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Poll: What do you think about the new changes made to global cooldown UI in 1.1.2?


What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2  

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  1. 1. What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2

    • They're good!
    • They're terrible!
    • I don't care either way.

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After the UI change there seem to be some sort of problem with abilities to notice they been activated.


Had a PvP game where I was 1vs1 against another tank and we just stood still in front of each other and bashed for the fun of it and half my spells didn't activate.


I mean how hard is it to get rocket punch off when you stand in front of someone? not at all. Did it fire? Nope, had to use another spell in-between to get it working.


So something funky is going on, again, still.

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I believe that the original goal of the quickbar change was to allow players to see which abilities were available that had all conditions met other than cooldown. This allows players to optimally punch in the next command while the global cooldown is finishing and thus eliminate the small delay in choosing which ability to use next once the cooldown finished. However, the concept failed with longer cooldowns as it became difficult to distinguish between available abilities and abilities that had a small percentage of cooldown time remaining. While this does not affect the ability que of GCD, it does affect 1 minute and longer cooldowns as they can appear available with maybe 5% (3 seconds) of cooldown left.


So to solve this new issue, a change was made to change the animation of cooldowns overall, with a flash indicating that a cooldown had finished. Unfortunately, this cooldown is too noisy for most players and overwhelms the UI, making the whole toolbar more difficult to manage.


Several posters have mentioned countdowns, particularly for longer cooldowns, and different wipe animations, etc. These are all good suggestions, and hopefully they will be incorporated into the UI customization that we will get in the future.


For the short term, and I hope it is not too great a coding challenge, I would propose the following UI:


Use the original UI, but instead of making abilities appear conditionally bright/dim during cooldowns, keep all abilities dim when unavailable for any reason and outline them with a border if all non-cooldown conditions have been met


I believe this would strike a balance of ensuring that bright icon = available ability while enabling the queing of unavailable-only-because-of-cooldown (outlined) abilities before the GCD finishes with greater optimization.

Edited by QuickBunnie
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I like the blue sliding animation over all the spells on gcd definitely. It makes it easy to tell when you can use another attack without even looking at the action bars. I absolutely HATE that every spell is grayed on gcd. I'm leveling a scoundrel right now and using sucker punch is incredibly painful because of this issue. I want to know if my sucker punch is available DURING gcd, not after. If everything is grayed I can't tell if sucker punch is grayed because i don't have any upper hand stacks or because it always is grayed without checking my buff bar for upper hand stacks. When I ge tthe flying fist talent that makes flying fists proc upper hand it will be doubly annoying to have to wait til after global cooldown to know whether i can use sucker punch or mash sucker punch and find out 50% of the time that it won't work. SO frustrating. :mad:
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I don't hate it, but it's way overdone. The white frame on unavailable abilities is fine, and having a clear, visual counter when a cooldown is within 10 seconds of conclusion would be perfectly fine. As for the GCD itself, just lower the alpha on it, make it more low-key. Subtle, but visible.


This is one of those areas where I really think you have to take a look at WoW and its most popular UI mods. This, and buff/debuff visibility and positioning. It's all terrible in this UI.

Edited by Whillwynn
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I voted "It's terrible!" after several failed attempts to play today only to be driven off with headaches and nausea within 15 minutes each time.


On a side note (and yea, flame on, trolls) - I love how so many of the "I love it" crowd seem to want to make out like those of us with this issue are anemic, pasty skinned 98 pound weaklings with the constitution of a sick kitten. I've served in the Army twice, raised 5 kids, now helping raise a grandchild, and had more stitches and broken bones at 12 than most people have in a lifetime ... pawpaw ain't no wuss. And yet the constant flashing makes me want to hurl.


If you missed voting, vote like I did the second time ... with your wallet. They got 10 days to fix things before this old man finds something else to do with his spare time.

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Hey everyone, thank you to all of you who gave constructive feedback here. We've closed the poll as we feel we have a good indication of your opinions. As I said previously, changes will be made to the global cooldown and we'll bring you more information when we have a solid timeline to share.


Possibly more than any part of the game, UI is a very subjective topic, so we understand the varied opinions expressed here. The long-term aim for The Old Republic is to give players flexibility in their UI choices and the changes coming for Game Update 1.2 will allow for more of that.


I wanted to also address concerns about the Public Test Server. We're working towards enabling character transfers so you can move your own character across and test new patches. Other ideas to allow the testing of high-level content have been explored, but ultimately character transfer is what we want to allow for everyone.

Hello Stephen,


Ever thought of getting real data? I mean not the one coming only from players browsing the forums.


Step 1:

Implement in game polls on the PTR servers, like the feedback popup we had in beta
a game play session and only record the last vote of a player.


Step 2:

Implement in game polls on the live servers
login screen and before landing in game.


Step 3:

Make most players happy


Step 4:

Enjoy your raise and accept bribes from wealthy players

Edited by Deewe
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So far, every negative comment I've seen only screams: "I'm not used to it yet!"


Basically, as far as form and function, it works very well. Now, as soon as people get used to moving the new "flashiness" to the background of their minds, all will be well.


Just give it some time, BW.

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So far, every negative comment I've seen only screams: "I'm not used to it yet!"


Basically, as far as form and function, it works very well. Now, as soon as people get used to moving the new "flashiness" to the background of their minds, all will be well.


Just give it some time, BW.


Yeah let me see if my dizziness turns into a migraine!

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So far, every negative comment I've seen only screams: "I'm not used to it yet!"


Basically, as far as form and function, it works very well. Now, as soon as people get used to moving the new "flashiness" to the background of their minds, all will be well.


Just give it some time, BW.


I agree with you.

Last night i thought the old version was a bit better, but i didn't mind the change because i had no problems with it.

But tonight after a few hours of playing the new version became far superior for me when compared to the old one.

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They're horrid, and giving me headaches. Also, on certain classes, it is hard to tell what is off CD, and what isn't. The spell CD blends, or is covered, too easily by the GCD. Just tossing these changes out, and waiting for feedback on them is not very professional. If this is the way changes will be made, can I have my 6 month sub refunded please? Edited by Thrilldonus
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So far, every negative comment I've seen only screams: "I'm not used to it yet!"


Basically, as far as form and function, it works very well. Now, as soon as people get used to moving the new "flashiness" to the background of their minds, all will be well.


Just give it some time, BW.


Clueless much?

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