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Application to raiding guilds rejected because I am melee.


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I've never been so angry at MMO developers until now (except Funcom).


I've always played tanks and/or melees. So I had early start, play a Sentinel to 50, have 12/14 Champ gear, quit a little until the ability stutter fix (it's still there you know). Now I am back after seeing the new patches, looking for end game play while playing a Juggernaut to 30.


Sentinel/ Marauder are the hardest and most involved class to play and the amount of button slots are barely enough for all that they do. They are powerful if played well in PvP, easily taking any class 1v1, but still suffers from range attacks.


The inherent problem of hiding in a corner and shooting leads to easy mode focus fire while the poor melees get taken down fast. Especially with the tight ceilings in Warzones and bad camera implementation, melees are forced into tunnel visions. Their damage and defense hardly matters most of the time and it requires, nearly every match, to be on your toes. Videos of Troopers/ Bounty Hunters with only 1 button on their hotbar and killing everyone in sight are all over youtube.


Guess what, like PvP, all high end PvE contents favor range classes. My Sentinel was promptly rejected from 3 raiding guilds on my server, I am melee, and apparently some bosses like "Fabricator" can be easy mode 1 button win with range classes.


I would like to inject some vulgar expletives now but Bioware, you are beneath even that.


And to add insult to injury, the recent 1.1.2 patch that supposedly buff Sentinel/ Marauder is actually a stealth nerf to dot crits. Seriously, I have no words for the amount of disgust I feel about giving my hard earned money to Bioware.

Edited by boxey
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The above three replies didn't understand the point. The game favors range classes, in PvP and PvE. Melees have no place in it.


I am talking about high end raiding which requires min maxing, situation awareness, problem solving, all that. If melees have no place in it because the bosses does some melee range aoe that kills all melees but leaves range class to kill it as if it's retarded, then it's a very wrong MMO.

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I am talking about high end raiding which requires min maxing, situation awareness, problem solving, all that. If melees have no place in it because the bosses does some melee range aoe that kills all melees but leaves range class to kill it as if it's retarded, then it's a very wrong MMO.


bit of a drama queen, eh ?


which boss exactly does that ?

Only one i can think of is the Rancor and here the solution is to NOT STAND IN FRONT OF HIM.

Im Playing a Powertech which requires me to be in melee range 90% of the time and I dont have any problems.


Maybe this is an L2P issue ?

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The above three replies didn't understand the point. The game favors range classes, in PvP and PvE. Melees have no place in it.


I am talking about high end raiding which requires min maxing, situation awareness, problem solving, all that. If melees have no place in it because the bosses does some melee range aoe that kills all melees but leaves range class to kill it as if it's retarded, then it's a very wrong MMO.


Yeh but its like that in just about every other MMO out there, melee has always been at a disadvantage. If you gave melee more DPS to compensate for fights with lots of movement, then they would be OP for fights with little movement. Then all anyone would want is RDPS.


Also the problem is not that AoEs are killing melees, its that melee has to move from those AoEs and its a DPS drop(ARGUABLY, because we have no logs to actually compare numbers). It takes more effort to perform on par as a melee DPS, so if you cant cut it then play an RDPS class. If youre good enough join some PUGs and youll eventually get a guild invite.


My advice still stands though, dont join guilds that are convinced they need to min/max that much. There is no content in this game that requires it.

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Guilds who refuse melee need to learn to play, infact if i was melee and they said that to me i would be glad im not in a selfish guild in the first place.


Melee in operations is workable, if your not the tank you just attack the boss from behind on most of them. If healers cant manage AoE melee range damage off bosses thats not melees fault. (Melee who aren't the main tank do need to do alot of work to avoid as much damage as possible though)


We currently try to do all operations with 3 melee and 3 ranged dps.

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All current raiding content is trivial to the point of irrelevance. While the game probably has quite poor class balance (we'll have a hard time proving anything untill the combat log is added) there is no fight in the game right now that isn't so easy that group composition is meaningless. Maybe you'd have some difficulty if you ran with zero healers, not sure, haven't tried that one yet.


In the event that you're trying to 4-man the 8 man content and actually have to worry about class composition, refer to this for melee classes:


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Would just like to point out that my guild got server 1sts on every boss in Nightmare without hitting enrage timers and were at 1 point in the running for a few world firsts. We use 2 sents. Melee is almost always harder for raiding but it performs great, same with PvP. Also, anyone giving up the Inspiration buff just to make it "easier" is an idiot.


Edit: any raiding guild not accepting melee at all is obviously not one you should want to join. It sounds more like they're full on Melee deeps.

Edited by nschlan
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im sorry but at what point of you being rejected by someone that does not work for bioware make it biowares fault?


you people are just looking for reasons to hate on bioware...


Bioware designed the classes and the boss fights. If boss fightsheavily favors some classes, it will tip the balance towards those classes and elitists will refuse melee.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Bioware designed the classes and the boss fights. If boss fightsheavily favors some classes, it will tip the balance towards those classes and elitists will refuse melee.


They don't heavily favor any DPS role. IF the OP was in fact rejected simply for being melee (which seems unlikely to me), it's about scrub guilds.

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Bioware designed the classes and the boss fights. If boss fightsheavily favors some classes, it will tip the balance towards those classes and elitists will refuse melee.


They don't heavily favor any DPS role. IF the OP was in fact rejected simply for being melee (which seems unlikely to me), it's about scrub guilds.

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The above three replies didn't understand the point. The game favors range classes, in PvP and PvE. Melees have no place in it.


I am talking about high end raiding which requires min maxing, situation awareness, problem solving, all that. If melees have no place in it because the bosses does some melee range aoe that kills all melees but leaves range class to kill it as if it's retarded, then it's a very wrong MMO.


Being a melee is frustrating and difficult in any game. However it is always( and I mean always) possible to overcome or circumvent any challenges the content presents by simply planning ahead. Large Melee Aoe incoming? Use a cooldown(they are on short cds after all) or simply run away and leap back in.


There are also mechanics in this game that affect ranged adversely, such as the relocation+damage aura on Karaaga, while Sents can just leap back in ranged have to reposistion and then start casting.


No one is immune from difficult mechanics, the important thing is to learn how they affect you and how to best overcome it. If the guild doesn't want melee DPS thats cool, they just lose out on your awesome inspiration/transcendence buffs and frequent 12% heals from zen. if they have too many thats a completely different story but melee DPS can perform on par with every other DPS in this game imo. In either case its not Bioware's fault, the fault rests with the guild(s) you applied to.

Edited by Neithian
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