stun


shield that absorbs 20k

20k dmg from 60 range


ability to turn water into wine

god like powers



I play a sage but I cannot do "ability to turn water into wine" yet. :(


Where do you learn that?

Edited by Zitori
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I play a sage but I cannot do "ability to turn water into wine". :(


Where do you learn that?


i've been trying to find the trainer to learn it too, but according to some of the ppl on the forums they exist. we must find where they are sorc/sage brothers and sisters.

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More opinionated Nonsense.

The class is just as easy or hard as any other.

This class in comparison to priests does not have:


An inherent AoE Fear which does not even break on damage for sure. And Fear effects are nearly as strong as stuns. Cannot do anyrhing while being affected.

It does not have Offensive Dispel.

It has no Mass Dispel which dispels evertything in a large radius

No inherent HoT

No inherent DoT which also heals

No inherent AoE Heal

No inherent spamable CC like Mind Control which completly takes out a player and could be abused to hell in the right terrain

A self buff which buffs its own armor to medium/heavy armor

The option to burn away other classes resources like priests could with Manaburn.


This was just the base package I described without even going into talent speccs.


And if we talk about Sage/Sorc hybrids vs Shadowpriests:


SPs have:

Silence which completly shuts down casters.

A 3 second Terror combined with a 10 second Disarm both which never break on damage.

90% damage reduction and CC breaker in one package on a 90 second CD.

15% passive damage reduction

Passive self heal

SP had and still has one of the highest potential single target bursts and still has


Maybe you should get a clue before spouting so much utter nonsense


Btw the sage story is decent and gets good starting in chapter 2. I believe you did not play a sage past Coruscant for real.


What a crock. Shadow priests have to cast. They can be locked out of their entire dmg tree when silenced. They have to shift out of shadow to heal. They also don't get frost mage like control.


The statement you made saying this class is no easier or harder then others in this game?




Roll a sentinel/marauder buddy. Do it on republic so you play all sorc/merc teams. Have fun with the knockbacks/stuns. I have no problem leading dmg on a sentinel, but I can do more with a MUCH easier playstyle on a sage/sorc.


I swear you act as if I didn't test this class to 50. I have played damn near every spec in this game.


EZ mode. Sage/sorc. Merc/Commando. Sage is slightly harder but that isn't saying much.


Medium aka classes that are around "WoW like difficulty" everything but sentinel/marauder. Shadow/assassin would be the hardest of the medium classes. Sniper/slinger is actually a FUN ranged class. It is how ranged classes should be in any mmo. Hard rotations, and requiring using all cooldowns at the right time as a tradeoff for being ranged, which is simple because you don't have to hit buttons on the move.


Hard. Sentinel Marauder. Do not pass go. This is just the way it is. Anyone that can do equal or better then everyone else with their sent/marauder can do SUBSTANTIALLY better then you while playing your class. The problem? They may die from boredom on anything less then the medium difficulty classes.


Anyone who has played a sage/sorc and a marauder/sent knows you just made the STUPIDEST statement ever uttered on these boards. All classes are not even close to the same difficulty to play in this game.

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Please die in a fire. The utter destruction of hybrid specs was what caused me to quit WoW and declare it dead to me. Forcing everyone into cookie cutter specs negates the whole reason to have skill trees at all.


Your change leaves healing/hybrid specs with no damage options and makes PvE levelling significantly more painful. I'm already giving up my AoE heal just to have one spammable ranged attack worth something. (We don't get a ranged auto-attack like other ranged classes.)


Sages/sorcs are plenty squishy when people know how to interrupt heals and focus down one target. A lot of people are bad at this. Sometimes the sage/sorc is being guarded/healed by someone else and there's nothing you can do, but that's not a class feature, that's the other side playing as a team. Multiple healers backing eachother up are always going to be hard to take down.


Now, I haven't played my sniper past 21, but if anything felt OP it was me 3-4 shotting people from long-range without really any skill. Granted some of that is the wierdness of PvP damage scaling when you're level 12 wearing all blue gear.


Yeah because they just nerfed the assassin/shadow hybrid spec? You are delusional if you think they balanced the sage/sorc class around hybrid specs and did the opposite with everyone else and are nerfing the other classes that hybrid.


Please die in a fire? Sure thing kid. What are you even talking about with hybrids and WoW? The only decent hybrid spec in WoW was a "elemental mage" in vanilla. All other specs went pretty deep in trees.


You can't have balance without mostly "cookie cutter specs". You just have talents some people spec into and some people don't.


As far as insulting WoW? LOL the sage/sorc class is a direct ripoff of a vanilla shadow priest except they dumbed it down in every way.

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What a crock. Shadow priests have to cast. They can be locked out of their entire dmg tree when silenced. They have to shift out of shadow to heal. They also don't get frost mage like control.


The statement you made saying this class is no easier or harder then others in this game?




Roll a sentinel/marauder buddy. Do it on republic so you play all sorc/merc teams. Have fun with the knockbacks/stuns. I have no problem leading dmg on a sentinel, but I can do more with a MUCH easier playstyle on a sage/sorc.


I swear you act as if I didn't test this class to 50. I have played damn near every spec in this game.


EZ mode. Sage/sorc. Merc/Commando. Sage is slightly harder but that isn't saying much.


Medium aka classes that are around "WoW like difficulty" everything but sentinel/marauder. Shadow/assassin would be the hardest of the medium classes. Sniper/slinger is actually a FUN ranged class. It is how ranged classes should be in any mmo. Hard rotations, and requiring using all cooldowns at the right time as a tradeoff for being ranged, which is simple because you don't have to hit buttons on the move.


Hard. Sentinel Marauder. Do not pass go. This is just the way it is. Anyone that can do equal or better then everyone else with their sent/marauder can do SUBSTANTIALLY better then you while playing your class. The problem? They may die from boredom on anything less then the medium difficulty classes.


Anyone who has played a sage/sorc and a marauder/sent knows you just made the STUPIDEST statement ever uttered on these boards. All classes are not even close to the same difficulty to play in this game.


Sages and Sorcs just have to cast as much. And Shadowpriests did more damage by just doting up.

Oh noes they have to change out of Shadowform to heal how terribkle and how much skill it takes to press one button before another!

Nvm still can use shield in Shadowform and still got decent self heal through DoTs as well as one of the highest available Bursts with Mindspike/Mindblast/SW: D not that someone like you know anything about that.

NVM also got two instant HoT abilities which they can precast.


My Sentinel is 20 by now and he is just as easy to play as my Smuggler and my Sage.

Get real this game doesn't need that much skill at all.

You like many others of the qqers and ragers exaggerate as usual.

The only dumb posts are posts like yours qqing, raging making a big drama.

Edited by Vales
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Actually, any melee class is a hard counter for Sorcs, and technically speaking Sorcs/Sages aren't a true hard counter to any class. Sentinels/Marauders eat through Sorcs, as do Assassins/Shadows. Ops/Scoundrel still does when played in the right hands.


You keep proving "fanboy" points when you whine.


Really? You think melee has an advantage against Sorcs, let alone is a hard counter? Quit trolling friend, you're bad at it. 0/10.


Knockback and 5 second root on 20 second cooldown. 3500 shield on 20 second cooldown. Stun. Instant Whirlwind. Force speed.


Assuming you use just the shield, force speed and knockback over the course of 20 seconds the enemy spends 25% of his time rooted, 25% of his time running at you and has his 10 seconds of dps time mitigated by 3500 damage. Lets say he does 1000 dps, just as a rough guess. That means over 20 seconds he will deal 6500 damage to you. Then your cooldowns all repop again. Keep in mind that's without using any of your other stuff. If you use one of the longer cooldown CCs you can essentially keep someone from dealing any real damage to you forever as your cooldowns are short enough that by the time one expires another has repopped.


I wish every class countered me that hard. :rolleyes:

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Sages and Sorcs just have to cast as much. And Shadowpriests did more damage by just doting up.

Oh noes they have to change out of Shadowform to heal how terribkle and how much skill it takes to press one button before another!

Nvm still can use shield in Shadowform and still got decent self heal through DoTs as well as one of the highest available Bursts with Mindspike/Mindblast/SW:D not that someone like you know anything about that.


My Sentinel is 20 by now and he is just as easy to play as my Smuggler and my Sage.

Get real this game doesn't need that much skill at all.

You like many others of the qqers and ragers exaggerate as usual.

The only dumb posts are posts like yours qqing, raging making a big drama.


Level 20? Sure thing brah. You are prob focus specced or carnage specced too LOL. Get back to me at level 50 and tell me how watchman is as simple as sorc/sage.


You have one stupid proc you even have to watch on sage/sorc. The class is literally a joke. The other proc from hybrid you don't even have to watch for. You just proc double speed casts doing your normal faceroll rotation.


Sage/sorc doesn't get harder to play as you level, they get EASIER. Things that required cast times become instant, soft CC becomes instant, and you pick up AUTOMATIC play for you procs and CC.


Sentinel/marauder? Whole nother story. What would I know. I only doubled peoples dmg on a sage in beta while being bored out of my mind. The only ranged class that is even fun or challenging in this game is sniper/slinger.


Bioware/EA has a choice. Nerf the hybrid sorc/sage spec (my solution doesn't effect the other specs, or PVE) or cater to the zerged class because they know this game is going to fail.


But whatever. I could care less at this point. I am just clownstomping badly played sorcs on my sentinel until pandas come out.


WoW isn't perfect but at least they don't have herp/derp classes that EXCEL and can be played by people like you. They also don't cater to one freakin class just because they make up the majority of their monthly profit.


Paladins are the highest played class in WoW. Ret sucks in 9/10 arena season lol. If WoW was SWTOR then classes like arcane mages would be the top pvp spec and never nerfed.


You are dumb enough to get hired on this development team to be honest. I would apply if I were you.

Edited by biowareftw
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Really? You think melee has an advantage against Sorcs, let alone is a hard counter? Quit trolling friend, you're bad at it. 0/10.


Knockback and 5 second root on 20 second cooldown. 3500 shield on 20 second cooldown. Stun. Instant Whirlwind. Force speed.


Assuming you use just the shield, force speed and knockback over the course of 20 seconds the enemy spends 25% of his time rooted, 25% of his time running at you and has his 10 seconds of dps time mitigated by 3500 damage. Lets say he does 1000 dps, just as a rough guess. That means over 20 seconds he will deal 6500 damage to you. Then your cooldowns all repop again. Keep in mind that's without using any of your other stuff. If you use one of the longer cooldown CCs you can essentially keep someone from dealing any real damage to you forever as your cooldowns are short enough that by the time one expires another has repopped.


I wish every class countered me that hard. :rolleyes:


You got no clue. Any decent Marauder/Sentinel and Vanguard/Powertech can destroy a Sorc/Sage given they are 50, well geared and experienced.

Of course it is different at low levels but who gives a damn?


I could make a similar pointless list of their abilities but what would be the point? You are just another avarage qqer who prefers to complain here instead of improving your gameplay.

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Cleanse/Purge is extremely underused in this game.


Protip: it screws over sorcerers




1. it gets rid of DoTs, which accounts for a good chunk of a sorcerer's damage


2. it gets rid of the majority of CCs a sorcerer has.



I agree lightning root should either be move up in the talent tree, or be changed to add to resolve (and all other roots in the game) and be cleansable.

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Level 20? Sure thing brah. You are prob focus specced or carnage specced too LOL. Get back to me at level 50 and tell me how watchman is as simple as sorc/sage.


You have one stupid proc you even have to watch on sage/sorc. The class is literally a joke. The other proc from hybrid you don't even have to watch for. You just proc double speed casts doing your normal faceroll rotation.


Sage/sorc doesn't get harder to play as you level, they get EASIER. Things that required cast times become instant, soft CC becomes instant, and you pick up AUTOMATIC play for you procs and CC.


Sentinel/marauder? Whole nother story. What would I know. I only doubled peoples dmg on a sage in beta while being bored out of my mind. The only ranged class that is even fun or challenging in this game is sniper/slinger.


Bioware/EA has a choice. Nerf the hybrid sorc/sage spec (my solution doesn't effect the other specs, or PVE) or cater to the zerged class because they know this game is going to fail.


I shorten your post a bit:

Bla bla bla bla whine whine whine.

That all there is substantially.


Sentinel is easy to play. So is Sorc/Sage, so is Juggernaut, so is BH. I did not find any class at all very difficult to play. But dilude yourself that Sentinels are SO hard to play. :rolleyes:

So what Lift can get instant? You also get abilities which greatly easen up your focus gain for example. Extra charge, 99% damage reduction skill, etc. Please get a grip the class is just as simple.

Wish I could find this Sentinel video in which a guy consistently over 12 minutes wins practically every 2v1 or even 2v1 and one of the defeated coming back and he tells it in such a grand mocking voice how "skillfully" he does it on the class. :rolleyes:

Oh and grats you owned the scoreboard that is of course important and tells a lot!


Edited by Vales
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Really? You think melee has an advantage against Sorcs, let alone is a hard counter? Quit trolling friend, you're bad at it. 0/10.


Knockback and 5 second root on 20 second cooldown. 3500 shield on 20 second cooldown. Stun. Instant Whirlwind. Force speed.


Assuming you use just the shield, force speed and knockback over the course of 20 seconds the enemy spends 25% of his time rooted, 25% of his time running at you and has his 10 seconds of dps time mitigated by 3500 damage. Lets say he does 1000 dps, just as a rough guess. That means over 20 seconds he will deal 6500 damage to you. Then your cooldowns all repop again. Keep in mind that's without using any of your other stuff. If you use one of the longer cooldown CCs you can essentially keep someone from dealing any real damage to you forever as your cooldowns are short enough that by the time one expires another has repopped.


I wish every class countered me that hard. :rolleyes:


Knockback with the 5 second root, that breaks on damage after 2 seconds, and puts you at half resolve. So that limits you to one other stun. Let's not mention that instant WW breaks on damage, so if I have any intelligence is useless because I keep Affliction up 100% of the time.


You also assume the melee won't force leap to get back into range.


You assume that the melees white crits don't take my shield down in one swoop (hint: they do)


But that's ok, continue to think the problem isn't you, and is only the Sorc/Sage.


Every time you've posted this argument to me, and I've countered it, you've just ignored me. So I don't really know why I'm responding to it again, but I did, so maybe you will try to come up with some other unrealistic scenarios.

Edited by TetraCleric
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You got no clue. Any decent Marauder/Sentinel and Vanguard/Powertech can destroy a Sorc/Sage given they are 50, well geared and experienced.

Of course it is different at low levels but who gives a damn?


I could make a similar pointless list of their abilities but what would be the point? You are just another avarage qqer who prefers to complain here instead of improving your gameplay.


If the Sorc is losing regularly he needs to stop just pounding his face into the keyboard and try rolling it side to side.


You're underskilled and valiantly trying to defend your class, which you know to be horribly broken, on the forums in hopes that you can continue to come in 4th on damage. Sorry, but you'll have to find your self-fulfilment in another way cause the nerf train is coming baby and it's going to run the bads like you over so hard you'll reroll as Snipers.

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I shorten your post a bit:

Bla bla bla bla whine whine whine.

That all there is substantially.

Sentinel is easy to play. So is Sorc/Sage, so is Juggernaut, so is BH. I did not find any class at all very difficult to play. But dilude yourself that Sentinels are SO hard to play. :rolleyes:


Yup watching tons of procs, tons of short cooldowns and hitting MORE keybinds on the MOVE is = to


Dot dot (a long time apart) spamming 1 button then proccing and hitting that button.


My posts aren't QQ. They are saying in my experience the hybrid spec on sage/sorc was severely OP when I betad the class. I was harassed and talked smack to by baddies like you. Them being easy mode? I could care less. I can wreck delusional people like you who


A) never interupt master strike

B) never healself on soft CC, knockbacks, stuns

C) don't use your instant cast soft CC and get ranged, instead of blowing your stun right off the bat for me to trinket out of (after you dot me cus you are a moron and now you can't soft CC me).

D) Have no idea what a cleanse is.


As long as their are people as dumb as you? I have no problem tearing them apart on a Sentinel til the next WoW expansion comes out.


As far as this game being balanced and classes being = on difficulty? ROFL.


Add to that the design team has made bad decision after bad decision and has shown me nothing to make me not go back to WoW in the next expansion.


Don't trust me though, trust the level 50 guildmates and players leaving left and right...

Edited by biowareftw
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If the Sorc is losing regularly he needs to stop just pounding his face into the keyboard and try rolling it side to side.


You're underskilled and valiantly trying to defend your class, which you know to be horribly broken, on the forums in hopes that you can continue to come in 4th on damage. Sorry, but you'll have to find your self-fulfilment in another way cause the nerf train is coming baby and it's going to run the bads like you over so hard you'll reroll as Snipers.


I loled hard at so much utter nonsense.

I can just throw that back at you if you get consistently beaten by Sorcs/Sages especially if you play the classes I mentioned you are bad. It is that simple.


Yup watching tons of procs, tons of short cooldowns and hitting MORE keybinds on the MOVE is = to


Dot dot (a long time apart) spamming 1 button then proccing and hitting that button.


My posts aren't QQ. They are saying in my experience the hybrid spec on sage/sorc was severely OP. Them being easy mode? I could care less. I can wreck delusional people like you who


A) never interupt master strike

B) never healself on soft CC, knockbacks, stuns

C) don't use your instant cast soft CC and get ranged, instead of blowing your stun right off the bat for me to trinket out of (after you dot me cus you are a moron and now you can't soft CC me).


As long as their are people as dumb as you? I have no problem tearing them apart on a Sentinel til the next WoW expansion comes out.


As far as this game being balanced and classes being = on difficulty? ROFL.


Add to that the design team has made bad decision after bad decision and has shown me nothing to make me not go back to WoW in the next expansion.


Don't trust me though, trust the level 50 guildmates and players leaving left and right...


Too bad I know I am smarter than you and also too bad that the gameplay you describe is so bad it really is only good for topping damage charts.

Grats you are a scrub.

You are probably one of those bad Sentinels who blow all their CDs right at start, never interupt a heal while still in my face, waste both charges right at start, do not dot me up and then staring dumb after one Knockback, then come back here and cry because you got owned due to you being bad.


And whom I trust? Myself. I do not give a damn about qqers like you. At best I "converse" with you. At worst... well think of anything as bad as you can mulitply it by 100 and you might come close.

Edited by Vales
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Knockback with the 5 second root, that breaks on damage after 2 seconds, and puts you at half resolve. So that limits you to one other stun. Let's not mention that instant WW breaks on damage, so if I have any intelligence is useless because I keep Affliction up 100% of the time.


You also assume the melee won't force leap to get back into range.


You assume that the melees white crits don't take my shield down in one swoop (hint: they do)


But that's ok, continue to think the problem isn't you, and is only the Sorc/Sage.


Every time you've posted this argument to me, and I've countered it, you've just ignored me. So I don't really know why I'm responding to it again, but I did, so maybe you will try to come up with some other unrealistic scenarios.


It does not fill resolve. It probably should, but it doesn't. I know, you say resolve not working properly isn't a class issue. Technically true, but there is exactly one class that is stacked with incredible amounts of cc and defensive cooldowns. Sorcs. Other classes should get less our of their CC too, but a lot of other classes couldn't fill a Resolve bar if they tried.


It seems you're changing your tune from, melee counters sorcs to melee with force leap counters sorcs. Is that your new stance? It's a good thing that you have more than 1 CC and escape ability and they have only one closer, right? They jump, you knockback and root. Then spam lightning as they slowly run up and eat another cc as soon as they jump again or finally turtle their way up to you. But hey, that's what they get for countering you so hard.


I would love to be the melee that runs around hitting for 3500 a pop every time. According to you they are out there. Does an Operatives opener knock down your shield? Sure it does, do you have half a dozen responses? You bet. Though you might want to wait for the stupid shield break debuff to wear off first.


Go ahead, keep thinking that because you struggle as a Sorc it means they're balanced. They're not, they're far too good in many ways, but hey don't worry. After the nerf if they do it right you won't even notice the difference and the really really good sorcs will be less abusive.

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