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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Meanwhile Tracer Missiles...


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Not moving = mobile?


What definition of mobility are you using?



As for "melee classes run through ranged classes - combat now decided by who circle strafes best": I fail to see how it's an improvement.


You're right. In fact, I'll even go a step further to say that they should "nerf" those melee classes with the same range restrictions as a commando and the same healing capabilities.

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qq ...

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Unbelievable that some people would argue that the Commando has less mobility than a Gunslinger/Sniper. Not only that, but then to argue the 5% DPS rule. If that's the case, what exactly is the benefit of playing a Gunslinger/Sniper over a DPS Commando/Merc?
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Unbelievable that some people would argue that the Commando has less mobility than a Gunslinger/Sniper. Not only that, but then to argue the 5% DPS rule. If that's the case, what exactly is the benefit of playing a Gunslinger/Sniper over a DPS Commando/Merc?


yeah this is true...however you have the ability to hide behind cover, which prevent Juggs and such from jumping to you and Sorcs and such from pulling you.

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Unbelievable that some people would argue that the Commando has less mobility than a Gunslinger/Sniper. Not only that, but then to argue the 5% DPS rule. If that's the case, what exactly is the benefit of playing a Gunslinger/Sniper over a DPS Commando/Merc?


As someone who plays both a commando and a gun slinger in PVP, and loves both of them dearly, thinking neither is OP or UP ...


You're just crazy.


Ranged Gun slinger skills I can use while running - my dot, grenade, quick shot, quick draw, leg shot, diversion, plus a few more if I speced into them


Ranged commando skills I can use while running - Cryo grenade, sticky grenade. Ummm ... hammershot? I guess I can use high impact shot once if I'm lucky.


Benefit to playing gun slinger: Put a explosive driod on someone, hit with aim shot, follow up instantly with quick draw and take someone from 75% health to dead before they know you are are there.





It's a give and take either way.

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Pyro is disgusting damage, but I think it uses a lot of heat?? Or maybe you just have to talent it right. Either way... At least you can interrupt tracer missiles/grav round.


as a merc pyro, i would say it does use a lot of heat. there are ways to manage it, but i find myself in the "bad" regen range a lot more often than in arsenal.


part of that is because arsenal can proc heat regens from landing crits on tracer missile and unload. pyro can proc heat regens from being hit with any form of CC. in order to reduce heat use as a pyro you really need to put yourself in harms way.


if youve got a good healer friend then you should still be able to do quite well

Edited by cashogy
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