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Move pre-mades into League


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Today I am playing in teh under 50 category and only hit pre-mades in pvp. This takes ALL the fun out of pvp and questing gets way too boring if you do it all day long.


So all I can do is pleade with teh developers to take those pre-made pvp groups and put them into their own section via a league or something like that. Then they can battle with themselves and not ruin the fun for every other player out there.

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So basically, they should move any pre-made into their own league? Well...let's see if I queue with 1 person, then we'd obviously have to join a league full of 2 person queued teams because of we faced a 3 person pre-made, jeeze that's unfair. On the other hand, if we had 3 people we couldn't face a 4 person pre-made for the same reason and since 3 can't go into 8 evenly there would have to be at least a minimum of 9 in that warzone. SO this means we need to have a league for 1, 2, 3, and 4.


Or... you could just make your own pre-made. If your friends list is lacking, get to know some people. It's a social game after all, unless you just do it to quest by yourself.

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So basically, they should move any pre-made into their own league? Well...let's see if I queue with 1 person, then we'd obviously have to join a league full of 2 person queued teams because of we faced a 3 person pre-made, jeeze that's unfair. On the other hand, if we had 3 people we couldn't face a 4 person pre-made for the same reason and since 3 can't go into 8 evenly there would have to be at least a minimum of 9 in that warzone. SO this means we need to have a league for 1, 2, 3, and 4.


Or... you could just make your own pre-made. If your friends list is lacking, get to know some people. It's a social game after all, unless you just do it to quest by yourself.


+1 For you Sir

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Today I am playing in teh under 50 category and only hit pre-mades in pvp. This takes ALL the fun out of pvp and questing gets way too boring if you do it all day long.


So all I can do is pleade with teh developers to take those pre-made pvp groups and put them into their own section via a league or something like that. Then they can battle with themselves and not ruin the fun for every other player out there.


I hate to say it. The easiest solution is for you to make a premade.

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Today I am playing in teh under 50 category and only hit pre-mades in pvp. This takes ALL the fun out of pvp and questing gets way too boring if you do it all day long.


So all I can do is pleade with teh developers to take those pre-made pvp groups and put them into their own section via a league or something like that. Then they can battle with themselves and not ruin the fun for every other player out there.


People that don't want to find the time to get friends to learn to play baffle me or even communicate in PvP. I mean seriously, this is not a solo sport. Yet you want to go in as a solo player and the majority of the time act like the only player on the field. Yesterday, I tracked my games, even against premades, for the whole day in 30 games played we won 22 of them with 8 losses. That was puging it all the time.


Premades are not the end all be all people make them out to be. It's just some don't want to bother doing that basic learn 2 play thing or actually working with their fellow players. I've found the majority want to be the gun ho lone wolf and are typically the ones getting destroyed regularly or ignoring protection of an objective or don't even bother calling out incomings until after a node is being capped, or even the best, fight in the center field no where close to a node cause they want to chase kills.

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It's pretty easy to get a premade going, I just spam general for others that want to que up with me. After a while you start to figure out who the good players are and add them to your friends list or you are good and start to make a name for yourself and other ask you to premade with them. Everyday when I log in either my guild or some friends that I pvp with ask my if I want in.


A premade does not need to be 4 people on mumble together. We rarely voice chat while pvping(it helps but not that much until u can do 8 man premades.). I rarely lose in WZ's and a lot of the matches are really close (when up aginst other premades), all you need to do is find a couple of other good players to queue with. 2-3 good players together can make all the difference in a WZ.

Edited by Ruuprect
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It's funny cause yesterday had some guy with some bruised ego issues I never even talked to decide to PM me. A couple of games back I said to pass, that's all I said in the Ops channel, pass cause the fire was burning. He throws the ball and such I didn't think nothing of it, just saying pass because hey, I am open for the win. Few games later, same person comes in and after defending the right node, I decide to go check on the left node cause it's been awful quiet. As soon as I make the stairs the node is capped then the guy defending goes, they are attacking the left node. My response was a bit late there.


Next thing I know after we win that match I get some butthurt bruised ego spam from the guy telling me if I had a problem with him to lay it out. Funnily enough I never called him by name, at all, and he goes off on this tangent about how he has 3 50s (really, people, stop trying to use the excuse that you have a lot of 50s to try and proclaim you have skillz) that everyone was seeing I was ragging on him (I never called this guys name once) and I've been doing it to him every game (we've been in several games back to back but that was the only two times I could have even been mistaken as talking to him directly when I never even called him out by name and never even thought of him past those points).


Needless to say it was hilarious how many people think they are all stars in these things and obvious when someone like this gets a bruised ego going and guilt for things they did going.

Edited by Silverspar
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It's funny cause yesterday had some guy with some bruised ego issues I never even talked to decide to PM me. A couple of games back I said to pass, that's all I said in the Ops channel, pass cause the fire was burning. He throws the ball and such I didn't think nothing of it, just saying pass because hey, I am open for the win. Few games later, same person comes in and after defending the right node, I decide to go check on the left node cause it's been awful quiet. As soon as I make the stairs the node is capped then the guy defending goes, they are attacking the left node. My response was a bit late there.


Next thing I know after we win that match I get some butthurt bruised ego spam from the guy telling me if I had a problem with him to lay it out. Funnily enough I never called him by name, at all, and he goes off on this tangent about how he has 3 50s (really, people, stop trying to use the excuse that you have a lot of 50s to try and proclaim you have skillz) that everyone was seeing I was ragging on him (I never called this guys name once) and I've been doing it to him every game (we've been in several games back to back but that was the only two times I could have even been mistaken as talking to him directly when I never even called him out by name and never even thought of him past those points).


Needless to say it was hilarious how many people think they are all stars in these things and obvious when someone like this gets a bruised ego going and guilt for things they did going.


Yeah, its wierd, i think its the l33t wow mentality.


If I screw up I admit it and apologise to the team and for the most part no one has a problem with it, we all make mistakes.

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I never said I had a bruised ego or couldn't make friends. I just enjoy playing with my boyfriend and nobody else. I also never claimed to be an all-star.


All I want is having a chance with a pug and that you don't have anymore, as premade groups took over. Guys, the same happened in WoW at teh very beginning and it went so far that you couldn't win at all anymore unless u were in a pre-made. That is why WoW started the individual pvp and teh groups 2x2 up to 5v5.


That is ALL I am saying. Pvp was fun in teh beginning and has become boring since the pre-mades took hold.

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