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bring balance to marauders!


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me2 after i found a guild i am fine pve-wise. In my pov maras have a bad reputation on pve because many healers suck,its not the only reason ofc.

as i said om my original post a lower cd force charge OR an actual stealth is all i need , no dmg , no cc etc



lol i will wait

Edited by Warlordomega
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me2 after i found a guild i am fine pve-wise. In my pov maras have a bad reputation on pve because many healers suck,its not the only reason ofc.

as i said om my original post a lower cd force charge OR an actual stealth is all i need , no dmg , no cc etc


In PvE I use force charges as a interupt most of the time anyways.So for PvE we do need more dmg output(Not much) OR we can take something that will make us a must have class..

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as FOR YOU.... i DONT OWE YOU **** FOR EVIDENCE...the way you talk about how you play shows me your doing it wrong. let me ask you a few simpple non degrading questions... 1 what spec are you? 2 what scenarios do you find yourself in? 3 **** your biochem why arnt you getting medpacs at least? 4 give me a scenario of any 1v1 and how you react? Like i said QQ I WANT THAT BUFF

BTW i que solo as well no pocket h ealer..... thats not an excuse dont use it


ok i ve got it you are all words you want get buffed but you wanna look cool also ;)(brillinat)

seriously i cant take this seriously if you are acting this way ,you are making a thing out of this ,

lets be grown ups !!!!!!

if you had the common sense you could get that even if FC gets lower cd , noobs will keep diving in groups and dying like noobs ONLY players with some game will reap the benefits.


1- anhi 31/10/0


3- medapacks are not cheap if you rely on them too much ofc i use when needed


hutball i dont carry the ball a lot predatatio+un.rage is easy to be screwed both have big cd, in my pov not worthy i prefer to use them otherwise. generally i ll try to help the ball carrier by any mean possible, i keep busy or even kill those who are attacking him, when the ball is closing the opposite line i use my def buffs and i provoke those who defend to farm on me and especially use their cc's an KB on me if possible, so ballcarrier has less things to overcome, ofc i keep fc in order to able to get back in the fight asap. when i have the ball with unleash out of cd i try to carry is as far as possible while looking for a proper ballcarrier to pass him the ball. if we have a secure score i keep on helping the ball but in a strictly aggressive way .

on the other 2 wz i have a common approach if i have a proper group behind me i try take down the healer by any means possible, i am always on the move helping teamates to finish their fight asap i dont try to be a hero i dont burst into groups i am more of an enforcer.


1on1 it depends on what class i am facing and where. i ll give you 2 examples.


sorc on a ledge kitting my ball carrier: if i have unleash out of cd. i get close (with force camouflage if needed) keeping my fc for the kb, after get kb i use fc, batt. asssault, obfuscate,dps, obf wears out ,claok of pain,keep dpsing and stacking, when he is low in hp probably he will try to escape and slow or cc me so i use crippling slash and the i go for the kil(if the fight is tough after cop i activate saber ward)


trooper hits from distance me with force cam on cd range tank empty escape is not an option: d buff ,charge, time his upcoming kb and use obf, get in range again, bat assault ,deadly saber, rupt, dpsing, 2nd d buff , rupt slow down wears out, i crip slash.

dps means vslash , force screams and anhilation(if rage is 8+) , beserk if i have stucks etc

generally speaking i use obf and intimidation a counter for kb and cc and when given the chance i use obf simply to bling my opponnet. when i dont have the iniative i full my rage tank with assault, medapack and the rotation. I always teke under consideration where i am if there is to get outnumbered etc

Edited by darth_billy
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i just started one..and it is crazy fun...but really hard, and i like that...no change


dump your healer companion asap it will benefit your game a lot pve and pvp-wise, you will practise how to survive moreover a healer companion makes your dps "lazy", at least from my excperience it does.

Edited by darth_billy
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i did the mistake to stick with quin for a while cause i had no confindence on my survival skills, but jaesa benefited me a lot . sometimes though i switched her with broonmark.


yup i loved it it made me think on my toes i got my darth at 46 cus i was so prepared as a melee that i whiped quinn out and knew right there i was a beast to be reckoned with on that 50 gold

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yup i loved it it made me think on my toes i got my darth at 46 cus i was so prepared as a melee that i whiped quinn out and knew right there i was a beast to be reckoned with on that 50 gold


i was always +3 from minimum lv required, due to semester exams i dont have time/will to finish my class quest since i barely manage to to do my dailys(illum excluded) and some raids

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I, agree savage kick and pomell are useless less your using them to fight npc's and even then pomell is something that desire's attention.


Just cloak ?. lol 4 seconds on Alderran or the Voidstar just to avoid a group = one dead duck. You better hope there is a healer around or medical device. I'll tell you from my experience those 4 seconds in cloak don't equal squat if you got some one literally looking for you.


50 / 100 % no damage annihilation side - Indirect attacks ?. I, don't care if your not attacking or not I, can't imagine who hasn't been hit or taken damage. I, mean sure you can run threw fire and acid in the pit and not take damage. Is that it ?. Not to mention 4 seconds. I'd rather be doing direct damage and still cloaked for those 4 seconds and not take damage. Tho 7 seconds would probably be asking the world too.


As for the Annihilation move they also need to reduce the cool down timer a lil further and maybe drop rage from 5 to 3 or 4. Having to attack some one with 2 light sabers like your gonna rip into them like daggers should be a finishing move not a repeatable attack move. I, mean heck rupture share's virtually the same animation except your jumping to attack.


I've messed around with all tech tree's of maurader and to be honest maruader could use some love.


Valor - 60 PVPer.

Edited by angrybirdz
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I want them to make carnage able to put out as much as annihilate, people are trying to say all over that carnage is just as good, its a flat out lie. other than that I don't have much of a problem, for our lack of viable CC i guess bioware saw fit to make us scale extremely well with gear. Edited by HollowVamp
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I want them to make carnage able to put out as much as annihilate, people are trying to say all over that carnage is just as good, its a flat out lie. other than that I don't have much of a problem, for our lack of viable CC i guess bioware saw fit to make us scale extremely well with gear.


pvp wise caranage i think is ok but is more gameplay intensive compairnig to anhilation

pve wise there is a bug with ataru form it is not applied on big(literally) bosses

Edited by darth_billy
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Carnage is not fine: dots can hit hard even while Anni Mara is CCd or stunned, but Carnage HAS to be on target all time to give competitive DPS.


And ANY Mara/Sent is not fine because of lack of stuns and pushbacks.


massacre costs 3 rage it is an instant ,refunds 1 rage(tree talnent) and has a bit sorter "cast animation" than anihlation if y link two massacres you have similar damage output +1-2rage to your rage tank compairing to casting 1 anihlation.

I like carnage more but i am anhlitation cause it works better from.


i am completely against the idea of having stuns!

Edited by darth_billy
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That is all.

awesome video , epic commentary i subscribed. Obvisously you know hat you are doing out there , but mate at many occasions you were an easy kill and they did aevery possible mistake

no intention to underestimate you , you were very out there.

if i gonna play rep side i am definetly gonna be a sentinel.


you used 1 kick which on marauders is not working on pvp opponets, the animation is the same it deals 2056-2087 dmg to standar and weak and 1378-1409 to strong opps is this our mirror skill ?

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All I want is a push/pull ability. :-)
I'll trade you my guardian's force push for your camouflage since force push doesn't work correctly 90% of the time no matter how well you position yourself. Either launches them the complete opposite direction that you aimed them or sideways of whatever direction you aimed them.
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That is all.


Oh look! Clips of him fighting *******! Undergeared ones at that!


That being said, this class is only challenging because it needs work. Yeah, I can top the charts in PVP, and I have no problem in PVE but that's like saying,


"My car with no wheels won the race because I pushed it off a cliff and it landed on the finish line, while everyone else was still rolling down the mountain."

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Oh look! Clips of him fighting *******! Undergeared ones at that!


That being said, this class is only challenging because it needs work. Yeah, I can top the charts in PVP, and I have no problem in PVE but that's like saying,


"My car with no wheels won the race because I pushed it off a cliff and it landed on the finish line, while everyone else was still rolling down the mountain."


the video was by far better compairing to the most pvp montages and i enjoyed it a lot:)


Mara has a few issues undoubtly. but he is not that bad, we need smth to gives us

a fighting chance when we get kiited and cc'ed by 2+ opponets(which happens a lot because due to medium armor ranged farmers, consider us easy pray)

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