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Power, Surge or Critical


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Dear All:


I just wanted to double-check that the ranking of attributes -- after strength, of course -- is as follows:


1) Power

2) Surge

3) Critical


This was my interpretation from reading the Sent Primer -- which was a tremendous help -- and wanted to make sure that my reading was correct and that nothing has subsequently changed.


Thanks, in advance, for any help you all might be able to provide.



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Alright, thanks for the insight.


Additionally, and I apologize for being so forgetful, but my character is a lvl 39 Watchman. I don't know the extent to which this changes the answer to my initial question, but I reckon I should have included in my first post.


Thanks again.



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uh what? STR = both power and crit in one. end and str > ALL followed by Power, Crit, then Surge.


I don't even factor strength honestly. It's our main stat it's on every piece of gear. That being said Power > surge > crit for me, our Zen should be up like 90% of the time so a lot of crits on our DoTs, and merc slash crits a lot it seems.

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I don't know the extent to which this changes the answer to my initial question, but I reckon I should have included in my first post.


Oh. Um, at low levels, forget multipliers -- crit and surge suck dick because they rely on each other. Just stack Str/Power. Crit and Surge become more relevant at 50 when your base damage is higher, and the other multiplier stat is higher.



uh what? STR = both power and crit in one. end and str > ALL followed by Power, Crit, then Surge.


STR gives .2 damage bonus per point. Power gives .23 per point.


If you're running high stats all around, then the crit chance that STR adds is negligible. Also, str gives less than one-fifth the crit% that crit rating gives.




100 str -> 20 bonus damage, maybe 0.5% crit


Alternatively, you could have:


100 pow -> 23 bonus damage



3 bonus damage or .5% crit? Well now, I told you what results I got from a casual model of an attack. Go ahead and let me know what you get.

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The problem is that high end gear(Columi anyway)either contains Crit/Surge or Power/Accuracy. In that case I'd prefer Crit/Surge. In an ideal world we'd be going Power/Surge once we get to a decent level of crit(I'd say once you can get to 35% crit with the Smuggler and Consular buff as that gives you 50% crit with dots anyway and Zen is already giving you guaranteed dot crits pretty often).
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I'm currently level 37 Watchman build (2 pts in combat for faster centering)


Until yesterday I had focused on Crit and Accuracy (kind of like my WoW Rogue lol) I had like 22,5% crit unbuffed and 94,5% accuracy. This is my first SWTOR character so I had not really paid attention to what power, surge and such actually did. After reading a few posts here on the forums I decided to make some +power and +surge enhancements.


I sacrificed 5% crit and 2% accuracy but gained about 10% more overall damage with the extra power rating and 13% more critical damage with the extra surge rating, a nice tradeoff I would say =)


Burn effects already have 15% extra critical chance with 5 stacks of Juyo, and I build up 30 centering really fast, right now I'm beating myself up not looking into power and surge sooner =)

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to add my 2 pence worth I have a level 40 sentinel and it occurs to me that accuracy and power could be more important than surge and crit depending on where your extra skill tree points go because if you have 'duel wield mastery' then increasing power and accuracy on top will result in a more predictable increase in dps, as apposed to stacking your critical and surge... but point taken that crits are v.important for survivability in watchman spec so one could argue that because of duel wield mastery having such a large affect on bonus damage that concentrating on crit and surge where you can will achieve a nice balance over all



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I have aquired all the champion pvp sentinel gear. Am I the only one that isn't happy with the stats the gear gives? Why do all the enhancements have +accuracy??? I want Strength, Power, Surge, and Crit (in order of importance)!!! I shouldn't get the 2nd tier pvp gear and want to switch the enhancements....
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Accuracy = useless until they add raid bosses above the lvl cap. Just get like 95% accuracy (easily obtained through earpieces/implants). Special attacks automatically have 100% accuracy to start. Edited by nschlan
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