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Resolve question


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So when is Resolve going to include being unable to be rooted? It already covers the other 3 aspects of being controlled in PvP, yet it does not cover roots.


Why is that exactly?


Don't take away my "sorc stand still when I hit you" skill! :mad:



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So when is Resolve going to include being unable to be rooted? It already covers the other 3 aspects of being controlled in PvP, yet it does not cover roots.


Why is that exactly?


So that it's not actually useful

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Don't take away my "sorc stand still when I hit you" skill! :mad:




Not saying take it away in general. Saying when Resolve is full or ticking down, make roots impossible to apply like every other CC effect. Being permanently rooted in 1 spot until you die by 2 warriors/knights/etc is retarded.

Edited by Muyamedna
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So when is Resolve going to include being unable to be rooted? It already covers the other 3 aspects of being controlled in PvP, yet it does not cover roots.


Why is that exactly?


Because the Resolve (in the extreamly rare cases it actualy is usefull and 'works'). Is there soley to make you immune to 100% controled effects. While rooted, you still have a chance to pass the ball, or fight back, ect.


While stuned, you have 0% chance to do 'anything'.


That is resolve's sole purpose.. although in my experience, its a broken system even in its current form as it only ever fills up 'after' youve already been 100% unable to do anything for 2-3 times. By then your already so low on hp you might as well be dead, and when it 'does' finaly fill up, it only prevents any 'further' 100% CC, it dosnt break the one you got hit with that filled up the Resolve bar the last 1/8th of a way it needed to be filled.

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If by fight back, you mean get rooted and then immediately thrown/knocked back out of range of anything aside 1 person, sure.


And I agree that Resolve is pretty broken. The idea in concept is decent, the way it was implemented is not. 2 juggs/guards can double team someone with 4 force jumps and 2 force pushs and that still doesn't even fill up Resolve. Each 'control' skill needs to carry the same weight when giving Resolve, roots included.


Example: I was Cryo Grenaded, the Concussive Rounded, then stunned again by a Sage before Resolve filled. Why is it that when I use Electrocute and Whirlwind, Resolve is immediately full, but for Troopers it isn't?

Edited by Muyamedna
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So when is Resolve going to include being unable to be rooted? It already covers the other 3 aspects of being controlled in PvP, yet it does not cover roots.


Why is that exactly?

Root and snare (root is actually a 100% snare) = You dont lose full control of your character


You can still pop your defensive or offensive CDs

You can still use your ranged abilities

You can even still use your melee abilities as long as there is a target w/in range

You can still recieve and pass the ball

You can still plant - or interrupt someone planting - the bomb


Of course some classes don't mind being rooted (ranged marksman sniper will probably still sit in his cover and rain single target death of destruction even if rooted) as much while others (melee sith warrior being rooted and kited/left alone can't really do much at all while waiting for the root to let go).

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Root and snare (root is actually a 100% snare) = You dont lose full control of your character


You can still pop your defensive or offensive CDs

You can still use your ranged abilities

You can even still use your melee abilities as long as there is a target w/in range

You can still recieve and pass the ball

You can still plant - or interrupt someone planting - the bomb


Of course some classes don't mind being rooted (ranged marksman sniper will probably still sit in his cover and rain single target death of destruction even if rooted) as much while others (melee sith warrior being rooted and kited/left alone can't really do much at all while waiting for the root to let go).


Snares while Resolve is filled is fine. You basically only lose some move speed.


Roots, however, need to be changed in the fact that people will constantly spam roots on a ball carrier in Huttball the second the step over a fire grate. And it's impossible to avoid those if you want to score. So even if you pass before you get insta-killed by the fire, they still repeat the same process on the person you passed to, unless they are standing close enough to the goal line that they score immediately after.


Roots need to be included in Resolve immunity.

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Root and snare (root is actually a 100% snare) = You dont lose full control of your character


You can still pop your defensive or offensive CDs

You can still use your ranged abilities

You can even still use your melee abilities as long as there is a target w/in range

You can still recieve and pass the ball

You can still plant - or interrupt someone planting - the bomb


Of course some classes don't mind being rooted (ranged marksman sniper will probably still sit in his cover and rain single target death of destruction even if rooted) as much while others (melee sith warrior being rooted and kited/left alone can't really do much at all while waiting for the root to let go).


Except that, if you're a melee class, you might as well be stunned if you're rooted and the person walks out of melee range. If melee actually did more damage then ranged, this would counteract this concept, but unfortunately melee does not, in any case. So there's really no argument against it NOT working for roots/snares. And I'm really tired of hearing about how "well you can still pass the ball" since Huttball is one of 3 warzones currently and one that I really don't prefer to play on a melee class.

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I was Cryo Grenaded, the Concussive Rounded, then stunned again by a Sage before Resolve filled. Why is it that when I use Electrocute and Whirlwind, Resolve is immediately full, but for Troopers it isn't?
Electrocute is a 4 second stun and fill a lot of resolve, Cyro Grenade is only 2.5 seconds.


The operative opener and also their out of combat stealth "sap" fill the entire resolve bar in one application.


Different CC fill different amount of resolve. Knowing just how much resolve each ability fill and when to use what CC at what time is one of them things that seperate a PvP newbie from a really experienced PvP player.


Not often you see BM pre-mades fill up the resolve on the enemy ball carrier BEFORE he is about to cross a fire trap... or if there is a shadow assassin or power tech in range to grip him into fire trap or the pit... or a sniper / inquisitor / mercenary to knock him into fire trap or down into the pit...


Using the correct CC at the correct time is vital. Only newbies spam CC just because "they can".

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Roots, however, need to be changed in the fact that people will constantly spam roots on a ball carrier in Huttball the second the step over a fire grate. And it's impossible to avoid those if you want to score.
Learn to pass the ball.


I know.


Some people consider passing the ball to be an exploit - but until BW state otherwize, use it ;)


Seriously. I almost never pass a fire trap when I got multiple enemies in range unless I know I can trinket or sprint out of a root. I almost always wait until my team mate pass the fire pit - and pass the ball to him. If i had been a juggernaut I would probably just Jump to an enemy. Or a friendly. Or push an enemy and jump to him.

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Except that, if you're a melee class...
Yes, I did write:

Of course some classes don't mind being rooted (ranged marksman sniper will probably still sit in his cover and rain single target death of destruction even if rooted) as much while others (melee sith warrior being rooted and kited/left alone) can't really do much at all while waiting for the root to let go.


Root is a problem for classes that use a lot of melee abilities

Being interrupted is a problem for classes that use a lot of casting abilities


Interrupt does not cause resolve, either ;)

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Cryo Grenade


Really? A 2.5 second stun? I've been hit with a lot to notice that they are also longer than 2.5 seconds. Most of the time when I mouse over quickly to look, I see 3 ticking to 2. Troopers are a mirror of BH. BH get a 4 second stun in Electrodart.


I constantly slow targets and wait for them to try to pass fire pits before I use my Electrocute. I also try to get ahead of people and Overload them back into fire traps if Resolve isn't filled. Saying that you do these 2 things at certain times is a given.


However, being able to spam roots when they are on 20 second or less cooldowns without roots being factored into Resolve is something that needs to change.


Edit - Passing the ball is fine. Having people that are open and not rooted or being CCed is the issue. I know it may not seem like it, but not everyone has ESP and knows exactly which way an enemy is coming from or where a stealth class is before the get tired up by them.

Edited by Muyamedna
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Yes, I did write:



Root is a problem for classes that use a lot of melee abilities

Being interrupted is a problem for classes that use a lot of casting abilities


Interrupt does not cause resolve, either ;)



Yeah, that would be a problem if you and/or your teammates couldn't chain root/snare me or any other melee and completely negate our ability to interrupt in the first place. Most good players will root/snare first, play around with that until the gap closer has to be used and save the stun for it, then repeat. Don't give me that "interrupts don't give resolve" since interrupts only lock out one single ability while a root locks out ALL melee abilities unless the person is retarded and just stands in melee range.

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Most/Some melee specs have some ranged abilities they can use (such as throwing your blade, using recklessness to increase the range of lighting, taunt an opponent that attack your team mate etc).


All classes can pass the ball even while rooted (or interrupted).


If standing next to an objective you can still interrupt someone planting the bomb, even if you are rooted.



Being rooted as a melee character mostly suck in a 1v1 situation against a ranged class.


Im not saying you are totally wrong. I know its not really "fair". But its not the end of the world as we know it, either. And there is a [huge] difference between stun-locked and snared/rooted/interrupted.



Being interrupted as a ranged character mostly suck when you have a melee character on your back. That doesnt cause resolve either, but DPS from many tracer missile spammers will be totally shut down from a few interrupts. Shrug.




If root didnt work on full resolve, then it would be virtually impossible to stop a juggernaut from walking the ball all the way to the goal.

Edited by Xenon-se
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The thing with roots, is they ALWAYS break the instant you are hit or damaged. So why would a skill that is easily broken by damage fill up any of the Resolve when you can still fight/pass/act while rooted?


To be honest, i believe they should just throw out the 'broken' Resolve system. It was a nice concept.. just implemented poorly. And i know alot of people (includeing myself) Base this off hutt-ball and not open world pvp, or the other 2 warzones, but the thing about huttball is, that its MAKES people target 1 specific person at a time ALL the time. The entire game-mechanic of huttball all but forces 'broken' systems to the front. Being able to jerk someone to you, then imediatly knock them away + root them in place wherever they land at. Being able to 100% stun someone up to 3-4 times befor they become immune to 'further' stuns.


They just need to put in place a system that makes you imune to any full stuns for 5-8 seconds 'after' each 100% stun effect ends. That'll eliminate the chain-stun problem completely.

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