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Immortal in PVP


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I use a Vengeance/Immortal hybrid spec and I love it. Vengeance provides better survival in PVP, period. 20% damage reduction on charge plus CC immunity. Intercede applies to you and your target. 4% flat damage reduction. 4% endurance.


The only thing deep Immortal provides is Backhand and Channel-less Choke. These are great. But if you are looking for pure survival/damage then Vengeance/Immo hybrid has to be the best.


Something like this.



Edited by fadingdimension
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Have to disagree with you on huttball. I always run the ball. Grab it from mid, intercede to ally on rafter, charge to baddie sorc through fire, force push them to line, and force charge for the score. Entire combo takes 10-15 seconds.

I end up capping all 6 and having 1 medal. Zero MVP votes. But I know in my heart I'm the real MVP :'(


Kepp in mind that this takes a somewhat coordinated/common sense smart PUG. The PUGs on my server run around the middle looking for kills. No one goes up to the second rafter. As a matter of fact, most of the time I cant even get the ball in the beginning because there is some glass cannon sorc is force speeds to it.


No doubt once Immortal has the ball, there is more that we can do with it then most of the other classes. However, with our stuns, guards and taunts we make even more excellent escorts.


The problem I think most PUGs have is, they get into these 1v1s and 1v2s and lose focus on the ball carrier, which then gets taken down. Mob mentality rules in hutt ball. Stay with the ball carrier, use your stuns, taunts and guards. After all, that sorc cant push you off the ramp if he gets forced pushed off first...

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Bottom line is so far in this game, dead enemies are the best form of damage mitigation for your team. I would love for it to be different, but that's the way I see it so far.


This is so true and should be stickied at the top of the Jugg forum. Someone waiting for a rez back in their loading zone is doing 0% damage for maybe 30 seconds or more. That is the best form of taunt there is.


As for the "protection" stat, why would anyone pick you to mitigate 100k damage in a match when they can just run with a Sorc healer who can heal for 500-600k in a match? If you weren't there and the enemy was just DPSing away, the sorc who took your place would just heal up that damage easily and have a ton more power left to keep on healing.


PvP tanking in this game is a pathetic joke if you think of it in terms of which class earns a spot in a premade EIGHT man team. Once rated warzones start and people have to choose carefully about what classes/roles fill each spot just wait and see.. PvP tanks will be left out every time in favor of a third healer because that's who a PvP tank will be competing for a spot with, not one of the 5 DPS slots.

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Dont guard in a pug. Pugs run around the middle of huttball taking oodles of damage and you take half of it, probably while being fired at from that sniper on the top ramp.


The key to immortal PvP (I'm a battlemaster I've done plenty of these 3 warzones) is to commit yourself at the right time. For example. At the beginning of Huttball every melee rushes in to get to the ball and battle anyone trying to get it. As an immortal Jugg this is wrong. You will be focus fired from the snipers and sorcerors. Wait for your enemy to pick targets (not you) then charge into the melee and AoE taunt everything. Bam 3 medals. After that you can intercede an ally and help kill someone. By taunting you keep your DPS alive a bit longer for them to win the fights.


In a WZ like Voidstar you stay in the middle and dont commit until the melee is thick. 95% of people wont switch targets because they want the kill. As long asyou are not targetted by 2 or 3 people you will change the course of the battles. You have 5 interrupts, use them on healers and ranged dps who are unloading on your allies. You have 3 damage reduction abilites, use them only when you get focus fired.


The key as immortal is to be unassuming in PvP. You are not a tank, no one is. Any class can be focus fired down. You are a damage mitigater. You are there to taunt other dps smacking your allies around and to lock down a healer. If you get 1v1ed you have plenty of tools to help you win the fight.


Don't guard DPS pugs. Guard a healer if anything and only when you see him in trouble. make the most of your interrupts and force jumps. Lock healers down. Without them healing the taunted enemies, they will not beat your DPS allies. Play smarter and you will feel more powerful.


I understand this mentality, and I do believe that it is the correct way to play successfully, but it's heartbreaking. By the time you can do something effective without sacrificing yourself, your team is dead. In other games, I did not feel this strain as a PVP tank. Sure, I had to rotate a few short CD OSB's and maybe a pot to survive the first brawl, but the defensive boon granted to the team was enough.


By definition, a Juggernaught shouldn't need much support to do his job. As Immortal, your damage and offensive utility is arguably pitiful, you have some pretty great CC on massive cooldown, and you have no way to defend yourself during a stun cycle. You just have to hope to hit Invincible at the right time before you get the 10 second lockout with everyone beating on you.

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