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No Knockback Ability


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Greedy Sentinels.


You can have Force Push if i can use a Single Saber as a Sentinel.


Than i would immediately say goodbye to my Vigilance Guardian and play a Combat Sentinel :D


Oh and make Hilt Strike base.I love the animation and the sound of it.


And let me unlock the Force choke animation with Dark 5.


NOW i am happy.

Edited by Sabredance
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I think we should get the ability "force kill" where we target someone and hit the button and they die. It should be on 5 sec cooldown and cost no focus.


No but seriously we should have a PULL not a push. Just so that we can displace people. Cuz we cant do that atm.

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Actualy i need reduce resulute cd,2 min it's too long for PvP.and one thing that i hate from Knock Back is slow,why u knock me out,why need to slow me down:mad: when look at resolute :confused: bad luck still cding(fk 2 min cd) camo! it's the last choice for release me from slowed. Edited by oZineo
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Juggernauts and Guardians actually need that force push for displacement.

No force pull/grapple, or AoE knockback, no proper ranged threat management and very limited AoE.


The Force Push is very much needed to try and atleast try to tighten groups for tanking.

In addition, Tanking ACs are generally known for their utility.


As a DPS AC you've got plenty to cover for that, Significantly higher damage, Bloodthirst, Predation, large variety of defensive CDs and an awesome escape method.

Healing reduction effect, AoE incapacitate.


Operatives don't have any knockback either, as a Healer this is a pain, as melee DPS you're just complaining because you can.

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yea prefer that over knockback have better uses....



Knockback be counter productive on melee user.... while pull will have MORE uses...


I disagree.


Utility is generally not orientated about selfish desires.

Knockbacks are awesome for a variety of reasons. Getting people off your healers, knocking them off elevated platforms, being able to charge to re-apply your buff, etc

Overload as an Assassin is so useful to get groups bunched up if used correctly.


Ofcourse you can do alot with pulls aswell, but Knockbacks have alot of use aswell.

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Why is it that the Jedi Sentinel is the ONLY class to not have a knockback ability? We should at least have one. Every other class has one. Please, give us a knockback ability.



I hate when people like yourself QQ about not having an ability and the fact you think you should have one because everyone else does. First of all not everyone has a knock-back, second we dont need knock-backs. We have so much utility and DPS output right now that your just a greedy scrub for even complaining about it.


You don't need to have something just because everyone else has it. The fact you even bring it up makes me think you aren't using all of your ability's anyways, because if you were... you would realize we don't need one what so ever. You are one of those casual people that is clueless about the game, that bi*ches and moans until they get their way effectively ruining the game. World of Casual Craft being a perfect example.


That's just my opinion though... I just like this game and don't want to see it crushed like the others have been by catering to the baddys. Clearing most of the bosses in the first night of new content is meh. I'd prefer having to actually work for my gear, not have it handed to me because i cant manage to spam 2 buttons while moving out of aoe's



hell the single reason Sents/maras got buffed at all are bads. The class has been over-powered in the right hands since day 1. Imagine that across the game and boom, yet another game to fall to casual/baddy QQ.


/end rant

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I hate when people like yourself QQ about not having an ability and the fact you think you should have one because everyone else does. First of all not everyone has a knock-back, second we dont need knock-backs. We have so much utility and DPS output right now that your just a greedy scrub for even complaining about it.


You don't need to have something just because everyone else has it. The fact you even bring it up makes me think you aren't using all of your ability's anyways, because if you were... you would realize we don't need one what so ever. You are one of those casual people that is clueless about the game, that bi*ches and moans until they get their way effectively ruining the game. World of Casual Craft being a perfect example.


That's just my opinion though... I just like this game and don't want to see it crushed like the others have been by catering to the baddys. Clearing most of the bosses in the first night of new content is meh. I'd prefer having to actually work for my gear, not have it handed to me because i cant manage to spam 2 buttons while moving out of aoe's



hell the single reason Sents/maras got buffed at all are bads. The class has been over-powered in the right hands since day 1. Imagine that across the game and boom, yet another game to fall to casual/baddy QQ.


/end rant


Bio admitted to Sents/Mar having quality of life issues, and dps output is not any better then any other dps class...sage/sorc routinely out dps us in pvp.

How do you know that any of the posters are "baddies" and why should I believe you know what your doing simply because your qqing a perceived qqer? With out our defensive cds we would have our armor ripped off by BH or be stunlocked straight to the penalty box..Our dps is only on par with other dps classes..as intended by Bio..which is fine, but some offensive utility would be helpful in pvp situations..straight dps can be mitigated as melee can be stopped cold

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eh? im sorry what good would it do having a knockback for a sentinel? they are burst DPS, they need to be up close. theyre useless far away from their target. if you want to run away use force camo. your team in pvp should be looking out for you, stickin on barrier and healing you. if they arent doin that then you cant do much about it.

i know its annoying at first not havin a knockback but every class will try and knock you back anyway because they dont want you smackin them up. youd just be putting yourself at a disadvantage.

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Just because an effect is annoying does not mean that your class has a need for it. For example, I have a 50 Marauder and a 50 Mercenary. On my arsenal Merc, interrupts are annoying as hell, seeing as we're casting turrets. Does that mean that we should have one? No.


A knock-back would serve no practical purpose for a Sentinel/Marauder other than "everybody else is doing it so why can't we?" Which is a horrible way to justify a change like that.

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Just because an effect is annoying does not mean that your class has a need for it. For example, I have a 50 Marauder and a 50 Mercenary. On my arsenal Merc, interrupts are annoying as hell, seeing as we're casting turrets. Does that mean that we should have one? No.


A knock-back would serve no practical purpose for a Sentinel/Marauder other than "everybody else is doing it so why can't we?" Which is a horrible way to justify a change like that.


Haha, this is way too funny. You people that say knock have no use obviously do not PVP much. Or are very very bad at it (mostly reserved for tunnel vision players with no other PVP match awareness other then DPSing closest target).


No. 1 use for knock: save your healer from any other melee. Any good jug/guard knows this to be his top priority action in WZ's.


No. 2: push ball carrier of the path in hutball or away from the finish line to buy yourself and others time to finish him of.


No. 3: push = another interrupt + can knock out sniper out of cover for a leap after - priceless


No. 4: push players into death (in fires, acid, off clifs, whatever...) = awesome fun


No. 5: save whole group from getting smashed by force speced JK/mara, as their move is predictable enough for anyone that actually follow the game. This takes off much of the hard work from healers.


And those are just important ones. There are so many uses to push players can think of. Not to mention that jedi without force push is simply not iconic enough.


Saying there is no use for such skill on any class kind of says a lot to rest of us, but I hope I managed at least to make you think about it for a while. Not because I want you to admit I am right, but because you (or players alike) will end up in my pug WZ and think how push is only used as tool to buy time for 1 more grav round, as opposed of being key player to victory...

Edited by Cygann
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fatal flaw when you got 4-6 peeps banging on you, MEDIUM armor isn't heavy, we're dps based. A knockback would be greatly recommended for this class, to keep mobs off some. For the record what force sensitive doesn't know force push/shove?


Fatal flaw if you think Marauder mitigation is worse than Heavy Armor.


With Rebuke uptime close to ~70% in fights, Marauders have the best melee mitigation in game. And that DR affects all damage, not just Kinetic and Physical.

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  • 9 months later...
You get force camo. L2p and stop bytching.


seriously force camo which lasts 4 seconds. is that your opinion use a rediculusly underpowered skill. go grab a brain then come back. im not asking for a pushback or knockback. but the ammount of knockbacks there are in thsi game is stupid silly. i am playing sith marauder and it feels more like a punching bag then a jedi counterpart.

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seriously force camo which lasts 4 seconds. is that your opinion use a rediculusly underpowered skill. go grab a brain then come back. im not asking for a pushback or knockback. but the ammount of knockbacks there are in thsi game is stupid silly. i am playing sith marauder and it feels more like a punching bag then a jedi counterpart.

First off, Force Camo has been nerfed since this comment. Second, even with all the knockbacks happening, Sentinels/Marauders are still amongst the highest in dps for everything. Third, most of us have learned to play this class so that knockbacks are a minor issue at best. Finally, this is an old post, no one truly cares anymore.

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I regret that we have no knockback because I need to log alts to push mobs of the high ledges. ;)


I feel that KB would be too much for my main and favorite class in the game - we have so many other unique utilities.


Still, I'd love to kick those NPCs and watch them fly. :)

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seriously force camo which lasts 4 seconds. is that your opinion use a rediculusly underpowered skill. go grab a brain then come back. im not asking for a pushback or knockback. but the ammount of knockbacks there are in thsi game is stupid silly. i am playing sith marauder and it feels more like a punching bag then a jedi counterpart.


I'm a Sentinel and force camouflage is one of our best cooldowns especially in combat spec. It's actually better than any knockback will ever be. I can't count the times when I escaped 3 people at the time and came back to one of them to finish them off while they are busy with someone else on my team. It gives us a fighting chance against snipers/slingers too.

Also it's fun to use it against bad pugs at the start of NC to cap the south bunker without them noticing. You would be surprised how many times it works.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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seriously force camo which lasts 4 seconds. is that your opinion use a rediculusly underpowered skill. go grab a brain then come back. im not asking for a pushback or knockback. but the ammount of knockbacks there are in thsi game is stupid silly. i am playing sith marauder and it feels more like a punching bag then a jedi counterpart.


Why on earth did you resurrect this thread, it's been dead for 10 months and obviously outdated. Well, at least it gave me a good laugh looking at the 1st page:


Ok. Corrected for you : Why Jedi-Knight is only one class that is there for playing like a ball when all other classes are allowed to play with this ball?

In this stupid designed game distance ganing skill doesnt even count like CC skills.

So basically Knight sucks (even more then Sith-Warrior).


What i can say - everyone who choosed melee-warrior toon will leave this game withing half-year if not already done it.



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seriously force camo which lasts 4 seconds. is that your opinion use a rediculusly underpowered skill. go grab a brain then come back. im not asking for a pushback or knockback. but the ammount of knockbacks there are in thsi game is stupid silly. i am playing sith marauder and it feels more like a punching bag then a jedi counterpart.


Force Camouflage, ridiculously underpowered? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that. :jawa_confused:


You have actually used the power right?

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im saddened by these posts, first of all, gbtf useless? force camo useless? saberward? i mean come on guys, we are not ment to win every fight....but, we do win most. the issue here i think is in fotm focus you dont get the watchman abilitys. stop being fotm roll watchman once and while and youll see these abilitys shine. as for knockback? the guy who said use force camo to close gap first is 1000000 percent right. best way to beat snipers, pt, or any ranged, when they knock you back, then pop ward.... not b4.

ward gives you that time to wait thru the stun . then leap... and being knocked off bridge? *** use the other one! not one with 3 sorcs and 2 jugs on it lol. while once in while i do get knocked off it it isent alot at all. not to be a problem. most pvpers these days give up way to much utility in pvp for that so called fotm spec. try one were you get cd of kick, extended camo, or burns that snare, and heal, once agian, watchman is completley underrated by you fotm smush munkeys with your dumb damage up front...notice the differance one smash munkey makes in grp? as opposed to watchman healing grp? one watchman = alot better then one smash junkey.sorry but it true even in pvp....


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