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bring balance to marauders!


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Well my belief for number 1 is there is no real effective way other then nerfs... else it'd require buffing up literally everything in the game, every NPC, etc which just has a nerfing effect anyway.


3. Not sure, I've not really had problems like this. I think the devs are adding problems now to fix lists for 3 months time... I could be wrong but I guess we will see.


4. my suggestion on fury is only to make things a bit more balanced for lower geared marauders who lose out by not even ever getting fury buffs other then frenzy... which isn't all that often.


about the nerf thing we have to agree that we disagree , no reason for further arguments on this;):rolleyes:

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In cases of PVP...a couple of our big damage followup attacks just never see the light of day, other classes get their big damage skills on a cd, ours come on long cd and certain conditions that need to be met...just one example of a disadvantage.


For PVE a lot of our skills are only good on weak trash mobs...ironic thing being those mobs dont even warrent their use since smash and a companion aoe will do the trick. Ravage and pommel work best on the very weak mobs that dont need such skills to kill quickly...its a waste of having the skills. Kick at least can be used on silver mobs but even then we have seveal skills that cannot be used when you need them, and for instance ravage which can be used but loses its appeal due to lower total DPS than using another skill (or in my case...if im not building or using rage then its not getting used for boss fights and HM champs.


While i want marauder to remain complex...the issue is often that they are just plain harder to play in fast paced pvp and very difficult to manage in endgame encounters where positioning matters in the case of boss skills, on top of buff managment (since ours are short and their CD is a variable based on fury stacks) on top of micromanaging rage supply and use.


I like this complexity (ok i dont like the buff part, its the last think i want to deal with while trying to DPS as best as possible and make sure im not in range for boss aoe or effects...or even dealing with a fast paced pvp brawl) but i think the issues shouldnt be make them easier to make them competative...


Why cant we just make other classes a bit more complex?


I mean my sniper is so easy to play its nearly boring...and taking cover makes them more tanky than marauders (granted i have less HP and have no undying to make me godmode for a short while). I know sorcs who forus on DD do very little other than manage energy as do snipers, and BH is just the same...Why not bring these classes up to par with marauder and make this a challanging game?

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You cant make the other classes more complex or everyone would quit. You think the BHs would stay if they had more than one keybind? Or if sorcs had more than shield, lightning? Oh ok and sprint. I can only imagine the rage from operatives if they opened after stealth and their victim wasnt dead, they would BE PISSED.
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i play a sentinel and a marauder. played the sent til 42 then changed server due to just a low number of ppl.


I always top out the wz charts on my sentinel. 300k damage, 2.5k hit, the works. the only thing i always wish i had was an anti cc skill. maybe a 4-5 sec immune to kb, root, cc of any sort. maybe with a 1minute cooldown, unlocked around lvl25 or so. that would allow us(marauders/sents) to charge into groups and maybe pick off that one healer before dieing.


I'm a firm believer in l2p, i rarely find ppl that give me a fit 1v1 or even 2v1. with a pocket healer a sentitnel/marauder is unstoppable if played correctly. though i do have to agree with the entire huttball kb/cc fest is incredibly difficult to cope with for a newer player.

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i play a sentinel and a marauder. played the sent til 42 then changed server due to just a low number of ppl.


I always top out the wz charts on my sentinel. 300k damage, 2.5k hit, the works. the only thing i always wish i had was an anti cc skill. maybe a 4-5 sec immune to kb, root, cc of any sort. maybe with a 1minute cooldown, unlocked around lvl25 or so. that would allow us(marauders/sents) to charge into groups and maybe pick off that one healer before dieing.


I'm a firm believer in l2p, i rarely find ppl that give me a fit 1v1 or even 2v1. with a pocket healer a sentitnel/marauder is unstoppable if played correctly. though i do have to agree with the entire huttball kb/cc fest is incredibly difficult to cope with for a newer player.


we have discussed this already in this , i am gonna say again that lv50 a lot different.

key differnce is the players are way more objective oriented in their game before lv50 farming is what 9/10 guys do and they are easy pray for good player.

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You cant make the other classes more complex or everyone would quit. You think the BHs would stay if they had more than one keybind? Or if sorcs had more than shield, lightning? Oh ok and sprint. I can only imagine the rage from operatives if they opened after stealth and their victim wasnt dead, they would BE PISSED.


for having so simple combat mechanics they hit very hard dont you think?

gunslingers and snipers have some hilariously strong attacks :o

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In cases of PVP...a couple of our big damage followup attacks just never see the light of day, other classes get their big damage skills on a cd, ours come on long cd and certain conditions that need to be met...just one example of a disadvantage.


For PVE a lot of our skills are only good on weak trash mobs...ironic thing being those mobs dont even warrent their use since smash and a companion aoe will do the trick. Ravage and pommel work best on the very weak mobs that dont need such skills to kill quickly...its a waste of having the skills. Kick at least can be used on silver mobs but even then we have seveal skills that cannot be used when you need them, and for instance ravage which can be used but loses its appeal due to lower total DPS than using another skill (or in my case...if im not building or using rage then its not getting used for boss fights and HM champs.


While i want marauder to remain complex...the issue is often that they are just plain harder to play in fast paced pvp and very difficult to manage in endgame encounters where positioning matters in the case of boss skills, on top of buff managment (since ours are short and their CD is a variable based on fury stacks) on top of micromanaging rage supply and use.


I like this complexity (ok i dont like the buff part, its the last think i want to deal with while trying to DPS as best as possible and make sure im not in range for boss aoe or effects...or even dealing with a fast paced pvp brawl) but i think the issues shouldnt be make them easier to make them competative...


Why cant we just make other classes a bit more complex?


I mean my sniper is so easy to play its nearly boring...and taking cover makes them more tanky than marauders (granted i have less HP and have no undying to make me godmode for a short while). I know sorcs who forus on DD do very little other than manage energy as do snipers, and BH is just the same...Why not bring these classes up to par with marauder and make this a challanging game?


you have to accept mara is more complicated than any other class .in my pov this is one of his good values:cool: i would be ok if the amount of extra effort you had to put compairing to other classes was reasonably bigger , then it would be appealing and intriguing, the case is that the extra effort required is unfair and sometimes frustrating.:mon_evil:

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Maurader is considered the best 1v1 class. The dmg potential is insane, combined with both vanish, 99% absorb and other def cooldowns.


Stop your whining and L2P (I never thought I resort to that term, but this time its so obvious and called for).

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You cant make the other classes more complex or everyone would quit. You think the BHs would stay if they had more than one keybind? Or if sorcs had more than shield, lightning? Oh ok and sprint. I can only imagine the rage from operatives if they opened after stealth and their victim wasnt dead, they would BE PISSED.
You realize operatives are arguably the most gimped class in the game right now right?
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Maurader is considered the best 1v1 class. The dmg potential is insane, combined with both vanish, 99% absorb and other def cooldowns.


Stop your whining and L2P (I never thought I resort to that term, but this time its so obvious and called for).



ofc now we have to shut our mouths and listem to you cause you are so great and probably the devs who stated in the forums "Our attention to the class obviously won't stop here. Balancing MMOs is a never ending endeavor and we're in for the long haul. For example, we are certainly aware that the Marauder and Sentinel are very gameplay intensive classes with some of the most complex rotations in the game. While we are currently looking at quality of life and usability improvements to increase the class' playability without compromising the unique aspects of the class, we don't have anything specific to announce just yet. We do however anticipate that some of the combat responsiveness improvements (AKA 'ability delay' - more on that here) being worked on by our engineering team will specifically aid both Marauder and Sentinel" they have a lot to from you mr great on behalf of them i thank you


all hail you!

Edited by darth_billy
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As a class, and especially as any other spec than Anni, Marauders as a whole are imbalanced between our trees, and the amount of effort to gain ratio is way off. You can't argue the fact that no matter what in almost all circumstances we are at a disadvantage. We pack control, we have burst survivability with damage that relies on price and Fury gain. We often times have to find ways to 1v1the enemy players and pray someone else doesn't jump in. The class was screwed from the beginning and I wish I could read their original design document around this class.


Someone mentioned earlier that if you get KBed and attacked by a ranged class (specifically BH or Sniper) that you should use Force Camo. A sound strategy I suppose, but with that one event the other class has effectively just burned through two of our most important CDs just to stay alive. How much effort did it take them to do that? Very little. Couple the fact that everything we have can be countered easily.


Use Obfuscate on a Sniper or BH. They stun you or KB you. Now you're not doing damage and they're burning off your debuff. Or in a BHs case I think they can use Cleanse. This is a clear example of how reliant we are on everything around us. No other class save for getting focused down has to rely on so many procs, and hope the planets have aligned to prevent us from getting screwed out of our damage.


Were supposed to be best in class for melee damage. And we are. But honestly what's the point? Prslestige only counts for so much. We're the hardest working class in the game and yet we lose raids spots. We bust our *** in PvP to get equivalent gains compared to our DPS brothers who have more utility and control over the battlefield and can easy come out on top.


For the record I've already l2ped. I love my class. But there's design issues in our class, and in the game as a whole that honestly doesn't make sense.

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As a class, and especially as any other spec than Anni, Marauders as a whole are imbalanced between our trees, and the amount of effort to gain ratio is way off. You can't argue the fact that no matter what in almost all circumstances we are at a disadvantage. We pack control, we have burst survivability with damage that relies on price and Fury gain. We often times have to find ways to 1v1the enemy players and pray someone else doesn't jump in. The class was screwed from the beginning and I wish I could read their original design document around this class.


Someone mentioned earlier that if you get KBed and attacked by a ranged class (specifically BH or Sniper) that you should use Force Camo. A sound strategy I suppose, but with that one event the other class has effectively just burned through two of our most important CDs just to stay alive. How much effort did it take them to do that? Very little. Couple the fact that everything we have can be countered easily.


Use Obfuscate on a Sniper or BH. They stun you or KB you. Now you're not doing damage and they're burning off your debuff. Or in a BHs case I think they can use Cleanse. This is a clear example of how reliant we are on everything around us. No other class save for getting focused down has to rely on so many procs, and hope the planets have aligned to prevent us from getting screwed out of our damage.


Were supposed to be best in class for melee damage. And we are. But honestly what's the point? Prslestige only counts for so much. We're the hardest working class in the game and yet we lose raids spots. We bust our *** in PvP to get equivalent gains compared to our DPS brothers who have more utility and control over the battlefield and can easy come out on top.


For the record I've already l2ped. I love my class. But there's design issues in our class, and in the game as a whole that honestly doesn't make sense.


thanks for having tha patience to knock some sense into some people.



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ofc now we have to shut our mouths and listem to you cause you are so great and probably the devs who stated in the forums "Our attention to the class obviously won't stop here. Balancing MMOs is a never ending endeavor and we're in for the long haul. For example, we are certainly aware that the Marauder and Sentinel are very gameplay intensive classes with some of the most complex rotations in the game. While we are currently looking at quality of life and usability improvements to increase the class' playability without compromising the unique aspects of the class, we don't have anything specific to announce just yet. We do however anticipate that some of the combat responsiveness improvements (AKA 'ability delay' - more on that here) being worked on by our engineering team will specifically aid both Marauder and Sentinel" they have a lot to from you mr great on behalf of them i thank you


all hail you!


Does this guy undertand the statement he quoted? lmao it means its still going to be complex just the reward whether it be dmg increase or dmg reduction ect ect is going to get better. this means that if u cant grasp it now and play the complex style you still wont be able to then and your still going to fail

Edited by Warlordomega
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Does this botard undertand the statement he quoted? lmao it means its still going to be complex just the reward whether it be dmg increase or dmg reduction ect ect is going to get better. this means that if u cant grasp it now and play the complex style you still wont be able to then and your still going to fail


i understood the quote very well , probably you dont.

people with no arguments are only good at isulting others and they always do it behind the safety of their keyboards just like you do. our problem is not complex it self , we can cope with it, the problem is while we do so , others do facerolls. i am pretty sure you havent read anything that is said in this post you just assumed that we are losers and whiners and you simply wanted to enlight us with your greatness.

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i understood the quote very well , probably you dont.

people with no arguments are only good at isulting others and they always do it behind the safety of their keyboards just like you do. our problem is not complex it self , we can cope with it, the problem is while we do so , others do facerolls. i am pretty sure you havent read anything that is said in this post you just assumed that we are losers and whiners and you simply wanted to enlight us with your greatness.


like i said before all hail you.


my argument? first of i wanted to show that you cant comprehend what you read which i have done. 2 im not going to argue with you because i want your QQ crying to get the devs attention an buff us because this is how it will play out. You will feel with your new dmg output ect that you areon par while the mara's who actualy have skill will be so op that they will ride over 1 mil dmg( seeing as some have done 700k+) and over 80 KB's. then ppl will qq because they went up against a mara who actualy knows how to react to the enviorment and play his advantages and we will get the nerf bat, go back to square 1 with the good mara's being on par as usual while you sit back and go QQ more. It baffles me that you think your argument is valid seeing as half the mara's out there say were fine and that they are kicking *** while the other half say we are broken and UP.now if 90 percent of the mara population had issues i could see something being wrong.. but with a balance idea of the class being on par and Up i see it as players not trying. your probably that mara who jumps into a grp of 5 trying to kill the ball carrier and gets rofl face smashed and thinks OMG i couldnt win im so UP. but like i said im not gona hate on you for not being good at the class. im gona sit back, take the buff, keep outshining you, take the nerf, and continue to outshine you.

On a side note balance isnt everyclass being on par with the other classes.. thats called boring.... balance is having a strength and a weakness.... i excel and never lose to sorcs gaurdians or assasins... but i know a healing trooper will give me one hell of a run, a smuggler will have me to 60 percent hp if he can play it right before i even get a smack in and then its a toss up on who wins. that is balance yin an yang stength and weakness... sounds liek all the QQ'rs want is to be able to kill anyone at anytime which is op... now 1v1 99 percent of the time no one beats me 1v2 i tend to win but if its a bad setup i get owned.. but does that make me UP? **** no it means i lost because i had double the damn dmg comming at me as i did twords them... bbut keep up the QQ I WANT THAT BUFF

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my argument? first of i wanted to show that you cant comprehend what you read which i have done. 2 im not going to argue with you because i want your QQ crying to get the devs attention an buff us because this is how it will play out. You will feel with your new dmg output ect that you areon par while the mara's who actualy have skill will be so op that they will ride over 1 mil dmg( seeing as some have done 700k+) and over 80 KB's. then ppl will qq because they went up against a mara who actualy knows how to react to the enviorment and play his advantages and we will get the nerf bat, go back to square 1 with the good mara's being on par as usual while you sit back and go QQ more. It baffles me that you think your argument is valid seeing as half the mara's out there say were fine and that they are kicking *** while the other half say we are broken and UP.now if 90 percent of the mara population had issues i could see something being wrong.. but with a balance idea of the class being on par and Up i see it as players not trying. your probably that mara who jumps into a grp of 5 trying to kill the ball carrier and gets rofl face smashed and thinks OMG i couldnt win im so UP. but like i said im not gona hate on you for not being good at the class. im gona sit back, take the buff, keep outshining you, take the nerf, and continue to outshine you.

On a side note balance isnt everyclass being on par with the other classes.. thats called boring.... balance is having a strength and a weakness.... i excel and never lose to sorcs gaurdians or assasins... but i know a healing trooper will give me one hell of a run, a smuggler will have me to 60 percent hp if he can play it right before i even get a smack in and then its a toss up on who wins. that is balance yin an yang stength and weakness... sounds liek all the QQ'rs want is to be able to kill anyone at anytime which is op... now 1v1 99 percent of the time no one beats me 1v2 i tend to win but if its a bad setup i get owned.. but does that make me UP? **** no it means i lost because i had double the damn dmg comming at me as i did twords them... bbut keep up the QQ I WANT THAT BUFF


I NEVER ASKED FOR A BUFF , FOR GODS SHAKE!!! is decreasing the cd of force charge such a thing?

the fact that you are so good doesnt mean that mara is ok . for the next 20 wz write down the class of the top 3 players almost never a dualwielder will be among them. also i might not be as good as you but averaging 6-7 with half champ gear i think its decent. also most of this guys who said the dominate are not lv 50 they late 40's that means their armor , skills etc overcomes the vast majirity of their opponets


p.s. i dont know at what server you play but i have never seen on mine a meelee player to much better than 300k and the most impreesive mara screenshots i have seen is consistantly doing 400k damage ,50+kills and 9+medals

Edited by darth_billy
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I NEVER ASKED FOR A BUFF , FOR GODS SHAKE!!! is decreasing the cd of force charge such a thing?

the fact that you are so good doesnt mean that mara is ok . for the next 20 wz write down the class of the top 3 players almost never a dualwielder will be among them. also i might not be as good as you but averaging 6-7 with half champ gear i think its decent.


anything that benifits us is a buff... lol that made me laugh.....6-7 medals huh? hmm 2 defenders 2.5k hit 2.5k heal 5 k hit 5k heal....thats 6... 1v1 fight thats 7 killing blow thats 8 10 kills thats 9 25 kills thats 10 300k dmg thats 11...75k healing... thats 12... id say your doing it wrong. as for your top 3 statement... lol its me and 2 other mara's from our realm everytime only person that might beat our 3rd place member is a sorc we run with... nice try but like i said QQ I WANT THAT BUFF

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anything that benifits us is a buff... lol that made me laugh.....6-7 medals huh? hmm 2 defenders 2.5k hit 2.5k heal 5 k hit 5k heal....thats 6... 1v1 fight thats 7 killing blow thats 8 10 kills thats 9 25 kills thats 10 300k dmg thats 11...75k healing... thats 12... id say your doing it wrong. as for your top 3 statement... lol its me and 2 other mara's from our realm everytime only person that might beat our 3rd place member is a sorc we run with... nice try but like i said QQ I WANT THAT BUFF


Read my post and see if you can comprehend its meaning

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anything that benifits us is a buff... lol that made me laugh.....6-7 medals huh? hmm 2 defenders 2.5k hit 2.5k heal 5 k hit 5k heal....thats 6... 1v1 fight thats 7 killing blow thats 8 10 kills thats 9 25 kills thats 10 300k dmg thats 11...75k healing... thats 12... id say your doing it wrong. as for your top 3 statement... lol its me and 2 other mara's from our realm everytime only person that might beat our 3rd place member is a sorc we run with... nice try but like i said QQ I WANT THAT BUFF


i get consistantly 1)defender, 2) 10kills, 3) 25 kills, 4) 75k damage, 5) 2.5k single hit 6)solo kill 1/2wz most of the time a teamate farms on my solo kill:mad:

7)killing blow.

i dont get any heal medals(consistently) at the moment cause my biochem is low at this time(i was synth till lv50)

and i dont get the 300k damage.


could you provide some evidence about your greatness cause i have never ever seen a mara get more 9 medals on my server not to mention you sound to good to waist your time on a post for noobs

Edited by darth_billy
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Read my post and see if you can comprehend its meaning


no need to , he has no problem at all, probably he is skilled and excperienced he dominates the game.


i dont know how good this guys or whats the server he plays in , but on mine 8/10 times the top3 is consisted by ranged players, not mara's not even meelee ones

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probably i would have done the same if i were in your shoes(havong you pov about mara):rolleyes:


p.s. i am actually tired of trying to enjoy playing other classes, only assasin strikes me a bit


Ok honestly my PoV about my mara is that it's a difficult class to play. YES we get little reward for having skills always picked last for raids. But once we prove we can do it and a guild or group that pugged is see's that we can hold our own we have a spot(This is from my experience leveling) I did 1-40 in like 6 days on my mara due to the fact that it just burns through mobs its level and higher.Btw anni is an amazing spec imo.back on topic.I had groups as i was leveling get mad because I outleveld them so fast and they wanted decent dps for melee range.I'm personally ok with the little reward or utilities we have because when they do decide to buff us up alittle wether it be dmg or a cc hell i would even take a pull :D. I can say that I was a marauder b4 they were the in season class

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Read my post and see if you can comprehend its meaning


i can comprehend it.. very well said argument that i lol'd at because the other classes arnt viable? hello stength an weakness sir... if u like carnage its best u pic the oddball out for a 1v1 aka a ranged more likely seeing as your a root machine. if ur rage your there for utility... there is so many gaurds and shields going out ur smash will topple 5 ppl and if they have no shield knock 3-6k off their life which makes them an easier kill for the group as a whole.... stop telling me to come at you with evidence. i dont need it your the ones griping not me. your the ones saying "I can only get 7 medals) your not trying to get more or you would get more nuff said like i said BRING THE QQ I WANT THAT BUFF

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i get consistantly 1)defender, 2) 10kills, 3) 25 kills, 4) 75k damage, 5) 2.5k single hit 6)solo kill 1/2wz most of the time a teamate farms on my solo kill:mad:

7)killing blow.

i dont get any heal medals(consistently) at the moment cause my biochem is low at this time(i was synth till lv50)

and i dont get the 300k damage.


could you provide some evidence about your greatness cause i have never ever seen a mara get more 9 medals on my server not to mention you sound to good to waist your time on a post for noobs


as FOR YOU.... i DONT OWE YOU **** FOR EVIDENCE...the way you talk about how you play shows me your doing it wrong. let me ask you a few simpple non degrading questions... 1 what spec are you? 2 what scenarios do you find yourself in? 3 **** your biochem why arnt you getting medpacs at least? 4 give me a scenario of any 1v1 and how you react? Like i said QQ I WANT THAT BUFF

BTW i que solo as well no pocket h ealer..... thats not an excuse dont use it

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Ok honestly my PoV about my mara is that it's a difficult class to play. YES we get little reward for having skills always picked last for raids. But once we prove we can do it and a guild or group that pugged is see's that we can hold our own we have a spot(This is from my experience leveling) I did 1-40 in like 6 days on my mara due to the fact that it just burns through mobs its level and higher.Btw anni is an amazing spec imo.back on topic.I had groups as i was leveling get mad because I outleveld them so fast and they wanted decent dps for melee range.I'm personally ok with the little reward or utilities we have because when they do decide to buff us up alittle wether it be dmg or a cc hell i would even take a pull :D. I can say that I was a marauder b4 they were the in season class


me2 after i found a guild i am fine pve-wise. In my pov maras have a bad reputation on pve because many healers suck,its not the only reason ofc.

as i said om my original post a lower cd force charge OR an actual stealth is all i need , no dmg , no cc etc

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