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Dual-blade Lightsabers


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That should be an easy request. I mean, just post a bunch of links showing all the times that a saber-staffs had blades of two different colors and we're in business.






Still waiting...


Considering that most dual sabers were basically 2 single blade sabers connected at the Pommel there's no reason you couldn't have 2 colors. Pretty much every time I've seen a dual saber split in two, both halves continue working independantly. That means two hilts, 2 power sources, 2 focusing crystals.


Just because no existing media shows a dual colored dual saber doesn't mean it couldn't be made. Your argument that you need to have existing media showing it before it can exist means that the world followed your philosophy we'd all still be living in a cave entertaining ourselves with rocks and twigs and there would never be any progress.

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Considering that most dual sabers were basically 2 single blade sabers connected at the Pommel there's no reason you couldn't have 2 colors. Pretty much every time I've seen a dual saber split in two, both halves continue working independantly. That means two hilts, 2 power sources, 2 focusing crystals.


Agreed. There are situations where this is not the case, but I agree with you.


Just because no existing media shows a dual colored dual saber doesn't mean it couldn't be made. Your argument that you need to have existing media showing it before it can exist means that the world followed your philosophy we'd all still be living in a cave entertaining ourselves with rocks and twigs and there would never be any progress.


That was a fantastic uppercut you landed on that straw man. Bravo.


I haven't argued that its not possible. I simply said that it would be trivial to convince people to make this change once we show everyone a nice collection of some of the times that this has been used in the universe.


I'm not saying that we need to get a petition or show me quotes from Lucas or see model schematics. A scan of a few comics would be fine, or a few quotes from EU books.


That's easy, right? It's not like I'm saying we need to prove that Darth Maul was going to have a red/gold saber but it was scrapped because of special effects budget problems. We just need to show that Darth DidUrMom the Mercileess who is currently standing outside some doorway on Nar Shaddaa begging for someone to help him wasn't the creator of this particular lightsaber fad.


Of course... maybe that would make more sense if it were true.


Here's another thought: I want a light-trident. Surely if we can make multi-hilt lightsabers and short-lightsabers, then we can mount three short lightsabers on the end of a staff to make a trident. Why not add that into the game? Obviously you can't argue against it because it's very possible, and arguing against things that are possible is the same as arguing against all forms of technological progress.

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they'd half to nerf the crystals stats in half if you equipped 2. simple logic but something simple boolean stuff couldnt manage. "if xcrystal is equipped in xdoublebladed saber then stats 1/2" - of course written in proper boolean. would be simple. but a blue and red saber would be nice IM LORD PATRIOTIC AMERICAN MAN FEEL MY BLADE RAWR
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I disagree. Having double the slots in a dual lightsaber is no different than a Sentinel that weilds a light saber in each hand. The mods are not down graded there.



Except that a dual bladed lightsaber is single handed in SWTOR. Stupid yes? but thats how it is. Technically you should be able to dual weild dual blade sabers, so yea...

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Can you cite a particular instance where both sides of a dual-bladed saber continued to function after being split?


EDIT: Wookiepedia explains that a double bladed saber is a single lightsaber mechanism with two emitters. So I think the OP is mistaken.




Some were later made that apparently were two connected lightsabers like Ventriss', but that probably doesn't happen until around the movies time period.

Edited by Hamsterkill
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Single sabers have been shown to use multiple crystals in the EU.


Corran Horn makes a saber that has 2 crystals in it and by twisting the hilt he changes what crystal is used to make the beam which changes its colour and length. Another student pulls it off as well with three crystals which allow him to have three lengths and a multi-colour rainbow effect.


Thus it has been established that single handed sabers alone can use multiple crystals and it can cause them to increase length, width and colour.


Would be logical it can be done with dual blades as well which could be rather interesting from a visual perspective but ingame its not going to have much impact on gameplay.


Unless your gonna do something really stupid like a toggle ability which suddenly increases all saber attacks to 10 meters because the blade is super big...


Would be more reasonable to attach a grenade launcher to the lightsaber or... turn it into a Andromeda Swiss-army Force Lance

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Not sure if you played the original KOTOR, but those double bladed light sabers had two crystal slots. Soooooo.....it's not really that outrageous of an idea or request. Especially since BioWare made the first game :D Edited by thefishdude
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I think the Dual-blade should at least have 2 crystal slots. Your wielding 2 blades after-all so its not all that different from wielding 2 lightsabers.


This could be argued for the hilt too but I won't push my luck. I just want 2 colors really.


That's a really good point!

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Not sure if you played the original KOTOR, but those double bladed light sabers had two crystal slots. Soooooo.....it's not really that outrageous of an idea or request. Especially since BioWare made the first game :D


The double-bladed sabers in the original KOTOR had the same number of crystal slots that the single sabers did -- one main color crystal and two "focusing" or "power" crystals.

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I disagree. Having double the slots in a dual lightsaber is no different than a Sentinel that weilds a light saber in each hand.


The main purpose behind the crystal is to provide a stat boost. Sentinels use two sabers, so they get two crystals. Shadows use a double bladed saber and a focus item in the off hand.


Both classes get the same amount of stat increasing items.


If a DBLS used two crystals, you'd have to cut the bonus in half, or otherwise the shadow gets 3 stat increasing items.

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I forgot about the focusing item. (Maybe its because I find it hard to get an upgrade that's worth it, bad luck on my part I'm sure.) Actually I'm surprised we get it because they call that a offhand slot and its really a two handed weapon.


I just think it would be nice with the lack of crystal colors to offer something to make it interesting or unique. It shouldn't be too hard to either lock the off-hand and make it like 2 sabers or nerf the stat to put 2 crystals in the dual-saber.


One slot a color only and the other a color + stat. Or something...


Also on the topic did Maul's saber actually stop working on one end or did he lose it when he was knocked back? That was a little unclear to me.

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