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Penalty for leaving/not taking WZs


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People leave because they are not enjoying themselves, you shouldn't have to stay in wz where you are obviously outmatched because no matchmaking system can create fair teams.


At least on my server the leave rarely leads to some crippling disadvantage, it's not like they are taking away anything from the person who wants to stay.


Don't forget, if you punish leavers, players will just afk in warzones - which is even worse than the current system because you won't get replacement players.


Or worse, they'll spend the entire match raging in chat. One reason I sometimes sacrifice easy xp, creds, and gear in the 10-49 bracket is because the alternative is getting really mouthy and rude. When I leave a warzone, it's for a good reason, and it's for the benefit of the other players.


But sure, go ahead and prevent me from doing that. I'll reroll a stealth class, lurk in a corner, and 'critique' my team's performance for 14 minutes. It'll be fun.

Edited by maradigamer
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Seriously guys come on, there is NOT a single WZ in this game where you cant force the other side to stop farming you.


Huttball just walk around the sides near your spawn zone behind the fence, they can't touch you period. If they like standing around in the middle playing with themselves while you watch from above, fine let them.


Civil War, same deal, stand up where your speeder lands - they will win or quit in no time at all (doesn't take long for a 3 cap to finish the score).


Voidstar, just let them run it. If they don't, just stand up in the spawn until it kicks you out. each side only gets 6:30 max, is six and a half minutes REALLY too long to wait for your next match?? If your attacking just don't drop down, they can't touch you.


If your biggest reason for leaving these matches is your team is losing because everyone BUT you sucks on your team, might I suggest some freakin leadership instead of pouting and quitting. Step up, put them in line, and TEACH THEM HOW NOT TO SUCK! Stop being a loser yourself.

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As WoW proved... Deserter Debuff will not stop players from leaving. If the players do not enjoy the match they will leave and no penalty outside banning will stop that.



Punishment never works as it will cause players to look into PvE as a more fun format or quit. This games PvP is not steller in any fashion. Right now they should be working on the vaunted PvP roles they claimed as the only defined roles is healing and DPS.. Tanks do not exist... except in the form of BH/Troopers which any of their specs can PvP tank.

Edited by Venilator
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Instead of that, how about a "coward's debuff". Less valor, comms, money and xp for "x" amount of time.



Most of the leaving is because of the W/L they dont care at all about Valor/comms/money. I leave WZ that are sure loss yes I admit that. Let me tell you why:


Yesturday my 2nd 50 character had 2/3 wins for the daily. I then won 2 straight WZ that did not count for my 3rd win. Now I get frustrated at this point, because all I want to do is get my 3rd win, and log on to my BH. It took me another 1.5 hrs to get that 3rd win because my groups were bad pugs.


Thats just one days example. IMHO if your PUG WZ's learn to deal with this, until they fix the game. If it annoys you that much make sure you go into a pre-made WZ.

Edited by pixelelement
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There are three or four threads on this issue every day but the people creating them are putting the cart before the horse. If you want a penalty for leaving warzones then you need to ask for farming fixes first. One team should not be able to spend an entire match farming the other side.


The object of the game isn't to slaughter, it's to achieve objectives, win, and move on. If they don't change the team compositions or timer or layout of these games (none of which I see happening anytime soon if ever) then they need to let players who are getting farmed the full timer leave if they prefer to sacrifice their xp, gear, and credits rather than stay.


Exactly, like I have presented as a fix for Huttball (one of the easiest matches to farm people on), is that each score pulls two minutes off the clock. Only if the other team scores does two minutes get added back to the clock. As such a close game is not shut down prematurely, but a blow out is cut short.


Then you say, well they can still farm you, and this is true, but at least there is not a 0-5 lead with 12min left in the match....thats just hopeless, so if they score 1 or 2, you have hope that you could try to beat them in the end.


The farmers sadly are the biggest cause of queue lengthening etc. People don't mind losing, but they mind being berated and farmed, and thus will simply not log back in, thus fewer and fewer people queue.


When I played Warhammer, we always dominated the matches, and eventually we had to stop players from just pushing them into there spawns and grinding them, why? because we want them to come back. Hope goes a long way, and when you remove any hope, you simply have dead queue. Same thing happened in DAoC battlegrounds, people would yell 'stop camping them at the spawn' the reason why? we want them to rally and come out and fight, not all stop playing. So guilds and people that are just grinding people into dust and laughing at them? Yeah, just remember that those people are your bread and butter, you get nothing without them, so treating them with some respect will keep the queues flowing and the Warzone tokens filling your pockets.

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I think you're all missing a HUGE resolve:



Group up. If you're so pissy about always getting tossed around like a trailer in a tornado, then find people who are good, group with them, and play.


Group up should = more wins *if you're playing correctly.


More wins = less leaving.

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The excuses about leaving WZs are horrible. Spoiler Alert: if you solo queue, sometimes you will be in a WZ with barely-50s who are not good at WZs and don't have good gear.


Man up, farm as much Valor and Commendations as you can, and move on when the WZ is over. If everyone did this, it is very unlikely that you would be put in a partially completed WZ, as those are mostly caused by the same players who come here and try to justify leaving WZs.


If you want to control who you play with, the game allows you to queue with up to 3 other players.


I do believe that you should get a small window of time to leave a WZ if you don't like what you see, but that should leave enough time to refill the WZ.


As for players using WZs for a quick trip to Republic Fleet, I mostly blame Bioware for allowing that to occur. That piece of code needs to be fixed.


In summary:


-BW to fix the "afk to fleet" feature.

-Short window for players to leave WZs before they begin.

-Players should stop making excuses and finish their WZs even if things don't look good.

-Players should queue grouped if they want to control who they queue with.

-BW to implement a penalty to encourage players not to leave WZs prematurely.



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Sorry OP, but Huttball sucks. When I load into a WZ, if I see Huttball on my screen, I immediately leave group, regardless of who is in it. I...just...can't...stand...Huttball. Plain and simple.


I'm all for reprimanding deserters who quit during a match, however, until there is a Filter in place (supposed to happen in March) that let's you select out the WZs you don't want to play, punishing peeps that leave before the match starts is stupid.

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I am seeing players leave WZs more and more often. It appears that they are coming into the WZ, checking to see who else is in or what the status of the WZ is, and then leaving if they don't like what they see. There needs to be a penalty for doing this, as it really puts the remaining players at a huge disadvantage.


I am also seeing more and more players queueing, then not taking the WZ at all, which means we are starting short (6 or 7). Again, if someone does this, there needs to be a penalty.


I propose a penalty of something like 20 minutes where you cannot re-queue.


I dont see any point staying in WZ where is already 0:3 score if only one reason for me to do WZ is daily quest which require around 6-7 wins in order to get 3 required by daily quest.I dont wanna spend whole night on this brainless zerg fest...


if WZ's would depend from skills not just from gear and "who have bigger knockback" then of course players like me would stay, players who enjoy good pvp.... but in this game is only brainless grinding... and also option of staying for medals farming is not good for me casue I play as pure healer so anyway I get nothing... so better leave faster and look for luck with finding geared group and win.... I know thats sad but in this game soo true..... :/


only one solution for that is entairly redesign whole pvp/gear obtaining mechanics....what of course is impossible... ^^


I just want to say that leavers are horrible casual players. Cya.


and about this.... ekhm....... I wish I could have premades with all those leavers....cause they are much better players than most I have seen at wz's....who staying and .... farming medals when match is already lost cause they cant do anything else......

Edited by LordCrow
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