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People BAD in pvp


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So what would the ranked system be based on?


Kill ratio? That doesn't make a good player


Objective points? Except objective points seem to be skewed, especially when you get no objective credits for strategically passing the ball, or scoring, in Huttball.


Definitely not the Medal system.


Most dmg? A baddie with great gear can still top those chats.


So how would you create a ranking system here that is actually based on skill rather than time spent?


Well the only way i can see this helping is letting everyone start at 0 rating and build your way up with Wins?? Like ( The unspoken game ) Arena rating

Edited by Balondemar
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I get no medal for scoring in huttball.


Really though, it depends on how far ahead we are. If we get a 3-4 lead on the other team I'll stop with the objectives. I dont want the match to end early, wheres the point in that? Queuing up again? At that point I'll start taking out operatives and other healers .... or those guys that camp the ramps. I like to see them squirm when they find out they arnt so hot, we were just ignoring them for the objective.

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Team based instances of the existing WZ's would work. Make it into a daily even. The more group WZ's you win, the higher your rank. But it would have to be limited to 5 or 10 man groups. I think the latter would be tough in this game since many people solo grind for stuff so "grouping" isn't as commonplace.


Yeah, I'm like the only pvper in the guild of friends I'm in. So finding specific people to group with isn't exactly the easiest thing for me to set up.


But if such a system were to be implemented and it motivates people to start groups, and I get invited, I'm game.

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Guard is the only thing that shows up as protection. All the rest, mass mind control (by taunt, I assume you mean mass mind control or something similar), along with static barrier are considered healing. At least I know barrier is. I pretty sure mass mindcontrol is healing, but I don't play an assassin. Just going by what my guildies say.


Not true. I know for a fact Taunt will show up in protection, when that's all I use in games and it shows up in protection, as well as when I get medals for protection.


At least, I know this works without a doubt on Vanguard. I haven't played my Assassin in ages to verify.

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So what would the ranked system be based on?


Kill ratio? That doesn't make a good player


Objective points? Except objective points seem to be skewed, especially when you get no objective credits for strategically passing the ball, or scoring, in Huttball.


Definitely not the Medal system.


Most dmg? A baddie with great gear can still top those chats.


So how would you create a ranking system here that is actually based on skill rather than time spent?


Probably a ranked system based on game won, lost. With extra bonus with medals.

Something like you get 10 points for a win and lose 10 for a loss. Every 5 medals you get 1 extra point.

Edited by Vernum
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Not true. I know for a fact Taunt will show up in protection, when that's all I use in games and it shows up in protection, as well as when I get medals for protection.


At least, I know this works without a doubt on Vanguard. I haven't played my Assassin in ages to verify.


Does threatening scream do that? I spam threatening scream and chilling scream, like a good jug should, and it doesnt seem like it adds to protection.

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Well the only way i can see this helping is letting everyone start at 0 rating and build your way up with Wins?? Like ( The unspoken game ) Arena rating


Yeah, but that can also be a matter of time for the baddies too.


In theory, some bad players can spend the whole day and potentially get same rankings as good players who may only spend a few hours on it.


It still won't deter bad player leechers.


And in quite a few games I've saved baddies by actually running from west turret to east turret and barely tag the enemy capper while our bad teammate was out fighting in the middle of no where and didn't call inc. We won a lot of games with a few good players actually being aware. So in that scenario, a lot of those bad players would get credit for the wins.

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Does threatening scream do that? I spam threatening scream and chilling scream, like a good jug should, and it doesnt seem like it adds to protection.


I can tell you that it "should". Unless there are some unknown bugs in the game, that may vary from class to class on the taunts, it "should".


The best way I can suggest to test it out is just don't use Guard at all for a game and only use taunts (-30% dmg) so you can see for yourself if it's working as intended.


Now my understanding is, once they target you and hit you, that affect no longer works (obviously as the tooltip describes), but I'm not exactly sure if that means they have a -30% debuff that doesn't work against you... or if their -30% debuff is removed once they hit you. The latter would make a bigger impact to negate your overall affect if they're swapping around targets.


Another question is, lets say if a sage/sorc DoTs you, but is targeting someone else. Lets say you then Taunt them, but that DoT still dmgs you. Will that negate the -30% debuff on him?

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From a healers perspective ....


I have one job. Keep as many team members alive as I can. Unless a match ends early, rarely do I get under 200k healing - even in Huttball.


But when the game ends what do I see? Half the team hasn't even broken 100k damage. And their medal counts are equal to mine - yes equal to the team healer no less - the guy who by design should see the very least number.


And the score ... 6 to 1 or 6 to 0. Rarely does it seem like our side did much of anything.


Yes, there are some really bad players out there. Many who have no clue and I have the bad unfortunate luck to always get teamed up with them.

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One of my favorite tactics in Huttball is to pull members from the opposing team on me when the a point in finally scored. As a healer it is easy. The opposing team naturally come after you with a passion. So it is not uncommon for me to pull 2 - 3 opposing team members and to keep them busy for about 20 - 30 seconds. But what do I find when I rez after dying? The opposing team still has the ball and is 10 seconds away from scoring.


Why? Because my teammates whose only job is to kill is nowhere to be seen. They are all off killing some body on the other end of the map who did the same tactic I did. The only difference is where I pulled 2 to 3 players that person has half my freaken team gunning for him all so they can get the kill shot.


Yes, there are a number of bad players out there. And their numbers keep growing.

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Does threatening scream do that? I spam threatening scream and chilling scream, like a good jug should, and it doesnt seem like it adds to protection.


Remember taunts only reduce damage on people that are not attacking you. So when they are clustered around the ball carrier and AE taunt you will get guard points for it as long as their attacks do not include you as a target.

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I don't seem to run into this problem as much. I'm wondering what time the OP usually does his PVP? I usually login late evening so usually the smarter adults are and I haven't had trouble finding a good game where both sides are competing.


Feels like this would be a problem in the daytime with the kiddies who are just looking to shoot guns and swing lightsabers.

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We were all bad PvP'ers at some point—I doubt the majority of us were skilled at PvP during our first crack at it, whatever game it was in. Practice and experience made us better.


So, I can't get too upset when I see poor PvP play, as long as they're willing to listen, learn, and put forth the effort to improve their skills if they're serious about PvP.


My biggest beef is with the people who go AFK and those who don't even try (or don't want to listen) and just do their own thing because they're more interested in the rewards that come after the match is over. Neither couldn't care less about winning.


The above mentioned are on every server, and on both factions.


They're widespread, unfortunately.

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this all goes away with rated WZ's...... u queue with a premade, everyone does there job...... u dont have to worry about the scrubs on your team cuz there shouldnt be any


in other words, every server should have already established a strong lineup


Please, please, PLEASE add premades. Huttball premades = actual Huttball teams/leagues. That's a concept so awesome I almost can't stand it.


Also, addressing the titular issue of this thread: I play on Fatman and the warzone PvP there is very enjoyable.

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So, I can't get too upset when I see poor PvP play, as long as they're willing to listen, learn, and put forth the effort to improve their skills if they're serious about PvP.



The problem is when they don't listen/learn. I agree to your earlier points and I try to give the benefit of the doubt to some. But when people explain how the game is played b4 start of game, request assistance on certain objectives, only to find a bunch of people doing stupid things... you can't help but just conclude they are... bad.

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The problem is when they don't listen/learn. I agree to your earlier points and I try to give the benefit of the doubt to some. But when people explain how the game is played b4 start of game, request assistance on certain objectives, only to find a bunch of people doing stupid things... you can't help but just conclude they are... bad.


Which is why I lump those who don't listen/learn in with the same people who AFK. :D

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Yeah, but that can also be a matter of time for the baddies too.


In theory, some bad players can spend the whole day and potentially get same rankings as good players who may only spend a few hours on it.


It still won't deter bad player leechers.


And in quite a few games I've saved baddies by actually running from west turret to east turret and barely tag the enemy capper while our bad teammate was out fighting in the middle of no where and didn't call inc. We won a lot of games with a few good players actually being aware. So in that scenario, a lot of those bad players would get credit for the wins.


I had a game that went complete south due simply to the lack of inaction of some really bad players.


In one round of Alderaan I played my team had just take two turrets. I was healing the group who took the center one and one of my guys asked if the other turret needed help. That team responded they were clear. At this point my turret defenders assume we got a rush coming our way so we buff up ready for action. 10 seconds pass and nothing is incoming. The other turret defenders also haven't typed nothing in chat. It was at this point I got a bad feeling and ran to a point where I could see the other turret.


What I saw was the entire opposing team there on the verge of caping the turret. There was nothing we could do to help the one remaining defender. Those 10 seconds 1/2 of our team spent expecting a rush that never came was the difference between winning and losing that match.


Needless to say near the end of that match, we 4 center turret defenders had quite a bit of negative things to say to the other 4 players. Not a single one even tried to defend themselves in chat.


But the point is that we didn't have one or two bad players. Half the team sucked. Nobody defending the other turret even bothered to take 2 seconds and warn of the danger by typing H or inc in chat.


And the worse part of this story ... this was a 50 only game.

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Please, please, PLEASE add premades. Huttball premades = actual Huttball teams/leagues. That's a concept so awesome I almost can't stand it.


Also, addressing the titular issue of this thread: I play on Fatman and the warzone PvP there is very enjoyable.


I agree.


Some of the most exciting Huttball matches I've played were between two teams who knew what they were doing and fought tooth and nail until the end.


A rated/ranked (or even a Head-to-Head, Win/Loss) Huttball league would be fantastic!

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I admit this is the first MMO where I really got into PVP and obviously a real newb. The first time I joined a alderaan civil war warzone I have absolutely no idea what to do aside from charging in and trying to take in turrents. Then I played huttball, and again I was useless to my team. But I brushed my lameness aside and just kept on playing.


I started observing my teammates, I now look at the map to find out where my teammates are concentrating at etc and I am now paying attention to the chat box. In huttball, I now know where to go and what to do.


I rarely break the top 5 of the warzones I am in because I mainly provide support (healing, cc'ing, drawing attention away from the ball carrier, support dps etc). But anything I can do for the team.


I will not consider myself competent, I am far from that. I still have much to learn about voidstar tactics and my dueling skills is nothing to write home about. But chugging along (probably having a better time in moving forward to a better goal than in real life:D)


I enjoyed playing warzones when there is teamwork, and since in my server the 50's brackets players almost always are the same bunch so we start getting in the zone. I loved the feeling of being able to 6-0 the other team in huttball :D

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Most "pvpers" in this game behave exactly like mobs.


First red nameplate = attack, no matter what he's doing or what class he is.


See, when it comes down to this style of fail, I always try to make the most of it. Throw guard on the kamakaze genius, run in the middle and use challeninging call, and go back to hang round the objective.


This way when we don't win because of the 5 people that are ignoring objectives mixed with the two hanging out in the back of the map afkfarming valor, I can at least pick up a few medals.


In games like this, you get shafted on tokens because you have no chance whatsoever to cap or complete the objectives because it requires a crew working together.

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